It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On May 31, 2002 No. 3487
of May 6, 2002 No. 33
About approval of Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, stationary and portable gas stations
The Ministry of Labour and social development of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, stationary and portable gas stations.
2. Enact the Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, stationary and portable gas stations approved by this resolution since September 1, 2002.
3. To department of conditions and labor protections of the Ministry of Labour and social development of the Russian Federation to organize the edition and distribution of Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, stationary and portable gas stations.
Minister of labor and social development of the Russian Federation
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2002 No. 33
1.1. Scope and distribution of Rules
1.1.1. Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, warehouses of fuels and lubricants, stationary and portable gas stations (further - Rules) establish the requirements for labor protection obligatory for execution in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, warehouses of the fuels and lubricants (FL), stationary gas stations and portable gas stations (PAZS), their buildings, constructions, the capital and service equipment.
1.1.2. Rules extend to workers and employers of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, stationary, portable, container and small-sized gas stations irrespective of legal forms and patterns of ownership. These rules do not establish new requirements in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. On the specified objects it is necessary to be guided by the corresponding regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure.
1.1.3. In case of performance of works, not provided by these rules (earth, construction, handling, transportations and cargo transfers, works with the ionizing and electromagnetic radiations, etc.), it is necessary to be guided by the corresponding regulations.
1.2. The dangerous and harmful production factors operating on workers
1.2.1. Petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS - the difficult multipurpose systems with subjects to various production appointment providing storage, acceptance and leave of oil products many of which are toxic, have the low temperature of evaporation, are capable to be electrified, pozharovzryvoopasna. With respect thereto workers of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS can be subject to impact of various physical and chemical dangerous and harmful production factors.
1.2.2. Major physical dangerous and harmful production factors:
moving machines and mechanisms, mobile parts of production equipment;
the increased or lowered temperature of surfaces of the equipment, oil products;
the increased or lowered air temperature of the working area;
the increased noise level on workplace;
the increased vibration level;
the increased or lowered humidity of air;
the increased or lowered mobility of air;
the increased value of tension in electric chain which short circuit can happen through body of the person;
electromagnetic fields; radiations in the field of low and ultralow frequencies;
the increased level of static electricity;
insufficient illumination of the working area;
workplace arrangement at the considerable height (depth) concerning the Earth's surface.
1.2.3. The major dangerous and harmful chemical factor is toxicity of many oil products and their vapors, especially ethylated gasolines.
1.3. The allowed levels of dangerous and harmful production factors
1.3.1. The moving machines, mechanisms and mobile parts of production equipment which are dangerous production factors shall conform to requirements of the operating state standards.
1.3.2. Sanitary and hygienic requirements to indicators of microclimate of the working area of production rooms and the open areas shall conform to requirements of the operating state standards.
1.4. The safety requirements imposed to the organization of production processes
1.4.1. The safety requirements imposed to the organization of production processes shall conform to requirements of these rules, the operating state standards and other regulatory legal acts.
1.4.2. Safety of production processes on petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS is reached by preventive measures for the prevention of dangerous emergency and shall be provided:
application of engineering procedures of acceptance, storage, leave and accounting of oil products according to the existing rules and instructions;
application of the production equipment meeting requirements of the regulating documentation and not being source of injury rate and occupational diseases;
arrangement of the territory of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station;
use of reliably operating and regularly calibrated instrumentations, devices of antiemergency protection, means of obtaining, conversion and information transfer;
use of the high-speed hermetic locking and regulating fittings and means of localization of dangerous and harmful production factors;
rational placement of production equipment and organization of workplaces;
professional selection, training of workers, check of their knowledge and skills of labor safety;
application of means of individual and collective protection of workers;
implementation of technical and organizational measures for prevention of explosion and fire-proof protection.
1.4.3. Works in places where there is available or can be the increased production danger, shall be performed according to the work permit for works of the increased danger. The list of such works, and also lists of positions of the specialists having the right to issue the work permit and to direct these works, affirm the employer or person it the representative.
