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of September 17, 1996 No. 1147

About approval of the list of types of activity that treat nature protection actions

(as amended on 09-08-2024)

According to article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "About protection of the surrounding environment" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve the list of types of activity which belong to nature protection actions it (is applied).

Prime Minister of Ukraine

 P. Lazarenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 17, 1996, No. 1147

The list of types of activity which belong to nature protection actions

Protection and rational use of water resources

1. Construction in settlements, on new buildings and expansion and reconstruction on operating plants:

necessary constructions for sewage treatment which are formed in the industry, municipal services, other industries of the national economy;

the pilot and trial plants connected with development of methods of sewage treatment;

inshore facilities for acceptance and cleaning from watercrafts of economic and household sewage (including ballast and storm) and garbage for utilization, warehousing and cleaning;

systems of the separate sewerage, sewer networks and constructions on them;

water supply systems with the closed cycles with return for requirements of technical water supply of sewage after their corresponding cleaning and processing (including turnover systems of hydraulic ash removal and hydroremoval of different slimes);

turnover systems of production water supply, and also systems consecutive and reuse of water, including water which arrives from other companies;

constructions for collection, cleaning and use of waters of superficial outflow in water supply systems;

water supply systems in places of formation of depressive watering cans.

2. Acquisition of pumping and processing equipment for replacement using the technical capabilities on utility sewer systems, installations for cleaning of water objects and installations, the equipment and the technical fleet for collection of oil, garbage and other liquid, solid waste from courts.

3. Creation of the water protection zones with complex of the agrotechnical, forest melioration, hydrotechnical, sanitary and other actions directed to prevention of pollution, contamination and depletion of water resources, and also carrying out of objects of pollution from coastal strips.

4. Construction, expansion and reconstruction of river-bed aeration stations.

5. Construction and reconstruction of the disseminating releases of the purified sewage and holding actions for prevention of thermal pollution of reservoirs.

6. Liquidating тампонаж or transfer into regulated operating mode of self-spray artesian wells.

7. Actions for protection of underground waters and liquidation of sources of their pollution.

8. Reconstruction or liquidation of the filtering stores of sewage for the purpose of prevention or the termination of pollution of underground and surface water.

8-1. Reconstruction of hydraulic engineering constructions.

9. The works connected with improvement of technical condition and improvement of reservoirs.

10. Maintaining the water inventory.

11. Certification of the small rivers and reservoirs.

12. Actions for recovery and support of the favorable hydrological mode and sanitary condition of the rivers, and also actions for fight against harmful effect of waters (biological melioration of water objects, removal of the water protection zones in nature, streamlining of sources, cleaning of beds of trees which got to them owing to passing of spring floods, construction of antiflood water storage basins and dams and so forth).

13. Inspection and certification of ponds settlers of mine waters, sludge collectors and tailings dams, hydraulic engineering constructions.

14. Actions of purification of waste skidny and drainage waters from meliorative systems (including skidny waters from rice fields) and improvements of their quality (heat-sink reservoirs, settlers, constructions and devices for aeration of waters, biological channels, screens for retardation of pesticides and others).

15. Development of techniques, technologies, installations, the equipment, devices of control, work on cleaning of the water resources contaminated by pesticides and agrochemicals and their disinfecting.

16. Construction of installations for cleaning and improvement of quality of water for irrigation of crops.

17. Development, production and acquisition of systems, devices, equipment of special transport for control of quantity and quality superficial, underground and sewage and dumpings of hazardous substances into water resources.

17-1. Works on filling with water of water storage basins and other water objects of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

17-2. Carrying out water exchange of the Krasnopavlovsky water storage basin.

Protection of atmospheric air

18. Production organization, establishment and reconstruction of the equipment for cleaning of gas-and-dust flow of pollutants of chemical and biological origin which are thrown out atmospheric air, and decrease in level of influence of physical and biological factors on atmospheric air;

development of technology, production organization and use of materials, use of methods and implementation of technologies which provide prevention of origin, decrease in level of influence or elimination of factors of pollution of atmospheric air.

19. Construction of pilot and trial plants for development of methods of purification of gases which are taken away from sources of harmful emissions in the atmosphere.

20. Development and production of systems and devices of control and equipping of stationary sources of emissions of hazardous substances by them in the atmosphere and Items of control and observation of pollution of atmospheric air.

21. Construction and equipment of control and adjusting Items for check and decrease in toxicity of exhaust gases of vehicles.

22. Development, production organization of devices for purification of exhaust gases of engines and equipment of vehicles by them.

23. Work on inventory count of sources of pollution of the surrounding environment.

Protection and rational use of lands

24. Implementation of soil-protective system of agriculture with the planimetric and meliorative organization of the territory.

25. Construction, expansion and reconstruction of erosion-preventive, hydraulic engineering, antikarst, shore-fixing, against landslide, antilandslide, antiavalanche and antimudstone constructions, and also holding actions for protection against flooding and the flooding directed to prevention of development of dangerous geological processes, elimination or decrease to the admissible level of their negative impact on the territories and objects. Holding actions for chemical melioration of soils.

26. Implementation of measures for streamlining of arable lands by removal from their structure of the water protection zones erosive and dangerous and other grounds, not suitable for plowing.

27. Land reclamation and use of fertile layer of earth during work, the lands connected with violation.


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