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of August 8, 2008 No. 34

About approval of Rules on labor protection during the works on radio communication objects



Ministry of Labour

and social protection

Republic of Belarus




health cares

Republic of Belarus


Based on the Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2004 No. 302 "About approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus and modification of some orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus" the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules on labor protection during the works on radio communication objects.

2. This resolution becomes effective in 30 days after its official publication.


Minister N. P. Panteley

Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of August 8, 2008 No. 34

Rules on labor protection during the works on radio communication objects

Section I. General requirements

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Rules on labor protection during the works on radio communication objects (further - Rules) establish normative requirements of labor protection in case of operation of processing equipment of the radio communication objects (radio television transmitting stations, radio relay stations, Items of allocation of the programs, terrestrial stations of satellite communication, repeaters and other objects intended for the radiation of electromagnetic energy in surrounding space) operating, reconstructed, expanded and technically reweaponed, again constructed.

2. The requirements of labor protection containing in these rules extend to the workers and employers operating (serving) equipment radio communication objects irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership.

3. The following dangerous and harmful production factors are characteristic of production processes on objects of radio communication:

the increased tension in electric chain which short circuit can pass through body of the person;

the increased or lowered mobility of air;

the increased or lowered air temperature of the working area;

the lowered or increased humidity of air;

the increased electric field strength;

the increased level of static electricity;

the increased level of electromagnetic radiations;

the increased intensity of the electromagnetic field;

the increased noise level on workplace;

absence or lack of natural light;

insufficient illumination of the working area;

sharp edges, agnails and roughness on the surface of procurements, tools and the equipment;

workplace arrangement at considerable height concerning floor surface.

Chapter 2. Organization of work on labor protection

4. The organization of works on labor protection on objects of radio communication shall be performed according to TKP 003-2005 (02140) "The organization of works on labor protection in industry "Communication", the approved order of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of August 31, 2005 No. 229, and the Standard regulations on security service of work of the organization approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of May 24, 2002 No. 82 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 89, 8/8286).

5. The organization of work on labor protection and responsibility for condition of this work, compliance with the law about work and labor protection, regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts on labor protection and production sanitation are assigned to the head of the organization.

6. Works on labor protection on objects of radio communication shall be carried out according to requirements of these rules, requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical operation of electroinstallations and safe engineering in case of operation of the electroinstallations, Cross-industry general rules on labor protection approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of June 3, 2003 No. 70 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2003, No. 87, 8/9818), the Industrial safety rules during the work at height approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus of April 28, 2001 No. 52 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 58, 8/6199), Cross-industry rules on labor protection in case of operation of elevators, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of June 25, 2004 No. 78 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 121, 8/11265), Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of the hoisting cranes approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of December 3, 2004 No. 45 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 6, 8/11889).

7. For the purpose of prevention of industrial traumatism and occupational diseases, improvements of conditions and labor protection of workers are developed actions plans on labor protection according to the Regulations on planning and development of actions for labor protection approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus of October 23, 2000 No. 136 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 113, 8/4357).

8. On the basis of these rules, other regulatory legal acts, the technical regulatory legal acts containing requirements of labor protection for the workers serving radio communication objects instructions for labor protection taking into account specific conditions of production and engineering procedures shall be developed.

9. Instructions for labor protection are developed according to the Procedure for development, coordination and approval of instructions for labor protection approved by the resolution of the State committee of the Republic of Belarus on work and social protection of the population of July 14, 1994 No. 82 (The bulletin of normative legal information, 1994, No. 10).

10. Training, instructing and examination of employees of the organization for labor protection are performed according to TKP 004-2005 (02140) "The organization of training, instructing and examination of employees of the organizations of communication for labor protection", the approved order of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 265.

11. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers are performed according to requirements of the Procedure for the performing obligatory medical examinations of workers approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of August 8, 2000 No. 33 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 87, 8/3914).

12. Compulsory insurance of workers from labor accidents and occupational diseases is performed according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 25, 2006 No. 530 "About insurance activity" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 143, 1/7866).

13. Control of compliance with law about labor protection in the organization is exercised according to the Standard instruction about monitoring procedure behind compliance with law about labor protection in the organization approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of December 26, 2003 No. 159 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 7, 8/10400).

14. Investigation and accounting of labor accidents, the occupational diseases which happened to the workers serving radio communication objects are made according to requirements of Rules investigations and accounting of the labor accidents and occupational diseases approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 15, 2004 No. 30 "About investigation and accounting of labor accidents and occupational diseases" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 8, 5/13691), and resolutions of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of January 27, 2004 No. 5/3 "About approval of the document forms necessary for investigation and accounting of labor accidents and occupational diseases" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 24, 8/10530).

