Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 26, 2008 No. 482

About approval of Rules of establishment, opening, functioning (operation), reconstruction and closing of check points through frontier of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 04-05-2023)

In pursuance of article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About frontier of the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of establishment, opening, functioning (operation), reconstruction and closing of check points through frontier of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize to invalid:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 60 "About approval of the Regulations on check points through frontier of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, N 4, the Art. 485);

Item of 3 changes and additions which are made to orders of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning transport control, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 N 1272 "About the state control of implementation of the international motor transportations" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, N 45, the Art. 5521);

Item of 16 changes which are made to decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning road economy, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2000 N 100 "About change and recognition voided decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning road economy" (The Russian Federation Code, 2000, N 6, the Art. 776).

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2008 No. 482

Rules of establishment, opening, functioning (operation), reconstruction and closing of check points through frontier of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These rules regulate procedure for establishment, opening, functioning (operation), reconstruction and closing of check points through frontier of the Russian Federation.

2. Check points through frontier of the Russian Federation (further - check points) are intended for implementation of the omission through frontier of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals.

3. Check points are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at railway, automobile stations or stations, in sea, river (lake) ports, the airports (airfields), military airfields open for the international messages (the international flights), and also on other sites of the area which are specially allocated in close proximity to frontier of the Russian Federation.

3(1). Designing, construction (reconstruction) and the equipment of the buildings, rooms, constructions necessary for the organization boundary, customs and other types of control at the check point, are performed at the expense of means of the federal budget and other sources of financing, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation (further - other sources of financing) (on condition of transfer on a grant basis of buildings, rooms and constructions for the organization boundary, customs and other types of control at the check point).

4. For implementation of the omission through frontier of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and animals the corresponding federal executive bodies at check points create in accordance with the established procedure divisions of bodies boundary, customs, and in the cases provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation and the Federal Laws, other types of control (further - divisions of the state regulatory authorities).

II. Classification and specialization of check points

5. Check points are classified on:

sea, river (lake), air, automobile, railway, pedestrian, mixed - by the form the international message;

passenger, cargo, passenger-and-freight - on nature of the international message;

permanent, temporary, seasonal, working at irregular basis - on operating mode;

multilateral - for crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation by persons irrespective of their nationality (citizenship), including stateless persons, and vehicles irrespective of the state accessory, and also for movement through it of loads, goods and animals irrespective of their state accessory;

bilateral - for crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation by citizens, including in the simplified procedure, and vehicles of the Russian Federation and the adjacent state, and also for movement through frontier of the Russian Federation of loads, goods and animals only of the Russian Federation and the adjacent state.

6. According to international treaties of the Russian Federation and the Federal Laws check points can specialize by types of the moved loads, goods and animals (further - specialized check points).

Specialized check points join in the lists published by Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation according to the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation and are subdivided on:

specially equipped and intended for import to the territory of the Russian Federation of the goods, chemical, biological and radioactive materials, waste and other loads constituting danger to the person, foodstuff, materials and products;

specially equipped and intended for import to the territory of the Russian Federation of animals, live stock products and forages, quarantine products (quarantine material, quarantine freight, quarantine goods).

III. Procedure for establishment of check points

7. Check points are established by international treaties of the Russian Federation or acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. Offers on establishment of check points can be made by federal executive bodies or the supreme executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation (further - initiators).

The offer on establishment of the check point goes the initiator to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (if it is not initiator) with appendix of the following documents:

reasons for feasibility of establishment of the check point with indication of its type and classification;

data on the planned handling capacity and terms of opening of the check point;

calculation and reasons for costs of funds from the federal budget for designing, construction, the equipment, hardware and content of the buildings, rooms, constructions necessary for the organization boundary, customs and other types of control at the check point if such designing, the construction, the equipment, hardware and content are performed at the expense of means of the federal budget;

calculation and reasons for costs of funds from the federal budget for content of the buildings, rooms, constructions necessary for the organization boundary, customs and other types of control at the check point if their designing, the construction, the equipment and hardware are performed at the expense of means of other sources of financing;


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