of April 20, 2004 No. 637-IIQ
About hunting
This Law establishes the legal basis of the organization of hunting and hunting farms in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, implementation of their activities, and also strengthening of protection and use of subjects to hunting.
1.0. The terms and concepts used in this Law have the following values:
1.0.1. hunting - type of activity on tracing, prosecution, catching and shooting constantly and temporarily living on the land and water, in condition of natural freedom and in bondage and the amphibious, fur animals wandering, and also reproduced and issued to places of hunting by business entities, reptiles, birds and mammals (further - wild animals);
1.0.2. hunting economy - the business entity with the security mode organized for the purpose of protection and reproduction of separate types of the wild animals living in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage or reproduced and also for release to places of hunting after reproduction and for hunting;
1.0.3. subject to hunting - types of wild animals on which hunting according to the procedure, established by the legislation, permission, living in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage in specially allotted places is issued, and also reproduced and made multiple copies by separate legal entities and physical persons;
1.0.4. places of hunting - the land areas, the woods, sites of the nature covered with other vegetation and water, carried to implementation of hunting and maintaining hunting farms where live in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage and also are reproduced and breed separate legal entities and physical persons wild animals;
1.0.5. business entities - the legal entities and physical persons participating in the organization and activities of hunting farms;
1.0.6. the hunter - the physical person having the hunting ticket and permission to hunting according to the procedure, established by relevant organ of the executive authority, for implementation of hunting activities;
1.0.7. the hunting tool - hunting weapon, the hunting dogs, hunting birds and other means of hunting used for implementation of amateur and sports hunting;
1.0.8. amateur and sports hunting - types of hunting which purpose is not profit earning from getting of hunting products;
1.0.9. poaching - conducting hunting with abuse of regulations, established by the legislation, and any not permitted hunting of the wild animals living in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage.
2.1. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on hunting consists of this Law, the Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About fauna" and "About environmental protection" and other regulatory legal acts adopted according to them.
2.2. All relations concerning water, the earth, the wood, property, conservation and other relations arising in communication by protection of the habitat and use of wild animals in hunting farms are regulated according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic taking into account this Law.
2.3. Fishing and other water bioresources in water basins is regulated by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About fish breeding".
The purpose of the legislation on hunting is the effective organization of hunting activities, keeping the state hunting fund in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, ensuring regulation of number, protection and reproduction of types of the wild and wandering animals living constantly, temporarily in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage, and also reproduction and their release to places of hunting and preserving habitats.
4.1. The subjects to hunting which are in hunting farms and in other territories, and also used according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation separate legal entities and physical persons, belong to the state and are its property.
4.2. Reference of types of wild animals to subject to hunting and limits on their hunting are determined by relevant organ of the executive authority.
4.3. The wild animals carried to subject to hunting for the territories of the Azerbaijan Republic constitute the state hunting fund. Types and regulation (quantity) of wild animals in the state hunting fund are established by relevant organ of the executive authority taking into account opinion of scientific institutions.
4.4. Procedure for reproduction and release by business entities of the wild animals carried to subjects to hunting to places of hunting for increase in the state hunting fund are established by relevant organ of the executive authority.
5.1. The wild animals living in places of hunting in condition of natural freedom and semi-bondage and carried to subject to hunting, their furs, skins, horns, bones, waste products and also places of their dwelling are objects of hunting activities.
5.2. The citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, foreigners, persons without citizenship having the right to hunt according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also hunting farms and societies of hunters are subjects of hunting activities.
6.0. Management in the field of hunting and hunting economy is based on the following principles:
6.0.1. preserving biological diversity and natural ecological system;
6.0.2. target, and also effective use of hunting farms for development of science and culture;
6.0.3. need of the state control of protection, reproduction and use of wild animals for hunting farms;
6.0.4. preserving the habitat, ways of migration, places of winterings, conditions of reproduction and reproduction of wild animals in hunting farms;
6.0.5. implementation of use of fauna according to biological ethics;
6.0.6. paid use of wild animals in hunting farms and its limitation;
6.0.7. establishment and regulation of number of wild animal wreckers for the purpose of timely prevention of drawing damage to health of the population, the nature and economy.
7.1. Powers of the state in the field of the organization and management of hunting and hunting farms:
7.1.1. perform state policy in the field of protection and use of hunting farms, places of hunting and subjects to hunting, to adopt the corresponding regulatory legal acts, to develop and approve state programs;
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