15. The workers who found violation of requirements of these rules, and also the situations creating health hazard and lives of people shall report immediately about it to the direct or higher head.

16. Are not allowed to work of person:

in alcohol intoxication or in the condition caused by consumption of drugs, psychotropic, toxic substances or connected with disease, interfering performance of work;

the medical examination which did not have in accordance with the established procedure, training, instructing, training and examination concerning labor protection;

the necessary individual protection equipment which is not using in case of performance of works.

17. Responsibility for timely providing workers with means of collective protection and individual protection equipment according to regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts is conferred on the head of the organization.

18. The persons which allowed violations of requirements of the rules and regulations of labor protection provided by collective agreements and agreements, employment contracts (contracts), or interfering activities of representatives of state supervision bodies and control of compliance with law about work and labor protection and also bodies of public and departmental control, bear responsibility according to the current legislation.

19. The heads of the organizations and officials who allowed violations of the law about work and labor protection are brought to administrative, disciplinary or criminal responsibility according to the procedure, established by the current legislation.

20. For violation of requirements of rules and regulations of labor protection employees of the organizations are attracted to administrative, disciplinary, and in appropriate cases - to criminal liability according to the procedure, established by the current legislation.

21. It is not allowed to carry out the orders of the head contradicting requirements of industrial safety rules and posing hazard to life and health of the worker and people around.

22. Works on objects of radio communication shall be performed according to requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts of system of fire-proof regulation and standardization.

Chapter 3. Requirements to the territory, production sites (for processes (works) which are carried out out of production rooms)

23. The territory of objects of radio communication shall meet the requirements the SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to designing, content and operation of the production enterprises" approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of April 3, 2006 No. 40 (further - the SanPiN, the SanPiN No. 10-5-2002 "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of the companies, constructions and other objects" approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of September 9, 2002 No. 68.

The territory of the organization shall be arranged well and planted trees and shrubs.

24. For pass of people on the territory of objects of radio communication the checkpoint or gate in close proximity to gate is arranged. Pass through gate is not allowed. In case of the mechanized opening of entrance gate they are equipped with the device providing possibility of manual opening. Folding gate for entrance on the territory of objects of radio communication and departure from them shall open inside.

25. The territory of objects of radio communication shall be equipped with the main and reserve gate, they shall not be encumbered both from within, and outside.

26. For withdrawal of atmospheric precipitation the territory is provided with special drains. The device of drains shall provide free and safe movement of people and transport.

27. In night-time or in case of poor visibility of the place of movement of people, and also production sites of works and traffic circulation are lit according to requirements of SNB 2.04.05-98 "Natural and artificial lighting" approved by the order of the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of April 7, 1998 No. 142 (further - SNB 2.04.05).

28. The territory of objects of radio communication shall be kept clean and procedure, passes and drives shall not be encumbered or used for storage of production wastes, construction materials.

29. Roads, sidewalks, drives and passes shall contain in good repair, be cleared timely of garbage, snow, ice, to pour down water in summertime, to fall down sand, slag or other antiskid materials in winter time.

30. For collection of garbage and production wastes containers which are marked and placed in the places allocated for them shall be equipped. Dustbins are equipped with densely closed covers, regularly cleared of garbage. Overflow of dustbins is not allowed.

31. In the territory of objects of radio communication smoking areas shall be determined and equipped.

32. In the territory of objects of radio communication specially equipped storage areas of materials, products, details, the equipment are provided.

33. The open areas for storage of cars shall have hard and equal surface with bias for water drain, be located separately from buildings and constructions at distance depending on category of production and to conform to requirements of the Industrial safety rules on road transport approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of March 1, 2002 No. 5/20 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 99, 8/8472).

34. The territory of objects of radio communication shall conform to requirements of the Section IV "Requirements of fire safety to the territory" of Fire safety regulations of the Republic of Belarus for the organizations of communication and informatization. PPB 2.29-2005, approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of September 23, 2005 No. 169 (further - PPB 2.29).

35. Width of the carriageway of roads on objects of radio communication shall correspond to dimensions of the used vehicles, the moved freights and traffic load taking into account counter transportations. Sidewalks shall have sufficient width, but meter 1,5 suffices.

36. Along drives route signs on STB 1140-99 "Route signs are established. General specifications", to No. 2 approved by the resolution of the State committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus of February 26, 1999 (daleestb 1140).

37. Movement of vehicles in the territory of objects of radio communication shall be made according to the Traffic regulations approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 28, 2005 No. 551 "About measures for increase in traffic safety" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 189, 1/6961).

