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of October 10, 2001 No. 1306

About Traffic regulations

(as amended on 10-01-2025)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Traffic regulations (are applied).

2. Provide to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the edition of Traffic regulations and through mass media to finish their content to participants of traffic.

Determine that the edition of Traffic regulations and comments to them can be performed only in coordination with the Main service center Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the corresponding education (electronic) guidances on safety issues of traffic and advanced training of transport drivers also with the Ministry of Education and Science.

3. Central and to local executive bodies to promote studying by citizens of Traffic regulations.

4. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list it (is applied).

5. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other central executive bodies to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

6. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2002.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

A. Kinakh

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 10, 2001 No. 1306

Traffic regulations

1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules according to the Law of Ukraine "About traffic" establish single procedure for traffic in all territory of Ukraine. Other regulations which concern features of traffic (transportation of particular loads, operation of vehicles of separate types, movement on the closed territory and volume of similar) shall be based on requirements of these Rules.

1.2. In Ukraine right-hand traffic of vehicles is established.

1.3. Participants of traffic shall know and steadily fulfill requirements of these Rules, and also to be mutually polite.

1.4. Each participant of traffic has the right to expect that, as other participants carry out these Rules.

1.5. Actions or divergence of participants of traffic and other persons shall not create danger or obstacle to movement, to threaten life or health of citizens, to cause material damage.

Person which created such conditions shall take immediately measures for safety control of traffic on this road stretch and take all feasible measures for removal of obstacles and if it is impossible, to warn about them other participants of traffic, to report authorized division of National police, to the owner of the road or the body authorized by them.

1.6. It is allowed to use roads not for their designated purpose taking into account requirements of articles 36-38 of the Law of Ukraine "About highways".

1.7. Drivers shall be especially attentive to such categories of participants of traffic as cyclists, persons who move in chairs wheel, and pedestrians. All participants of traffic shall be especially careful to children, people of old age and persons with strong indications of disability.

1.8. Restrictions in traffic, except provided by these Rules, can be entered in the procedure established by the legislation.

1.9. Persons who violate these Rules bear responsibility according to the legislation.

1.10. The terms provided in these rules have the following value:

the bus - the car with seating capacity for sitting more than nine with driver's seat inclusive which on the design and the equipment is intended for public conveyance and their baggage with providing necessary comfort and safety;

the highway - the highway, which:

- it is specially constructed and intended for movement of vehicles, not intended for entrance on the adjacent territory or departure from it;

- has the certain carriageways separated one another by lane line for each driving direction;

- does not cross other roads at one level, railway and tramroads, pedestrian and bicycle lanes, ways of pass of animals, has barrier on roadsides and lane line and it is protected with grid;

- it is designated by route sign 5.1;

the highway, the street (road) - part of the territory, in particular in the settlement, with all constructions (bridges, overpasses, platforms, elevated and underground crosswalks) located on it and means of the organization of traffic, intended for movement of vehicles and pedestrians and limited on width to the outer edge of sidewalks or the region of right of way. This term includes also specially constructed trail roads, except randomly knurled is expensive (svinoboyets);

highways of the state value - highways public to which the international, national, regional and territorial highways designated by the corresponding route signs belong;

the road train (transport structure) - the motorized vehicle connected to one or several trail cars by means of the coupling device;

safe distance - distance to the vehicle moving ahead on the same strip which in case of its sudden braking or stop will give the chance to the transport driver, moving behind, to prevent collision without implementation of any maneuver;

safe interval - distance between side parts of moving vehicles or between them and other objects in case of which traffic safety is guaranteed;

safety speed - the speed at which the driver has opportunity safely to manage the vehicle and to control its movement in specific road conditions;

towage - movement by one vehicle of other vehicle which is not relating to operation of road trains (transport structures) on tough or flexible coupling or method of partial load on platform or on special basic adaptation;

the cargo vehicle - the car which on the design and the equipment is intended for carriage of goods;

the bicycle - the vehicle, except chairs wheel which is set in motion by the muscular strength of the person who is on it;

the cyclist - person managing bicycle;

bicycle lane - the path with covering out of carriageway and/or the road located separately or adjacently with the sidewalk or pedestrian walkway which is intended for movement by bicycles, and is designated by route sign 4.14 and horizontal marking 1.36;

bicycle strip - the strip intended for movement by bicycles within carriageway and/or the road which is designated by route sign 5.88 and the corresponding horizontal road marking;

bicycle moving - the place of crossing by cyclists of the carriageway within the intersection or out of them, designated by road marking 1.15.

