Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 16, 1995 No. UP-1213

About increase in the sizes of pensions, benefits, grants and the salary in budgetary institutions and the organizations of the republic

(as amended on on July 31, 2008)

1. Ceased to be valid

2. Ceased to be valid

3. Ceased to be valid

4. Ceased to be valid

5. Ceased to be valid

6. Ceased to be valid

7. Ceased to be valid

8. For the purpose of stimulation of employees of the organizations and organizations financed for the budget account to permit them to form special fund of material stimulation of workers in the amount of 15 percent from the salary fund, and for houses boarding schools for children, aged and disabled people Muruvvat and Sakhovat, specialized colleges for persons with limited opportunities and features of physical development, sanatoria for veterans of war and work, the rehabilitation centers for disabled people, services of the public assistance at home - in the amount of 25 percent from the salary fund.

Grant the right to heads of budgetary institutions and organizations to establish to workers at the expense of means of the specified fund personal salary supplements.

To make the expenses connected with formation of the specified fund in 1995 due to economy of the salary fund, and since 1996 - for the budget account of the republic.

To the Ministry of Finance to approve Regulations on special fund of material stimulation of employees of budgetary institutions and the organizations and to exercise efficient control of its target use.

9. Ceased to be valid

10. Ceased to be valid

11. Ceased to be valid



Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov

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