38. Traffic patterns are developed for movement of vehicles on the territory of objects of radio communication and established on foregrounds, before entrance on the radio communication object territory.

39. Speed of movement of vehicles on the territory of objects of radio communication is established by the order of the head depending on type and type of transport, condition of transport ways, the extent of the territory, vehicle density and other conditions.

40. At gate the index "Beware of the car" which is lit in night-time is hung out.

41. For production of handling works on objects of radio communication specially allotted sites, platforms are equipped.

Production sites of handling works shall be taken the hard surface providing stability of weight handling equipment, the warehoused materials and vehicles, and also natural and artificial lighting according to SNB 2.04.05.

42. On platforms for stacking of freights borders of stacks, passes and drives between them are designated, it is not allowed to place freights in passes and drives.

43. Movement of vehicles in production sites of handling works is organized according to the transport and technological scheme with installation of the corresponding route signs on STB 1140.

Chapter 4. Requirements to production rooms and placement of the equipment

44. Production rooms of objects of radio communication shall conform to requirements of SNB 1.04.01-04 "Buildings and constructions. The main requirements to technical condition and servicing of building constructions and engineering systems, assessment of their serviceability", No. approved by the order of the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of March 2, 2004 70, the SanPiN of, technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical operation of electroinstallations and safe engineering in case of operation of electroinstallations, Cross-industry general rules on labor protection, PPB 2.29.

45. On radio communication objects for workers household rooms according to requirements of SNB 3.02.03-03 "Office and household buildings" approved by the order of the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of July 28, 2003 No. 142 are equipped.

46. Production rooms of objects of radio communication shall be provided with telephone communication among themselves and with the room where there is senior on change.

47. The head of the organization shall carry out classification of rooms by degree of danger of defeat by electric current.

48. On degree of danger of defeat of people all rooms are subdivided by electric current into rooms without the increased danger, rooms with the increased danger and especially dangerous rooms.

Rooms without the increased danger are rooms in which there are no conditions creating the increased danger and the special peril listed for rooms with the increased danger and especially dangerous rooms.

Rooms with the increased danger are characterized by availability in them one of the following conditions creating the increased danger:

dampness (relative humidity it is long exceeds 75%) or conducting dust;

conducting floors (metal, earth, steel concrete, brick);

high temperature (temperature exceeds constantly or periodically (more than 1 days) 35 °C);

possibilities of simultaneous touch of the person to the metalwork of buildings, technological devices, mechanisms having connection with the earth, on the one hand, and to metal cases of electric equipment - with another.

Especially dangerous rooms are characterized by availability of one of the following conditions creating special peril:

special dampness (relative humidity of air is close to 100%, the ceiling, walls, floor and objects which are in the room are covered with moisture);

chemically active or organic circle (destroying isolation and current carrying parts of the equipment);

simultaneous availability of two and more conditions of the increased danger to rooms with the increased danger;

territories of placement of external electroinstallations. Concerning danger of defeat of people these territories are equated by electric current to especially dangerous rooms.

49. In need of transit pass of tires (wires) of high voltage through the blocked rooms (at height not below provided by Rules) these tires (wires) shall have the continuous metal barrier (box, pipe) connected to protective grounding. At the same time on barrier the accurate index of accessory of transit and the warning sign "Carefully is obligatory! Voltage".

50. In rooms in the presence of possibility of simultaneous touch of personnel to metal cases of electric equipment and pipelines of heating, plumbing and sanitary the last should be protected with tokoneprovodyashchy barriers.

51. On the outer side of entrance doors of production rooms indexes about category of this room on degree of danger of defeat by electric current, about class of explosive zones, about category on fire and explosion and fire safety according to regulations of fire safety of the Republic of Belarus "Categorization of rooms, buildings and external installations on fire and explosion and fire risk shall be placed. NPB 5-2005", approved by the order of the Chief state inspector of the Republic of Belarus on fire supervision of April 28, 2006 No. 68, surname responsible for condition of labor protection and fire safety.

52. Objects of radio communication shall be equipped with lightning protection, including conclusions of broadcasting lines and inputs of antennas.

53. Requirements to arrangement of objects of radio communication, to production rooms and placement of the equipment with sources of electromagnetic radiations (further - EMI) shall conform to requirements the SanPiN 2.2.4./ "Electromagnetic radiations of the radio-frequency range (EMI RCh)", approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2002 No. 162 (further - the SanPiN 2.2.4./

54. Rooms of objects of radio communication are provided with ventilation according to requirements of SNB 4.02.01-03 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" approved by the order of the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2003 No. 259.

