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of June 18, 2008 No. 128-OD

About Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency)

According to article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About private entrepreneurship" and the Standard regulations on advisory councils concerning entrepreneurship approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 2, 2006 No. 496, I ORDER:

1. Create Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) (further - Advisory council) in the following structure:

Chairman of Advisory council:

Esenbayev Mazhit Tuleubekovich is the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Members of Advisory council:

Abdi Nurlan Abitkanovich is the Responsible secretary of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Akhmetov of Daulet Dalelovich is the board member Objedineniya of legal entities "the Kazakhstan Electrical power Association";

Ashimova Zhanara Moldakhmetovna is the director of the department of legal issues of Republican consolidation of legal entities "The union of producers and exporters of Kazakhstan";

Ashumenova Dinara Meirkhanovna is the director of the department of legal support of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Kozhakhmetov Zhanat Muratovich is the vice-chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Nikitinskaya Ekaterina Sergeyevna is the First Deputy Chairman Objedineniya of legal entities "National economic chamber of Kazakhstan "the Union of Atameken;

Nurpeisov Kuanysh Kaliyevich is the director of the department of strategic planning of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Parsegov Boris Anatolyevich is the vice-chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Popandopulo Elena Nikolaevna is the expert of Eurasian industrial association;

Radostovets Nikolay Vladimirovich is Chief executive Objedineniya of legal entities "Republican association, the mining and mining and metallurgical companies";

Savchenko Svetlana Yurevna is the Chairman of the board Objedineniya of legal entities "League of Consumers of Kazakhstan Association;

Sultanov Serik Egelyevich is the President Objedineniya of legal entities "Association of producers of pharmaceutical and medical products of Kazakhstana "Pharmmedindustriya Kazakhstana";

Tourist's sons Rakhat Kalibekovich is the director of the department of identification of anti-competitive actions of subjects of the market of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency);

Tsoi Eduard Davidovich is the director of Northern directorate of Federation of development of small and medium business;

Sisembayeva Zhanna Islamovna (in case of absence - Sharip Bauyrzhan Kutzhanuly) - the chief expert of Legal support department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency).

2. Approve the enclosed Regulations on Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency).

3. Working body of Advisory council to determine Legal support department.

4. Provide to working body timely representation of materials for holding meetings of Advisory council.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) Parsegov B. A.


M. Esenbayev

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) against June 18, 2008 No. 128-OD

Regulations on Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency)

This Regulations on Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) (further - the Provision) determine procedure for activities of Advisory council concerning entrepreneurship of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan by protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) (further - Advisory council) in the course of accomplishment of the functions assigned to it according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About private entrepreneurship", acts of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory legal acts.

1. General provisions

1. Advisory council - the advisory advisory body created under Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on protection of the competition (The anti-monopoly agency) (further - the Agency) for the organization of work on receipt of expert opinions from accredited associations of subjects of private entrepreneurship and the interested non-profit organizations on projects of the regulatory legal acts infringing on interests of private entrepreneurship (further - projects of regulatory legal acts).

2. The advisory council performs the following functions:

1) considers the projects of regulatory legal acts developed and provided by the Agency after their obligatory publication (distribution) in mass media including the Websites.

In case of absence of the Chairman of Advisory council of its power the member of Advisory council determined by the Chairman of Advisory council performs.

8. Decisions of Advisory council are drawn up in the form of the protocol and have advisory nature.

The minutes of Advisory council are signed by the Chairman of Advisory council or person replacing it.

9. Meetings of Advisory council are held at least once a quarter and, as required, according to Item 7 of this provision.

10. At meetings of Advisory council members of Advisory council according to the members approved by the order of the Agency participate directly. The meeting of Advisory council is held in case of presence at least a half from the number of representatives of accredited associations of subjects of private entrepreneurship and non-profit organizations which are members of Advisory council.

The absence reason of the member of Advisory council is confirmed by the relevant document, at the same time replacement of the member of Advisory council is not allowed.


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