Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 3, 2005 No. 1144

About approval of the System concept of risk management in Customs Service

(as amended on 17-04-2018)

For the purpose of enhancement of the procedures of customs clearance aimed at providing favorable conditions on acceleration of movement of goods and persons through customs border of the Republic of Moldova, reducing time necessary for customs clearance, and increase in efficiency of customs control the Government DECIDES:

1. Approve risk management System concept in Customs Service it (is applied).

2. In pursuance of provisions of this resolution to provide to the bodies of public management accumulating, managing and processing information in the field access to information resources in real time or to represent constantly and quickly Customs Service information of the following content:

The Ministry of Internal Affairs - about drug trafficking, stealings of cars, thefts of weapon, ammunition and other criminal activities, economic crimes, the economic agents who committed offenses or crimes;

The Ministry of Defence - about distribution of weapon and movement through frontier of the military personnel;

Paragraph fourth ceased to be valid;

The Ministry of Health - about the medical supplies permitted for import, dangerous goods, the database about epidemiological situation in the countries of the world, counterfeited goods, etc.;

The Ministry of Economics - about application of anti-dumping measures, quoting (contingents) based on free-trade agreements which party is the Republic of Moldova, studying of growth (recession) of import (export) of some types of goods based on the analysis of trade exchange between the Republic of Moldova and other countries, sales prices of goods in the domestic market, about dual-use goods and strategic goods;

The Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry - about the veterinary and phytosanitary certificates issued for import (export) of goods, lists of economic agents to which it is refused issue of the specified certificates, issue of import permits of landing material, seeds and animals for reproduction;

The Ministry of Culture - about the illegal address and crimes which object are cultural movable values, about the database rather stolen movable cultural values, about import permits (import) of movable cultural values;

The national center for fight against corruption - about money laundering offenses, about officials concerning whom the final sentence was pronounced or criminal case on a charge of corruption is opened;

National institute of standardization - about importers and producers of other countries which goods were determined as dangerous in the course of market control, about identification of dangerous goods in the foreign markets which can be delivered to the country; about importers and producers of other countries to whom it was refused certification in the Republic of Moldova of goods which are considered dangerous, and also concerning the operating technical provisions and national standards with which compliance is confirmed by the certificate of conformity or the declaration of compliance;

Service of information and safety - concerning arms trafficking, ammunition, military equipment, the explosive, radioactive, poisoning, narcotic, toxic and other substances;

Boundary police - about crossing of frontier by individuals and vehicles;

Paragraph thirteenth ceased to be valid;

The Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry - about issue of certificates and application of quoting for import of alcoholic products and the contracts for use of the trademarks which are state-owned property, signed or terminated with economic agents;

National regulation agency in power - about issue, suspension and revocation of licenses for import of the electric power, natural gas and oil products;

The state agency on intellectual property - about the registered intellectual property items, and also about violations of copyright and related rights.

The railroad of Moldova – about the passengers arriving or decreasing in/from the Republic of Moldova and information on the goods intended for import to the Republic of Moldova;

the post companies - about physical persons – receivers of mailings;

The state registration chamber – about the legal entities who are in insolvency conditions and information on the changes made to statutory documents and to the data registered in the State register of legal entities;

Paragraph twentieth ceased to be valid;

The agency of the state services - about physical persons, vehicles, registered enterprises and the organizations, about the issued, renewed, suspended, renewed and revoked import licenses (export) of goods; about the legal entities who are in condition of financial insolvency and about the changes made to constituent acts and to the data registered in the State register of legal units; information from the inventory of real estate on real estate units and the rights registered on them.

3. To Customs Service together with the bodies of public management specified in Item 2 of this resolution to determine method and conditions of submission of information.

4. To Customs Service to bring the regulations into strict compliance with provisions of this resolution.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on Customs Service.

Prime Minister

Vasile Tarlev


Minister of Internal Affairs


George Papuk

Minister of Defence

Valeriu Pleshka

Minister of Health and Social Affairs

Valerian Revenko

Minister of Economy and Trade

Valeriu Lazer

Minister of Agriculture and food industry

Anatoliye Gorodenko

Minister of Culture and Tourism

Artur Kozma

minister of information development

Vladimir Molozhen

Approved by the Order of the Government No. 1144 of November 3, 2005

Risk management system concept in Customs Service

1. General provisions

The Customs Service plays important role in regulation of foreign trade of the country. The main objective of Customs Service is ensuring compliance with measures of customs and tariff and non-tariff regulation, and also creation of the conditions promoting acceleration of goods turnover through customs border.


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