of July 5, 1993 No. 432
About procedure for calculation of length of service, appointment and pension payment (benefits) to the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure and to members of their families
1. Determine that in length of service for purpose of pensions to the military personnel of officers, to the ensigns, warrant officers, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors passing military service under the contract (further – the military personnel), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations and bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee (further – faces of the commanding and ordinary structure) are set off:
military service in the Armed Forces, border troops, bodies of the border service, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the state security agencies, other military forming created according to the legislation;
service in the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee on positions of the commanding and ordinary structure (further – service);
military service in the Soviet Army and Navy, border, internal, railway troops and other military forming of the former USSR and the Joint Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
military service in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States with which the Republic of Belarus signed the international contracts on social security of the military personnel and their families, – during action of such international treaties (for the Russian Federation – till April 20, 2024, for Ukraine – till February 24, 2022, for other State Parties of international treaties on social security of the military personnel and their families – till January 3, 2025);
service of faces of the commanding and ordinary structure in the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States with which the Republic of Belarus signed the international contracts on social security of faces of the commanding and ordinary structure and their families, – during action of such international treaties (for Ukraine – till the February 24, 2022, for other State Parties of international treaties on social security of persons commanding and ordinary structure and their families – till July 4, 2024);
service in guerrilla groups and connections, in parts and connections of national militia in the period of the Great Patriotic War;
service in the state security agencies of the former USSR: till October 1, 1955 – on positions of the operational structure (including the training period) commanding and administrative board according to the lists of positions approved by the Chairman of Committee for State Security of the former USSR, and on other positions – from the date of assignment of military or special rank; since October 1, 1955 – on positions of the military personnel;
service as military builders of military and construction parts and groups of the former USSR, including during the period from May, 1955 to March, 1965;
the time spent for practical flight training of the persons which are called up for military service and studying for reserve officers of aircrew in system of Volunteer society of assistance of army, aircraft, to the fleet (from 1992 to 2003 – the Belarusian defensive sports and technical society) – not earlier than since January 1, 1961;
stay time in the period of the Great Patriotic War in captivity, environment and on special check if capture was not voluntary and the serviceman, being in captivity, did not commit crime against the Homeland;
the periods of temporary discharge from position, detention, serving sentence in places of detention and references of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure who is unreasonably brought to trial concerning which the verdict of not guilty or determination (resolution) on the termination of criminal case in the absence of socially dangerous act provided by the penal statute behind absence in act of actus reus or behind absence of proof of participation in crime execution is pronounced;
the time spent in the reference, dispatch, on the special settlement of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure, rehabilitated which unreasonably underwent to punishment administratively and subsequently;
operating time in state bodies and other organizations with leaving on military service or in personnel of the Investigative Committee, State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies and divisions for emergency situations, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee;
the term of suspension of military service (service) by the serviceman, to the faces of the commanding and ordinary structure elected by deputies of the House of Representatives of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus, local councils of deputies, chosen or appointed by members of council of the Republic of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus and performing powers on professional basis;
service in militia, correctional institutions, the militarized fire protection and other bodies and organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former USSR and federal republics on positions of the officer, sergeant, commanding and ordinary structure;
service in the destructive battalions, platoons and groups of protection of the people operating in the territory of the being Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR, the Latvian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Estonian SSR during the period from January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1951 as the fighters who were in barracks and also in positions of command structure;
the training period in the organizations of formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former USSR, federal republics, organizations of education performing training on specialties for the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations (are set off in length of service irrespective of availability during training of military or special rank);
operating time in bodies of Councils of People's Deputies of the former USSR, federal republics and the Republic of Belarus after October 23, 1973 if faces of the commanding and ordinary structure were dismissed from service in law-enforcement bodies in connection with their election as deputies on elective offices in bodies of Councils of People's Deputies of the former USSR, federal republics and the Republic of Belarus and returned to service to law-enforcement bodies after the termination of powers on elective office;
operating time of faces of the private and the commanding structure of professional fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former USSR, federal republics, the Republic of Belarus if they till January 1, 1995 were employed from these divisions in the militarized fire engineering service (protection) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;
the periods of work with payment of compulsory insurance premiums in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (further – the periods of work with payment of compulsory insurance premiums) in court or bodies of prosecutor's office in judgeship, the public prosecutor's worker, accepted on military service and appointed to positions of judges, public prosecutor's workers in military courts and military prosecutor's offices, or employed in the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee;
the periods of work with payment of compulsory insurance premiums in bodies of prosecutor's office as the public prosecutor's worker of the persons employed in bodies and divisions for emergency situations, and also accepted on military service and appointed to positions of the staff of the state security agencies, Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
the time spent of reservists for the occupations and training sessions determined by programs of training of reservists.
2. To the military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure discharged from military service (services) after January 1, 1993 and having pension entitlement according to the Item "and" of part one of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies, the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, bodies and divisions on emergency situations and bodies of financial investigations in length of service for award of pension the period of receipt of secondary vocational and (or) higher education as pupils and students, but is in addition set off no more than four years.
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