55. Lighting of rooms of objects of radio communication shall conform to requirements of SNB 2.04.05.

56. In production rooms with the increased danger and especially dangerous the rated autonomous power supply network of alternating current intended for connection of the electric tool and portable electric lamps shall be laid.

Sockets with tension to 50 V on the constructive accomplishment regarding plug connection shall exclude possibility of inclusion of the forks intended for them in sockets of 230 V. Sockets with tension of 230 V shall be with protective contact.

57. In rooms with the shtativny, rack-mount and switching equipment laying of the pipelines of plumbing and sanitary which are not relating to servicing of these rooms is not allowed.

58. Ventilating installations with remote inclusion from other rooms need to be equipped with local switches. Electric motors and fans shall be carefully adjusted and established on shock-absorbers, air ducts are covered with sound-absorbing materials. The rotating parts of electric motors and fans shall be closed by barriers. Air vents of air ducts of ventilation shall be closed by grid.

59. Placement of diesel power plants (further - DES) and certain rooms for account tanks of liquid fuel and oil for DES in socle and basements of buildings of objects of radio communication with the device of the automatic fire alarm is allowed.

60. Cellars of DES and vypryamitelny installations shall have the drainage device, and in case of the high level of ground waters, besides, and waterproofing.

All connections of internal combustion engines and exhaust pipe shall be densely connected. Exhaust gases in the atmosphere shall be removed via mufflers in exhaust pipe which shall be above building roof ridge meter 1,5 at least. Connect discharge pipelines of several engines in general by-pass pipe it is not allowed.

The final path shall be shorter, without narrowings, with the minimum quantity of turns and bends. Within the room collectors, exhaust pipes and mufflers shall be covered with heat-insulating material or are protected.

61. Production rooms depending on working conditions are provided in enough with first-aid kits of first aid which shall be located in a visible place. First-aid kits of first aid shall be completed with medicines and products of medical appointment according to the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of January 15, 2007 as No. 4 "About approval of lists of the investments entering first-aid kits of first aid and procedure for their picking" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 68, 8/15904).

In the organization there shall be nominated persons responsible for timely and correct replenishment of first-aid kits of first aid and issue of medical supplies.

62. In production rooms there shall be in necessary quantity electroprotective equipment. For their storage specially allotted places (cases, regiments, hangers) shall be used.

63. About the equipment with sliding blocks and the opening doors, at switchboards, generators, rectifiers rubber dielectric carpets by width of at least 0,7 of m and at least length of equipment long shall be put (row).

64. Cleaning of production rooms and processing equipment shall make according to requirements the SanPiN

65. Placement of the equipment shall be performed with observance of the established regulations.

Chapter 5. The requirements regulating admissible levels of dangerous and harmful production factors in production rooms and on workplaces

66. Heads of objects of radio communication shall take annually in coordination with the local centers of hygiene and epidemiology measurements of parameters of noise, vibration, illumination, microclimate, gas contamination and dust content in production rooms with record of results of measurements in the passport of sanitary condition of conditions and labor protection of the organization and to take measures to their elimination or decrease in their values to maximum permissible according to the Instruction for carrying out certification of sanitary condition of conditions and the labor protection approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of February 4, 2004 No. 11 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 36, 8/10592).

67. Each workplace shall meet the requirements of normative legal and technical regulatory legal acts for labor protection. Optimal solutions on the organization of workplaces shall be made proceeding from specific conditions of production process taking into account design features of the equipment, features of its servicing and repair according to Item 130 of Cross-industry general rules on labor protection.

68. Maximum permissible noise levels are determined in the SanPiN 2.2.4./ "Noise on workplaces, in rooms of residential, public buildings and in the territory of the housing estate", approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2002 No. 158 (further - the SanPiN 2.2.4./

69. Maximum permissible levels of intensity of electrostatic field (further - ESP), measures of protection from impact of ESP and the requirement to monitoring procedure behind observance of the ESP levels on workplaces are determined in the SanPiN No. 11-16-94 "Sanitary and hygienic regulations of admissible intensity of electrostatic field on the workplaces" approved by the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus on January 27, 1994.

70. Maximum permissible levels of impact on workers of electromagnetic radiations of the radio-frequency range (further - EMI RCh) in the range of the frequencies of 30 kHz - 300 GHz, requirements to placement of sources of EMI RCh, measure of protection of EMI RCh working from impact, requirements to monitoring procedure of intensity of EMI RCh are determined in the SanPiN 2.2.4./

71. Maximum permissible levels of intensity of electric fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz) depending on time of stay in the conditions of their impact, measure of protection working from their adverse influence, requirements to monitoring procedure of electric field on workplaces are determined in the SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to performance of works in the conditions of electric fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz)", approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2006 No. 17.


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