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The document ceased to be valid since   July 20, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of  June 7, 2018 No. 260

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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

July 14, 2008

No. 638/15329


of June 11, 2008 No. 260

About approval of the Instruction about payment procedure of cash allowance to military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and some other persons

(as amended on 23-03-2017)

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 7, 2007 No. 1294 "About streamlining of structure and conditions of cash allowance of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Instruction about payment procedure of cash allowance to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and some other persons it (is applied).

2. Determine that this order is applied since January 1, 2008.

3. Distribute the order in separate military unit.

Minister of Defence of Ukraine


It is approved:

Deputy minister of work and social policy of Ukraine


V. M. Onishchuk

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine of June 11, 2008 No. 260

The instruction about payment procedure of cash allowance to military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and some other persons

I. General provisions

1.1. This Instruction determines procedure and conditions of payment of cash allowance to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to lyceum students and pupils of military orchestras, and also payment procedure the serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the one-time monetary assistance in case of dismissal from military service.

1.2. The cash allowance of the military personnel is determined depending on position, military rank, duration, intensity and conditions of military service, qualification, academic degree and academic status.

Are part of cash allowance:

official pay rate, salary on military rank;

monthly additional types of cash allowance (increase in official pay rate, the allowance, surcharge, remuneration which have permanent character, award);

one-time additional types of cash allowance.

The sizes of official pay rates, salaries on military ranks, additional types of cash allowance of the military personnel are established according to the current legislation.

1.3. The cash allowance according to this Instruction is paid:

1.3.1. To the military personnel who holds the positions provided by states and staff lists (further - states) in the office of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, bodies of military management, connections, military units, the highest military educational institutions and military educational units of higher educational institutions, organizations and the organizations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (further - military units).

1.3.2. The serviceman studying in the highest military educational institutions and military educational units of higher educational institutions (further - military educational institutions).

1.3.3. To persons who study in military lyceums and lyceums with the strengthened military physical training and also have training in military orchestras.

1.3.4. To the military personnel who is at the disposal of the corresponding commanders (chiefs) (further - being at the disposal) and also who are dismissed without transfer in the order, including in connection with reducing established posts (further - dismissed).

1.4. The serviceman who is temporarily attached to other military units, the cash allowance in these military units is paid if posting is authorized the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, his first deputy and deputies, the chief of the General Staff - the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ordering types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to powers.

1.5. Over the established working hours, during week-end, festive and non-working days the cash allowance in addition is not paid to the military personnel for accomplishment of service duties.

1.6. The cash allowance on leave for child care before achievement of three-year age by it, and in the cases permitted by the legislation - up to six years, is not paid to the military personnel for their time spent.

The maternity leave is paid according to the legislation of Ukraine.

1.7. The size of cash allowance which is due to the serviceman not for complete month and for several days, is determined proceeding from the number of calendar days this month.

1.8. The cash allowance paid by the rules and regulations operating at the time of payment is not subject to return if the right to it fully or partially is lost further by the serviceman except case, stipulated in Item 28.4 these Instructions.

1.9. The cash allowance is paid within the assignments provided in the estimate of military unit on cash cover of the military personnel.

The cash allowance is paid to the military personnel in the place of regular service in current month for last.

The cash allowance is paid to the military personnel who is excluded from lists of staff of military unit about day of exception inclusive.

Proceeding from the available fund of cash cover in the estimate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, according to the decision of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine cash cover for December can be paid in December.

1.10. The cash allowance which is due to the serviceman and timely is not paid to it or paid in smaller, than was due, the size, is paid for the entire period during which the serviceman had the right to it, but it is no more than in three years preceding the request for receipt of cash allowance.

Payment of one-time additional types of cash allowance is performed if addresses about their obtaining arrived before the expiration of three years from the date of emergence of the right to their obtaining.

1.11. The cash allowance during induced truancy or difference during accomplishment of conscription on below-paid position which they received less owing to wrongful dismissal (movement) is paid to the military personnel, decisions on whose dismissal from military service or movement of below-paid position are acknowledged illegal and which with respect thereto are recovered on military service (position) according to the decision of the authority which made the decision on such recovery.

1.12. In case of matters of argument concerning charge of proper cash allowance financial bodies before examination (refining) in financial body of the highest level of payment procedure perform payment of the cash allowance which is undoubtedly belonging to the serviceman.

1.13. The serviceman sent to public authorities on the companies, in organizations, the organizations, in higher educational institutions (further - state bodies, organizations and the organizations) with the leaving on military service affiliated in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local government bodies or bodies created by them (further - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies) with the leaving on military service and also directed for service to other army forming, law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies of special purpose, specially authorized body concerning civil protection, specialized state body of transport, body of criminal executive system, state bodies and tax police (further - army forming and law enforcement agencies), if they about day of business trip (posting, the direction) did not receive cash allowance for current month, payment of proper cash allowance is performed about day of exception of lists of staff in connection with business trip (posting, the direction) inclusive taking into account time necessary for journey to the new duty station.