1.4.4. For explosive engineering procedures of acceptance, storage and leave of oil products the automatic systems of antiemergency protection preventing formation of the explosive environment and other emergencies in case of variation from the maximum permissible parameters provided by regulations in all operating modes and the providing safe stop or transfer of process to safe condition shall be provided.
1.5. Requirements for protection of the surrounding environment
1.5.1. Operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS shall not lead to environmental pollution (air, reservoirs and the soil) hazardous substances above admissible regulations.
1.5.2. Vapors of oil products, and also combustion gases of boiler rooms belong to number of the main pollutants released into the atmosphere.
1.5.3. For prevention of pollution of reservoirs and the soil hazardous substances production and rain sewage of petroleum storage depots without fail shall be purified. Necessary extent of cleaning shall be proved taking into account the place of dumping of sewage and the established standard rate of the maximum-permissible dumping (MPD) of pollutant.
1.5.4. For reduction of environmental pollution it is necessary to perform actions for reducing losses of oil products from evaporation, floods, to decrease in emissions of pollutants with sewage and combustion gases and to improvement of quality of their cleaning.
1.6. Requirements pozharo-and explosion safety
1.6.1. Oil products pozharo-are also explosive. Under the wrong organization of engineering procedure or non-compliance with certain requirements there are fires with explosions which lead to accidents, thermal burns and injuring of workers.
1.6.2. Requirements of fire safety in case of operation of petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS shall conform to requirements, the shown fire safety regulations in the Russian Federation and fire safety regulations in case of operation of the organizations of oil product supply.
1.6.3. Explosion safety of production processes on petroleum storage depots, fuels and lubricants warehouses, gas station and PAZS shall be provided with the prevention of emergence of explosive situation, and also explosion-proof, organizational and technical actions.
1.6.4. Execution of electric equipment and the automation equipment placed in explosive zones shall correspond to classification of rooms and external installations by the fire and explosion and fire risk provided by regulations for electrical installation and fire safety regulations in case of operation of the organizations of oil product supply.
The electric control and measuring and automatic devices established in explosive rooms and on external installations shall conform to the established requirements.
2.1. Requirements to the territory of the petroleum storage depot, fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station
2.1.1. The territory of the petroleum storage depot, fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station shall be planned, have highways, fire drives and departures on public roads.
2.1.2. Roads in the territory of the petroleum storage depot, the fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station, shall have asphalt, gravel or concrete covering.
2.1.3. For ensuring safe journey all roads and drives should be kept in working order, to repair timely, in winter time to clear of snow, in night-time to light.
2.1.4. For pedestrian movement the asphalted sidewalks shall be arranged with width m 0,75 suffices.
2.1.5. For the purpose of safety of pedestrians upon transition of railway lines in places of their crossing with roads it is necessary to arrange continuous floorings level with heads of rails, and also protective barriers, to establish the alarm system for the danger warning.
2.1.6. Surface pipelines in places of crossing of highways and transitions shall be suspended on support by height of at least 4,25 of m over highways and moving, and at least 2,2 mnad transitions.
2.1.7. The territory of the petroleum storage depot, fuels and lubricants warehouse shall be protected with fencing from nonflammable materials at least 2 m high. The fencing shall defend from buildings and constructions (except administrative) on 5 m at least.
2.1.8. Placement of buildings, constructions and the equipment in the territory of the petroleum storage depot, the fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station shall conform to requirements of the operating construction regulations and rules.
2.1.9. The territories of the petroleum storage depot, the fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station need to be kept clean and procedure. The contamination of the territories and accumulation of garbage on them is not allowed.
The grass in the reservoir park shall be slanted and taken out to summertime from the territories in the raw.
2.1.10. In the territories of the petroleum storage depot, fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station, PAZS use of naked flame is forbidden.
2.1.11. Smoking in the territories of the petroleum storage depot, fuels and lubricants warehouse, gas station, PAZS is forbidden and it can be authorized only in the specially allotted and equipped places designated by text "Smoking area".
2.1.12. In all places constituting danger the warning safety signs according to the operating state standards shall be established.
