Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 2, 2008 No. 345-VI

About increase in prestigiousness of miner's work

(as amended on 19-12-2017)

This Law is directed to increase in prestigiousness of miner's work, provision of additional guarantees in payment and wages increase and the solution of social problems of miners.

Article 1. Scope of the Law

Operation of this Law extends to the workers extracting coal, iron ore, ores of non-ferrous and rare metals, manganese, uranium, magnesian (salts potassium-magnesium and salts magnesian) and ozokeritny ores, employees of the shaft construction companies occupied at underground works full time, and employees of the public militarized rescue services (forming) in the coal industry - according to the List No. 1 of productions, works, professions, positions and indicators at underground works, at works with especially harmful and especially severe conditions of work in which employment full time grants pension entitlement on the age on favorable terms approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (further miners), and members of their families.

Article 2. Creation of conditions for high-productive and safe work

1. The state promotes development of the coal and mining industry and creates conditions for high-productive and safe work based on mechanization and implementation of the latest technologies in production processes.

2. The central executive body providing forming of state policy in coal and industrial complex claims for the coal-mining company, and the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the sphere of the state mountain supervision approves the program of upgrade, technical retrofitting of production and labor safety for the mining company.

Article 3. Work payment terms

The scale of charges (the scheme of official pay rates) of miners is created based on the tariff charge of the working first category which exceeds legislatively established level of the subsistence minimum established for able-bodied persons for January 1 of calendar year at size 30 percent at least taking into account gradual transfer of all miners to hourly pay of work and achievement of the Central European salary level of miners.

Article 4. Features of the taxation of the income of miners

The rate of tax on the income of miners constitutes 10 percent from the salary and other income which is gained in the place of the main work by the workers occupied full time at underground works.

Article 5. Features of education

1. The miners having years of service of underground work at least three years and also within three years after receipt of general secondary education of person which parents are miners and which have years of service of underground work at least 15 years or the dead as a result of labor accident or became persons with disability of I or II groups, are enlisted out of the competition at the personal choice of specialty in the state and municipal highest and professional educational institutions of Ukraine for training at the expense of means state and local budgets with provision of places in hostels for the period of study and payment at the expense of budgetary funds of social grant according to the procedure and the size, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Specified persons after the end of training find a job according to the agreement signed between relevant organ of the executive authority, the head of educational institution and the graduate.

The form of the agreement and procedure for its conclusion are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 6. Provision of housing for miners and members of their families

1. Miners who according to the legislation need improvement of housing conditions have the right at the expense of the company of the loan in the amount of, determined by the collective agreement, for housing construction or acquisition of apartments or individual apartment houses.

Miners are young specialists who according to the legislation need improvement of housing conditions, have the right to extraordinary receipt of the specified loan according to the collective agreement.

Miners who according to the legislation need improvement of housing conditions also have the right according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, parcel of land for construction of individual apartment houses.

2. It is provided to members of families of miners whose death came owing to labor accident or occupational disease and who according to the legislation need improvement of housing conditions housing at the expense of means of the government budget according to the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. For the purposes of this Law it is necessary to understand the wife (husband) and children as members of the family of the miner aged up to 18 years, and those which study on day form of education, - aged up to 23 years, disabled parents of the miner whom according to the law such worker shall contain, full age disabled children of the miner, in particular the children having disability.

Article 7. Provision of the state social support to families of the miners who were injured on production

1. To members of families of miners whose death came owing to labor accident or occupational disease to pension in connection with loss of the supporter on each disabled family member surcharge in the amount of the subsistence minimum established by the law for persons which lost working capacity, at the expense of means of the government budget according to the procedure, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is established.

2. The central executive body providing forming of state policy in coal and industrial complex together with the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of the state mountain supervision by local executive bodies, local government bodies, the trade-union organizations is developed within the powers determined by the legislation by social programs of family support of each miner who was injured on production or died owing to occupational disease.

Financing of social programs is performed at the expense of means state and local budgets, means of the companies and other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation.

3. Additional measures of rather social support and protection of families of the died miners and the amount of compensation payments are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


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