visibility in driving direction - the maximum distance at which from driver's seat it is possible to recognize accurately borders of elements of the road and accommodation of participants of movement that gives the chance to the driver to be guided during vehicle control, in particular for the choice of safety speed and implementation of safe maneuver;

forced stop - traffic congestion of the vehicle because of its materiel failure or danger caused by load which is transported provision of the participant of traffic, emergence of obstacle for movement;

advancing - movement of the vehicle with the speed exceeding the speed of the passing vehicle moving nearby on adjacent strip;

the vehicle owner - the physical person or legal entity owning property rights on the vehicle that is confirmed by the relevant documents;

the driver - the person who is managing the vehicle and having the certificate of the driver (the certificate of the tractor operator-driver, temporary permission to the right of vehicle control, the temporary coupon on the right of vehicle control) the corresponding category. Driver also is person training to vehicle control, being directly in the vehicle;

dimensional and weight control - check of dimensional and weight parameters of the vehicle (including the motorized vehicle), trail car and load regarding compliance to the established regulations concerning dimensions (width, height from road surface, vehicle length) and concerning loading (actual mass, axial load) which is carried out according to established procedure on stationary or mobile units of dimensional and weight control;

lawn - the site of the homogeneous territory with cespitose cover which is artificially created by crops and cultivation of dernoobrazuyushchy herbs (mainly long-term cereals) or odernirovaniye;

braking distance - distance which passes the vehicle during emergency braking since the beginning of implementation of influence on the controling mechanism brake system (pedal, the handle) to the place of its stop;

the main road - the road with covering rather soil or and reflected by signs 1.22, 1.23.1-1.23.4 and 2.3. Availability on minor road of covering right in front of the intersection does not equate it on value by crossed;

let pass - the requirement to the participant of traffic not to continue or not to resume movement, not to perform any maneuvers (except for requirements to exempt busy driving lane) if it can force other participants of traffic having advantage, to change driving direction or speed;

day after steaming lights - the outside light devices of white color provided by vehicle design, established in front of the vehicle and intended for improvement of visibility of the vehicle during its movement during daylight hours;

the children's holding system - the equipment capable to hold the child in the sedentary or inclined provision which, in case of collision or hard braking of the vehicle, reduces danger of injuring of the child who is in it, by restriction of mobility of his body.

the permitted maximum weight - the mass of the equipped vehicle with load, the driver and passengers established by technical characteristic of the vehicle as the most admissible. The permitted maximum mass of the road train is the amount of the permitted most admissible mass of each vehicle which is part of the road train;

the permitted maximum demand on axis - the allowable load on vehicle axis specified in the subitem "v" of Item 22.5 of these rules;

the permitted maximum sizes - the maximum sizes of the vehicle specified in the subitem "an" of Item 22.5 of these rules;

the road accident - event which took place during movement of the vehicle as a result of which people died or are wounded or loss of property is caused;

roadwork - the works connected with construction, reconstruction, repair or content of the highway (street), artificial features, constructions of road drainage system, engineering arrangement, establishment (repair, replacement) of technical means of the organization of traffic;

road conditions - set of the factors characterizing (taking into account season, the period of days, the atmospheric phenomena, illumination of the road) visibility in driving direction, carriageway surface condition (purity, flatness, roughness, coupling), and also its width, size of inclinations on descents and rises, bends and curves, availability of sidewalks or roadsides, means of the organization of traffic, and their condition;

road situation - set of factors which are characterized by road conditions, availability of obstacles in certain road stretch, intensity and level of the organization of traffic (availability and condition of road marking, route signs, the road equipment, traffic lights) which the driver shall consider during the choice of speed, driving lane and acceptances of vehicle control;

the road station of patrol force - 6.10 site of the area designated by route sign near carriageway with the building located on it or other construction intended for stay of police officers of patrol force in it during execution of service by them;

exploitation of transport structure - transportation by the trail car tractor according to the instruction concerning its use (trail car compliance to the tractor, availability of insurance connection, single system of the alarm system, lighting and so forth);

platform - engineering construction for movement of vehicles and (or) pedestrians, raisings of one road over another in the place of their crossing, and also for creation of the road at certain height which has no congresses on other road;

housing zone - the domestic territories, and also parts of settlements designated by route sign 5.34;

leaving of the place of the road accident - the actions of the participant of the road accident directed to concealment of the fact of such incident or circumstances of its making which entailed need of holding by police officers of actions for establishment (search) of this participant and (or) to search of the vehicle;

railroad crossing - road crossing with railway tracks at one level;

dazzle - physiologic condition of the driver as a result of effect of light on his sight when the driver objectively has no opportunity to find obstacles or to recognize borders of elements of the road at the minimum distance;

the stop - traffic congestion of the vehicle for a while up to 5 minutes or is more if it is necessary for landing (disembarkation) of passengers or loading (unloading) of load, fulfillment of requirements of these rules (provision of benefit in movement, fulfillment of requirements of the traffic controller, traffic light signals and so forth);