2.2. Requirements to the equipment
2.2.1. In case of operation of the equipment it is necessary to consider admissible service life (resource) of the capital equipment and estimated useful life of pipelines and armature which shall be reflected in the project documentation and technical data sheet.
Operation of the equipment, mechanisms, the tool in non-operational condition or in case of defective safety controls (the blocking, fixing and alarm devices and devices), and also in case of loadings and pressure above passport is forbidden.
Conclusion from operation of the equipment, the tool and instrumentations shall be carried out on physical wear of their details.
Repairs of the equipment shall be made only after its shutdown, dumping of pressure, stop of the moving parts and taking measures preventing their accidental reduction in movement. On the starting arrangement the poster is surely hung out: "Not include - people work".
2.2.2. Commisioning of again mounted or upgraded equipment is performed after check of compliance to its project and requirements of rules of technical operation.
Commisioning of the equipment after capital repairs (without upgrade and change of placement) is performed with participation of the corresponding specialists.
2.2.3. In case of detection in the course of engineering certification, installation or operation of discrepancy of the equipment to requirements of rules of technical operation, it shall not be allowed to operation.
Change can be made to design of the equipment only in coordination with the organization - designer of this equipment.
2.2.4. Technological systems of acceptance, storage and leave of oil products (separate elements of systems) shall be equipped with the necessary control facilities, protection and blocking ensuring their safe functioning.
2.2.5. In case of start-up or stop of the equipment (devices, sites of pipelines, etc.) measures for prevention of education shall be provided in technological system of explosive mixes.
2.2.6. Use of the equipment which is not corresponding on category of execution to climatic conditions is not allowed.
2.2.7. Nodes, details, devices and elements of the equipment which can be source to danger to workers and also the surfaces of protective and protection devices shall be painted in protective colors.
2.2.8. On metal parts of the equipment which can appear energized visible elements for connection of protective grounding or zeroing shall be structurally provided. Near these elements the Grounding symbol is represented.
2.2.9. Moving parts of machines and mechanisms, radiation sources, etc. which can serve as the reason of injuring of workers or harmful effects on them are protected or shielded. Barriers and screens shall be blocked with the starting arrangement of the equipment.
2.2.10. The barriers established at distance more than 35 cm from moving parts of mechanisms can be carried out in the form of handrail. If the barrier is established at distance less than 35 cm from moving parts of mechanisms, then it is done continuous or mesh in metal frame (framework).
2.2.11. Height of perilny barrier is determined by the sizes of moving parts of mechanisms. Height of barrier shall be at least 1, m. Height of the lower belt of barrier shall equal 15 cm, intervals between axes of adjacent racks - no more 2,5 of m. Height of mesh barrier shall be at least 1,8 of m. Mechanisms protect with height of less 1,8 of m completely. The size of cells of grids shall be no more than 30 x 30 mm.
2.2.12. Height of perilny barriers for driving belts shall be at least 1,5 of m. From outer side of both pulleys on case of gap of belt metal front boards are established.
Tooth and chain gearings are protected with continuous metal boards (casings) having removable parts and devices for convenient assembly and dismantling.
The acting details of moving parts of machines and machines (including splines of shaft and the rotating connections) shall be closed by casings on all circle of rotation.
2.2.13. Open doors of barriers or remove barriers follows after complete stop of the equipment or the mechanism. Launch of the equipment or mechanism is allowed only after installation into place and reliable fixing of all removable parts of barrier.
2.2.14. Winches, cranes and other heavy lift gears shall have limiters of the allowed load-carrying capacity, and also the reliable brake mechanisms and clamps which are not allowing spontaneous movement of freight and the mechanism.
2.2.15. On fasteners and elements of connection of machines and the equipment the devices (lock-nuts, forelocks, wedges, etc.) preventing spontaneous breaking-out and rassoyedineniye in operating time shall be provided.
2.2.16. The equipment shall be installed on the strong base (basis) ensuring its normal functioning.
2.2.17. The equipment which servicing requires raising of the worker on height to m 0,75 is equipped with steps, and m 0,75 - ladders with handrail is one height higher.
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The document ceased to be valid since May 4, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 No. 873n