of September 10, 2008 No. ZRU-174
About compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases
Accepted by Legislative house on June 26, 2008
Approved by the Senate on August 28, 2008
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases.
The legislation on compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
labor accident - event as a result of which insured person sustained labor injuries or other damage of health in case of execution of obligations by it according to the employment contract (contract) in the territory of insurer or beyond its limits and which entailed need of the translation of insured person for other work, temporary or permanent loss of professional working capacity by it or his death;
occupational disease - the acute or chronic disease of insured person which is result of impact on it harmful or dangerous production factor and entailed temporary or permanent loss of professional working capacity by it;
labor mutilation - temporary or permanent loss by insured person of professional working capacity as a result of labor accident;
the insurer - the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
insurance premiums - the assignments from the salary fund of the insurer to the insurer performed according to the procedure and the sizes established by the legislation;
insured person - the physical person which is subject to compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases, working at the basis of the employment contract (contract) according to which the insurer pays to the insurer insurance premiums;
insurer - the legal entity or physical person which hired physical person according to the employment contract (contract) in the procedure established by the legislation;
insured event - the fact of damage of health or the death of insured person confirmed in accordance with the established procedure as a result of labor accident or occupational disease which attracts emergence of the obligation of the insurer on implementation of payments of insurance indemnity.
The purposes of compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases are:
implementation of social protection of citizens by legislative establishment of their rights to compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases, providing insurance indemnity in connection with damnification of life and to health of the worker as a result of labor accident and occupational disease;
improvement of condition of labor protection and working conditions, preserving health of workers.
Insured person has the right on:
providing insurance indemnity on compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases;
participation in investigation of insured event, including with involvement of trade-union body or the authorized representative;
appeal of decisions by results of investigation of insured events;
obtaining from the insurer, the insurer of free information on the rights and obligations on compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases;
the independent appeal to treatment and prevention facilities of the state health care system and medico-social commission of experts concerning medical examination (re-examination);
appeal to the court, and also trade-union bodies for protection of the rights and legitimate interests concerning compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases.
Insured person shall:
respect the rules, rules and instructions for labor protection;
in case of loss occurrence to inform district (city) departments of the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on change of the residence or place of employment, and also on the circumstances attracting change of the size of the insurance indemnity received by it or loss of the right to its obtaining during ten-day term from the date of approach of such circumstances;
implement recommendations about medical, social and employment rehabilitation, undergo medical examination (re-examination) in the terms established by medico-social commission of experts.
Insured person can have also other rights and perform other duties according to the legislation.
require observance by insured person of regulations, rules and instructions for labor protection;
render according to the procedure, established by the legislation, the additional help to insured person in case of loss occurrence;
protect the rights and legitimate interests, and also the rights and legitimate interests of insured persons according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
The insurer shall:
pay to the insurer insurance premiums according to the procedure and the sizes established by the legislation;
provide measures for prevention of approach of insured events;
investigate insured events in the procedure established by the legislation;
within a day from the date of loss occurrence to report about it in the state inspectorate for protection and examination of working conditions;
send insured person to medico-social commission of experts on survey (re-examination);
perform decisions of state bodies and consider offers of trade-union bodies for questions of prevention of approach of insured events and their investigation;
train insured persons in safety regulations, production sanitation, fire safety and other industrial safety rules at the expense of own means;
explain to insured person of its right and obligation, and also procedure and conditions of compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases;
provide to insured person verified copies of the documents which are the basis for implementation of compulsory national social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases.
The insurer can have and other rights and perform other duties according to the legislation.
The insurer has the right:
check information on insured events;
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