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of July 30, 2002 No. ZR-402

About Customs Service

(as amended on 25-03-2024)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on July 3, 2002

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

This Law regulates features of Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia as separate type of public service.

Article 2. Legislation on Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia

1. The legislation on Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia consists of this Law, the Law "About Civil Service", the Law "About Public Service", legal acts governing the customs relations and other legal acts regulating questions of Customs Service.

2. The questions concerning employment relationships of customs employees which are not adjusted by this Law are regulated by the laws "About Civil Service" and "About Public Service".

3. If these relations are not governed by the legal acts established by part 2 of this Article, they are regulated by the labor law of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 3. Concept of Customs Service

1. The Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia is single centralized system of customs authorities of the Republic of Armenia.

2. No. ZR-169 voided according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia of 27.06.2022

Article 3.1. Customs employee

1. The customs employee is citizen of the Republic of Armenia who holds position of Customs Service in the procedure established by this law and performs the professional activity assigned to this position or is registered in personnel reserve of Customs Service and is paid from the government budget of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 4. Tasks of Customs Service

Tasks of Customs Service are implementation of customs policy of the Republic of Armenia, the effective organization of customs affairs and activities of customs authorities, and also ensuring implementation by customs employees of the Republic of Armenia of the rights and obligations.

Article 5. Coverage of this Law

1. Operation of this Law extends to the positions of Customs Service provided by the nomenclature of positions of Customs Service.

Article 6. Organization of Customs Service

1. The Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia is headed by the head of the state authorized body (further - committee).

2. The Customs Service is based on the principle of hierarchical taxonomy.

3. Customs employees when implementing the powers are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, act openly, providing fulfillment of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia on observance of the state, trade and other secret protected by the law.

4. The Customs Service is organized by the principle of rotation. Customs employees of divisions of customs authorities or customs authority are transferred from one body of Customs Service to another or from one division of Customs Service in other division according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

Chapter 2. Positions of Customs Service and position assignment

Article 7. Positions of Customs Service

1. Positions of Customs Service are classified by groups, proceeding from requirements imposed from the point of view of labor organization and responsibility for management of persons holding these positions, powers on decision making, influence of activities, contacts and representations, difficulties of tasks and their decision, and also professional knowledge and ownership of competences.

2. Positions of Customs Service are classified by the following groups:

1) the highest positions of Customs Service;

2) main positions of Customs Service;

3) leading positions of Customs Service;

4) younger positions of Customs Service.

3. Classification of positions in groups of positions of Customs Service is performed according to the nomenclature of positions of Customs Service. The nomenclature affirms and changes the head of customs authority and is kept according to the procedure, established by the Law "About Civil Service".

4. Positions of the head of customs authority and its deputies are the state managerial positions which are not included into the nomenclature of positions of Customs Service.

5. Persons holding the positions provided by the nomenclature of positions of Customs Service are considered as customs employees.

6. The rights, the obligations and social guarantees provided for the customs employee by this Law extend to the head of customs authority and its deputies, and other regulations established by this Law extend to heads of customs authority and its deputies only in the cases directly provided by this Law.

Article 8. Conditions of position assignment in Customs Service

1. The citizens of the Republic of Armenia of 18 years meeting requirements of the passport of this position, knowing Armenian with the higher education which have the right to hold position in Customs Service:

1) successfully ended course of training of the customs employee, provided by this Chapter, received the certificate from training center of customs authority and were included in the candidate list in customs employees or

2) are customs employees and underwent the necessary retraining provided by this Chapter.

2. The passport of position (the description of workplace) of Customs Service is the document describing functions, the rights and obligations of the customs employee following from the legal acts and tasks establishing competence of Customs Service, contacts and accountability and providing the professional knowledge and competences necessary for effective implementation of these functions, providing arrangement in management system and approved by the head of committee in the procedure established by this Law.

3. In case of emergence vacant the highest, main, leading and younger positions of Customs Service these positions are engaged from among persons entering the candidate list in customs employees or the customs employees who underwent retraining by interview, and also in the case provided by part 4 of this Article.

3.1. In case of vacant positions of Customs Service before holding the posts according to the procedure, established by part 3 of this Article, taking into account requirements, stipulated in Clause 12 both part 1 of article 49 of this law, and the bases, stipulated in Article the 14th law "About Public Service", these positions can be held by the conclusion of the terminal employment contract with the person which is in personnel reserve of Customs Service, meeting the requirements of the passport of this position.".

3.2. In case of vacant position of Customs Service the official, competent to appoint to position before holding the posts according to the procedure, established by part 3 of this Article, can appoint to this position of the customs employee holding position according to the terminal employment contract from personnel reserve of Customs Service according to the procedure, established by part 3.1 of this Article which was registered in personnel reserve of Customs Service, having dismissed Customs Service.

3.3. The cases of occupation of temporary vacant positions of Customs Service during the certain period of time and the relation connected with occupation of these positions are regulated by the law "About Civil Service".


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