column of pedestrians - organized group of the people moving on the carriageway in one direction;

column of vehicles - organized group of three and more vehicles which together move in one direction directly one after another with constantly turned on dipped head light of headlights;

the region of the carriageway (for not rail vehicles) - the visible conditional or designated by road marking line on the carriageway in the place of its prileganiye to roadside, the sidewalk, lawn, lane line, strip for movement of trams, bicycle or pedestrian walkway;

extreme position on the carriageway - vehicle provision at distance from the region of the carriageway (the middle of the carriageway or lane line) which does not give the chance to move to the passing vehicle (including two-wheeled) is even closer to the region of the carriageway (the middle of the carriageway or lane line);

chair wheel - specially designed wheel means which is intended for movement on the road of persons with disability or persons who treat other handicapped national groups. The chair wheel has at least two wheels and is equipped with the engine or set in motion by the muscular strength of the person;

the car - the car with seating capacity for sitting no more than nine, with driver's seat inclusive which on the design and the equipment is intended for public conveyance and their baggage with providing necessary comfort and safety;

maneuvering (maneuver) - start of motion, vehicle perestraivaniye in movement from one strip on another, turn to the right or on the left, turn, congress from the carriageway, movement by back run;

route vehicles (vehicles public) - buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, trams and taxi which move along the established routes and have certain places on the road for landing (disembarkation) of passengers;

the motorized vehicle - the vehicle which is set in motion by means of the engine. This term extends to tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, and also trolleybuses and vehicles with the electric motor capacity over 3 kW;

the minibus - the singledecker bus with seating capacity for sitting no more than seventeen with driver's seat inclusive;

the bridge - the construction intended for movement through the river, ravine and other obstacles which borders is the beginning and the end of flying constructions;

the moped - the two wheeled vehicle having the engine with working volume up to 50 cubic cm or the electric motor capacity to 4 kW;

the motorcycle - the two-wheeled motorized vehicle with side trail car or without it, having the engine with working volume of 50 cubic cm and more. Motor scooters, microcars, three-wheeled and other motorized vehicles which permitted maximum mass does not exceed 400 kg are equated to motorcycles;

the settlement - the built-up territory on which entrances and departures with which are designated by route signs 5.49, 5.50, 5.51, 5.52;

danger to movement - change of road situation (including emergence of the mobile object coming to driving lane of the vehicle or crossing it) or technical condition of the vehicle, menacing to traffic safety and forcing the driver to reduce immediately the speed or to stop. Particular case of danger to movement is movement within strip of the vehicle of other vehicle towards to general flow;

insufficient visibility - visibility of the road in driving direction less than 300 m in twilight, in the conditions of fog, rain, snowfall and so forth;

non divisible load - load which cannot be divided into two and more parts without excess costs or risk of its damage;

overtaking - the advancing of one or several vehicles connected with departure on strip of approaching traffic;

limited visibility - the visibility of the road in driving direction limited to geometrical parameters of the road, roadside engineering constructions, plantings and other objects, and also vehicles;

visibility - objective opportunity to see road situation from driver's seat;

person who moves in chair wheel - person with disability or person who treats other handicapped national groups and independently moves on the way to chair wheel;

safety island - the technical tool of regulation of traffic at land crosswalks, structurally allocated over carriageway and intended as protective element for stop of pedestrians upon transition of carriageway. Part of lane line through which the crosswalk lies belongs to island of safety;

the passenger - person who uses the vehicle and is in it, but is not involved in management of him;

benefit - the right to first-priority movement concerning other participants of traffic;

transportation of organized groups of children - simultaneous transportation of ten and more children with the head responsible for their maintenance during trip (in addition health worker is appointed to group of thirty and more children);

obstacle for movement - motionless object within driving lane of the vehicle or object which moves in passing within this strip (except for the vehicle moving towards to general flow of vehicles) and forces the driver to maneuver or reduce speed up to vehicle stop;

the intersection - the place of crossing, prileganiye or branching of roads at one level which border are imaginary lines between the beginning of curves of edges of travel part of each of roads. The place of prileganiye to the road of departure from the adjacent territory is not considered the intersection;

the pedestrian - the person who is participating in traffic out of vehicles and not performing any work on the road. Also persons who move in chairs wheel without engine are equated to pedestrians, conduct the bicycle, the moped, the motorcycle, carry the sledge, the cart, the nursery or carriage or chair wheel;

the crosswalk - the site of the carriageway, island of safety or lane line or the engineering construction intended for movement of pedestrians across the road. Crosswalks are designated by route signs 5.38.1 - 5.41.2, road marking 1.14.1-1.14.3, pedestrian traffic lights. In the absence of road marking of border of the crosswalk are determined by distance between route signs or pedestrian traffic lights, and at the intersection in the absence of pedestrian traffic lights, route signs and marking - width of sidewalks or roadsides.