The cash allowance (salary) is paid to this military personnel in the place of business trip, service (posting) according to the procedure and the sizes determined by the legislation.

1.14. Explanations concerning application of regulations of this Instruction and other regulatory legal acts concerning payment of cash allowance are provided by the director of the department of finance of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and other officials within their competence according to the legislation of Ukraine.

II. Rules of payment of cash allowance for the period leaves

2.1. The cash allowance is paid to the military personnel who according to the legislation of Ukraine has the right to leave with preserving cash cover (annual main leaves, additional vacations in connection with training, sabbatical leaves, social leaves, medical leaves for treatment, the family leaves and to other reasonable excuses provided during the special period, other additional vacations determined by the relevant laws of Ukraine) for the entire period of these leaves.

2.2. In case of provision by the serviceman of leaves (additional vacations) without preserving cash allowance (salary) which are determined by the Law of Ukraine "About leaves" or other laws of Ukraine, during stay in these leaves (additional vacations) cash cover is not paid.

III. Salaries on military ranks

3.1. Salaries on military ranks are paid to faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from the date of signing of the order on assignment of the corresponding ranks.

To faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract and the serviceman of compulsory military service discharged from military service with assignment of officer ranks, salaries on military ranks of officers are not paid.

3.2. To the faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure accepted on military service under the contract including from inventory (except the military personnel of compulsory military service who is accepted on military service under the contract), salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of transfer in lists of staff of military unit.

To the faces of officers called on military service from inventory, salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of sending to military unit from district (city) military commissariat.

3.3. Salaries on military ranks are paid to the military personnel who during passing of compulsory military service is accepted on military service under the contract from the date of contract signature, but not earlier than day of appointment to the corresponding positions.

IV. Official pay rates of faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which serve under the contract

4.1. Official pay rates are paid to faces of officers on posts in the sizes provided in staff of military unit.

4.2. To faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract appointed to the positions which are subject to completing by the corresponding category of the military personnel, official pay rates are paid depending on posts and job grades.

Job grades on positions of faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract are provided in staff of military unit. At the same time in staff of military unit the job grade of the specified categories of the military personnel for establishment of salary is designated by fraction in numerator.

4.3. To faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract appointed to positions on which official pay rates are established from minimum to maximum, the specific sizes of official pay rates are established or change (increase or decrease) within the specified sizes according to the order of the commander of military unit (to commanders of military units - orders of higher commanders / chiefs) depending on complexity and amount of work.

Change of the established size (increase or reduction) of official pay rate ranging from minimum to maximum is performed according to the legislation from the first day of the next half-year (since January 01 or since July 01).

4.4. Official pay rates on posts are paid to faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from that day from which they started accomplishment of obligations on position, but not earlier than day of the edition officials who are granted the right of appointment of the military personnel to positions, the order on staff on appointment them to the corresponding positions. Date when the serviceman started accomplishment of obligations on position, is determined in the order of the commander of military unit.

4.5. Appointed to officers positions, from that day from which they started accomplishment of obligations on position, but not earlier than day of the publication of the order on appointment, the official pay rates provided in states for faces of officers on these positions are paid to faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract.

4.6. And about day of pristupaniye to accomplishment of obligations on position to which they are appointed the minimum official pay rate provided on primary standard officer position "the commander of platoon" is paid to the faces of officers accepted on military service under the contract from inventory from the date of transfer in lists of staff of military unit (taking into account Item 9.1 of this Instruction).

And about day of pristupaniye to accomplishment of obligations on position to which they are appointed the minimum official pay rate provided on primary standard officer position "the commander of platoon" is paid to the faces of officers called on military service from inventory from the date of sending to military unit from district (city) military commissariat (taking into account Item 9.1 of this Instruction).

4.7. To faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract about one day from which they started accomplishment of obligations on positions, are paid:

accepted from among the military personnel of compulsory military service official pay rates in sizes on earlier posts;

accepted from among the military personnel who graduated from military colleges, training centers and educational divisions on training of persons of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure who serve under the contract, military educational institutions, - the minimum official pay rate on the I job grade;

accepted on military service under the contract - the minimum official pay rate on the I job grade from the date of transfer in lists of staff of military unit.

4.8. To faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from the date of assignment of officer rank, including after the termination of military educational institutions external, except salaries on military ranks of officers, are paid:

to those which on the date of assignment of officer rank hold officers positions, - the salaries established on these positions for faces of officers in the maximum sizes provided by states;

to those which on the date of assignment of officer rank hold positions of faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract, - the minimum official pay rate provided on primary officer position "the commander of platoon", and from the date of the beginning of accomplishment of obligations on officers position, but not earlier than day of signing of the order on appointment, - salary on this position (taking into account Items 7. 9, 9.1, 9.3, 9.5 and 9.6 of this Instruction).

