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The document ceased to be valid since  September 28, 2020 in compliance the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 27, 2020 No. UP-6075


of March 19, 2008 No. PP-817

About the State program of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands for 2008-2012

In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 29, 2007 N UP-3932 "About Measures for Radical Enhancement of System of Meliorative Improvement of Lands" and for the purpose of ensuring system and integrated approach in implementation of measures for construction and reconstruction of the meliorative systems directed to cardinal improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands:

1. Approve developed by Fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of agricultural and water economy the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas:

target parameters of the State program of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands for 2008-2012 performed by fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands according to the appendix N 1;

forecast parameters of construction and reconstruction of meliorative objects for 2008 according to the appendix N 2.

Confer the personal responsibility for realization of parameters of the State program of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands on heads of the Ministry of agricultural and water economy, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas.

2. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since 2008, in case of project development of the Government budget to provide the means providing financing of meliorative actions according to the State program of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands for 2008-2012.

3. Determine that:

annual state programs of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands are created on the basis of the evidence-based assessment of meliorative condition of lands which is carried out in territorial section taking into account; the meliorative inventory, point - site class and fertility of lands, and also the list of the specific meliorative projects prepared by territorial meliorative expeditions of basin managements of irrigational systems;

project development of long-term, medium-term and annual state programs of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands is performed by Department on management of meliorative improvement of lands of Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of agricultural and water economy and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of offers of territorial meliorative expeditions and submitted for approval to Council of Fund, with the subsequent entering in accordance with the established procedure into the Cabinet of Ministers for approval within annually approved Investing program.

4. In a month to provide to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics together with the Ministry of agricultural and water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas conducting examination of projects on meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands provided to accomplishment in 2008, according to the appendix N 2 to this resolution, and covering:

the main (interregional) collectors - the large paths crossing the borders of two and more areas including having cross-border character;

interdistrict - the collectors crossing borders of two and more areas; intereconomic - the collectors of the operational water management organizations and associations of water users servicing the territories of farms in border of one administrative area.

5. Assign conducting examination of projects on meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands in part:

constructions and reconstruction of meliorative objects - on Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

rescue and recovery operations on meliorative objects - on territorial administrations of state examination of Gosarkhitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Determine that heads of the specified organizations bear the personal responsibility for quality of conducting examination and justification of cost of the works provided by the design estimates.

To assign control of timely and high-quality conducting examination of projects to Council of Fund of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Grant the right to Council of Fund to bring in need of change in the list of projects taking into account priority of objects and degree of readiness of the design estimates.

6. To the ministry of agricultural and water economy together with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other interested ministries and departments to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this resolution in a month.

7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Sh. M.



Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov

Appendix №1

to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 19, 2007 No. PP-817

Target parameters of the State program of meliorative improvement of the irrigated lands for 2008-2012.

|    |Наименование мероприятий |Ед.изм |Прогноз на |из них по годам                                          |
|    |                         |       |2008-2012  +----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------+
|    |                         |       |годы       |2008 г.   |2009 г.    |2010 г.    |2011 г.    | 2012 г.  |
| I. Строительство и реконструкция                                                                           |
|      мелиоративных объектов                                                                                |
|1   |Строительство            |км     |263,2      |31,0      |54,4       |56,7       |58,5       |62,6      |
|    |магистральных            |       |           |          |           |           |           |          |
|    |(межобластных),          |       |           |          |           |           |           |          |
|    |межрайонных и            |       |           |          |           |           |           |          |
|    |межхозяйственных         |       |


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