The crosswalk on which movement is regulated by the traffic light or the traffic controller is considered regulated, non-regulated - the crosswalk at which there is no traffic controller, traffic lights are absent or are switched off or work in the mode of blinking of yellow signal;

pedestrian walkway - the path with covering intended for movement of pedestrians, executed within the road or out of it and designated by sign 4.16;

the adjacent territory - the territory which adjoins to the region of the carriageway and is not intended for the through passage but only for entrance to the yards, on parking, gas stations, building sites and so forth or departure from them;

trail car - the vehicle intended for movement only in connection with other vehicle. Also semitrailer trucks and pole trailers belong to this type of vehicles;

the carriageway - the road element intended for movement of not rail vehicles. The road can have several carriageways which borders are lane lines;

the traffic controller - the police officer who is carrying out regulation of traffic in uniform of the increased visibility with elements from retro-reflective material by means of staff, whistle. Employees of military inspectorate of traffic safety, road operational service, the person on duty on railroad crossing, ferry crossing which have the corresponding certificate and armband, staff, disk with red signal or light reflector, red lamp or tag are equated to the traffic controller and carry out adjustment in uniform;

the rail vehicle - the tram and platforms with the special equipment which move on tramroads. All other vehicles which are taking part in traffic are considered as not rail;

lane line - 1.2 element of the highway allocated structurally or by means of firm lines of road marking dividing adjacent carriageways. The lane line is not intended for movement or the parking of vehicles. In the presence on lane line of the sidewalk on it movement of pedestrians is allowed;

agricultural machinery - tractors, self-propelling landing gear, self-propelled farm, road-building, meliorative vehicles and other mechanisms;

driving lane - longitudinal strip on the carriageway in width, at least the m 2,75 designated or not designated by road marking and intended for movement of not rail vehicles;

the parking - traffic congestion of the vehicle for a while, more than 5 minutes, for the reasons which are not connected with need of fulfillment of requirements of these Rules, landing (disembarkation) of passengers, loading (unloading) of load;

night-time - part of days from decline till the sunrise;

the vehicle - the device intended for transportation of people and (or) load, and also the special equipment installed on it or mechanisms;

tramroad - the road element intended for movement of rail vehicles which is limited on width to specially allocated vymashchivaniye of tramway line or road marking. On tram way movement of not rail vehicles according to Section 11 of these rules is allowed;

the sidewalk - the road element intended for movement of pedestrians which adjoins to the carriageway or is separated it by lawn;

advanced covering - the cement-concrete, asphalt, steel concrete or armobetonny combined pavement, pavements paved by stone blocks and mosaic, combined covering from melkorazmerny concrete plates from the crushed stone and gravel processed by organic and viscous materials;

roadside - the highway element adjacent allocated structurally or firm line of road marking it is direct to the outer edge of the carriageway, located with it at one level and not intended for movement of vehicles, except the cases provided by these rules. The roadside can be used for stop and the parking of vehicles, movement of pedestrians, mopeds, bicycles (in the absence of sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle lanes or in case of impossibility to move on them), animal-drawn carts (sledge);

the participant of traffic - person which is directly involved in process of movement on the road as the pedestrian, the driver, the passenger, the driver of animals, the cyclist, and also person who moves in chair wheel;

actual mass - the mass of the equipped vehicle which is determined by its technical characteristic, with the driver and load;

the actual mass of the road train - the amount of actual mass of each vehicle which is part of the road train;

the overpass - engineering construction of bridge type over other expensive (railroad) in the place of their crossing which provides movement by it at the different levels and gives the chance of congress on other road.

2. Obligations and rights of drivers of motorized vehicles

2.1. The driver of the motorized vehicle shall have in case of himself:

a) the certificate of the driver on the right of vehicle control of the corresponding category;

b) the registration document on the vehicle (for vehicles of Armed Forces, National guard, State frontier service, State special transservice, Gosspetssvyaz, Operational rescue service of civil protection, National police, Security, Management of the state protection - the technical coupon);

c) in case of establishment on vehicles of flashing indicators and (or) special sound signaling devices - the permission issued by Ministry of Internal Affairs authorized body, and in case of establishment of the flashing indicator of orange color on large-size and heavyweight vehicles - the permission issued by authorized division of National police except cases of installation of flashing indicators of orange color on agricultural machinery which width exceeds m 2,6, on motorized vehicles of road operational service, on vehicles of special, specialized purpose and on vehicles with identification sign “Children”;


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