It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Moldova
No. 240-O of June 27, 2006
of June 27, 2006 No. 240-O
About approval of Methodology of periodic declaration of goods, made in free economic zones, in case of their export on other part of the territory of the republic
For the purpose of execution of Art. 183 of the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova and for simplification of the procedure of declaring of homogeneous goods I ORDER:
1. Approve and enact Methodology of periodic declaration of goods, made in free economic zones, in case of their export on other part of the territory of the republic (according to appendix).
2. To impose control over the implementation of this order on chiefs of customs.
to the Order No. 240-O of June 27, 2006
1. This methodology is developed according to provisions of the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova N 1149-XIV of July 20, 2000. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2000, N 160-162, Art. 1201) also determines procedure and cases of periodic declaration of goods, made in the free economic zones (FEZ), in case of their export on other part of the territory of the republic, and placed in customs regime of import.
2. If the same economic agent periodically moves the homogeneous goods made in SEZ, the customs in which zone of activities the economic agent acts can resolve it submission of the single declaration for all batches moved through customs border for certain period of time (the periodic customs declaration).
3. Periodic declaring is allowed by the chief of the relevant customs or person replacing it on the basis of the reasoned statement of the economic agent. Details of the economic agent, the name of goods which will be declared periodically, date of filing of application and terms of periodic declaration of goods are specified in the statement.
4. When implementing each delivery the economic agent represents to customs two copies of commodity transport delivery notes on goods which will be declared afterwards.
The first copy is stored in customs (department of the external economic transactions) and used in case of customs clearance.
The second copy after application of individual seal returns to the economic agent and is used for conditional release of periodically declared goods.
5. After no more than 30 days after implementation of the first delivery the economic agent shall provide the customs declaration containing information on all goods delivered during the corresponding period. The customs declaration is filled in according to the Technical rules about procedure for seal, use and filling of the customs declaration approved by the order of Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova N 296-O of December 28, 2005. (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, N 35-38, Art. 108).
Along with submission of the customs declaration the economic agent represents also single commercial delivery note which contains general information about all delivery notes for all corresponding period and which is entered into the 44th column of the customs declaration "by men\iuni speciale; documente anexate/certificate li autoriza\ii".
6. Physical control of periodically declared goods is exercised by each delivery. After submission of all necessary documents the customs exercises only documentary customs control.
7. For the goods declared periodically import payments are paid previously (by means of the procedure of reservation) in the sizes sufficient for covering of the customs obligation calculated proceeding from the deliveries performed during the period of time approved by customs for submission of the customs declaration.
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The document ceased to be valid since December 15, 2017 according to Item 5 of the Order of Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova of November 1, 2017 No. 446-O