4.9. If the laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts provide preserving official pay rates on the previous position, about such preserving it is specified in orders of the corresponding commander (chief) on appointment.

4.10. Behind faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from among the faces referred to the first or second category which suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and from among participants of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP and the faces referred to the third category, appointed in connection with staff reduction or holding organizational actions to positions with smaller official pay rates on new position official pay rates on the previous position according to the legislation of Ukraine remain.

4.11. Monthly additional types of cash allowance and one-time additional types of cash allowance (except the payments established by Items 28.1 and 32.1 of this Instruction) are paid to the military personnel who receives official pay rates in the increased sizes taking into account the raised salaries.

V. Official pay rates of the military personnel of compulsory military service

5.1. Official pay rates are paid to the military personnel of compulsory military service depending on posts and job grades provided in states.

5.2. To persons which are called up for compulsory military service from the date of departure in military unit from military commissariat and before acquisition of right to receipt of official pay rates according to Items 5. 3, 6.5, 6.8 and 6.12 salaries on the I job grade are paid to this Instruction.

5.3. In case of appointment of the military personnel of compulsory military service from one positions on other official pay rates on new positions are paid from the date of signing of the order on appointment.

5.4. Official pay rates of the military personnel of compulsory military service on posts are paid to the faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure directed for passing of compulsory military service in connection with contract cancelation from the date of contract cancelation and payment of the cash cover established for the faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure passing military service under the contract stops.

VI. Rules of payment of official pay rates and salaries for military ranks to listeners, graduateds in a military academy and doctoral candidates, cadets, and also official pay rates to lyceum students and pupils of military orchestras

6.1. For the period of training are paid to students of military educational institutions:

6.1.1. From among faces of officers which before transfer on training are in the military service, - salaries on the last established positions which they held in military units before transfer on training, and salaries on military ranks.

6.1.2. From among the faces of officers accepted (called up) for military service from inventory with the simultaneous direction on training in military educational institutions or on the professional development course, the minimum official pay rates provided on primary standard officer position "the commander of platoon" and salaries on military ranks.

6.2. For the period of training are paid to students of advanced training:

from among faces of officers which were in the military service before transfer on training, - salaries on the last established positions which they held in military units, and salaries on military ranks;

from among the faces of officers accepted (called up) for military service from inventory with the simultaneous direction on the training, the minimum official pay rates provided on primary officer position "the commander of platoon" and salaries in military ranks.

6.3. To cadets of military educational institutions from among faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which passed military service under the contract or served fixed terms of compulsory military service, accepted on military service from inventory with the simultaneous direction on training in military educational institutions or on professional development course, for the period training the minimum official pay rates on the I job grade of faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract, and salaries on military ranks are paid.

6.4. To cadets of military educational institutions from among persons who were not in the military service before transfer on training official pay rates are established depending on the educational and qualification level and training course.

6.5. Official pay rates are paid to cadets from among the military personnel of compulsory military service on the last established positions which they held in military units before transfer on training, but not below the official pay rates provided for cadets from among the faces which were not consisting before transfer on training at military service.

Official pay rates on the last established positions which they held in military units before transfer on training, and salaries on military ranks are paid to cadets from among faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure who serve under the contract.

6.6. To cadets from among the orphan children and children deprived of parent care, official pay rates are established depending on the educational and qualification level and training course and based on documents (copies of the documents) confirming absence of parents or their evasion from content of children.

6.7. To cadets who were left without parents during training in military educational institution official pay rates are established depending on the educational and qualification level and training course after receipt (submission) to educational institution of the relevant documents from 1 date following after month in which they were left without parents.

6.8. The official pay rates provided for cadets of military educational institutions from among the military personnel of compulsory military service and persons who before transfer in military educational institution had no military ranks from 1 date following semester examinations and to 1 date which comes after the end of the next examinations raise:

to persons who have only excellent estimates by results of another examinations, - for 50 percent;

to persons who have excellent and good marks by results of another examinations, - for 25 percent.

The differentiated estimates for offsettings, training (practice), term papers (projects, tasks) during determination of the right of cadets to increase in salaries for 50 or 25 percent are considered on an equal basis with the estimates received at examinations.

To cadets who on reasonable excuses fully or partially did not pass the tests and examinations raised for 50 or 25 interests official pay rates about 1 date following after month in which it establishes individual terms of tests and examinations is paid.

To the cadets left on reasonable excuses on repeated training at the same rate, official pay rates on repeated year of training to results of another examinations are paid taking into account estimates of the last examinations which they handed over.

The official pay rates raised according to this Item are paid based on orders of the chief of military educational institution which are issued by results of another examinations.

6.9. Salaries to listeners and cadets from among faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure and official pay rates are paid to cadets from among persons who before transfer in military educational institution had no military ranks for military ranks and official pay rates since the beginning of academic year.

For the period from the date of transfer on training and prior to the beginning of academic year are paid:


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