of June 17, 2008 No. 343
About provision of credit resources for construction, reconstruction, technical retrofitting and repair of production facilities of agro-industrial complex
For the purpose of financing of construction, reconstruction, technical retrofitting, capital and running repair of production facilities of agro-industrial complex I decide:
1. Charge to banks according to appendix in 2008-2010 to issue to the organizations for the lists determined by regional executive committees, the credits in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency for total amount 1, in 7 trillion rubles for construction, reconstruction, technical retrofitting, capital and running repair of production facilities of agro-industrial complex with collection of interest for using by them:
in Belarusian rubles - in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank increased no more than by 3 percent points of margin;
in foreign currency - in the amount of no more than 12 annual interest rates.
At the same time foreign currency loans are issued on acquisition of the import equipment used for the purposes called in part one of this Item.
The specified credits are repaid within 8 years in year after input of production facility of agro-industrial complex in operation or completion of its reconstruction, technical retrofitting and repair in accordance with the established procedure.
Percent on the loans granted according to part one of this Item are paid:
in the amount of 3 percent points of margin - the organizations which obtained such credits in Belarusian rubles;
in the amount of refunding rate of National Bank - on the credits issued in Belarusian rubles and in the amount of rate on the credit - on the credits issued in foreign currency at the expense of means of the republican budget, including fund of support of producers of agricultural products, food and agrarian science.
2. Guarantees are provided to the banks performing issuance of credits according to Item 1 of this Decree:
The governments of the Republic of Belarus - in repayment of the credits issued to the organizations which property is in republican property, and to the organizations which share (share) in authorized funds belong to the Republic of Belarus (irrespective of finding of shares (shares) of such legal entities also in municipal property), the unitary enterprises which founders are open joint stock companies from shares of republican property in authorized funds;
local executive and administrative organs - in repayment of the credits issued to the organizations which property is in municipal property, and to the organizations which share (share) in authorized funds belong to administrative and territorial units, and also the organizations which property is in private property, located in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial units.
Guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs are provided to the organizations without their tax debt, to charges (duties), other obligatory payments in the budget (including in the state trust budget funds and Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection), in state non-budgetary funds, on the budget loans, loans (including prolonged), overdue debt on the credits of banks (on principal debt and percent on it) including issued under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs and also the organizations which did not fulfill the obligations on the performed guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs.
3. Determine that:
3.1. condition of rendering the state support to the organizations to which according to part one of Item 1 of this Decree the credits are issued is accomplishment by them in 2008-2015 the main target indicators of the forecast of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus in growth rates of the volumes of production and profitability of goods sold finished in accordance with the established procedure;
3.2. the payment for provision of guarantees for the Government of the Republic of Belarus from the organizations, being loanees, issued according to part one of Item 1 of this Decree, is not levied.
4. Of the indicators called in Item 3 of this Decree to assign the personal responsibility for achievement by the organizations to which according to part one of Item 1 of this Decree the credits are issued, to the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Belarus supervising questions of agro-industrial complex, the Minister of Agriculture and Food, chairmen of regional executive committees and heads of the organizations which according to this Decree are given the state support.
5. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:
5.1. by preparation of the project of regulatory legal act about refining of the directions of use of means of republican fund of support of producers of agricultural products, food and agrarian science in 2008 to provide funds for interest payment on the credits according to the paragraph third parts four of Item 1 of this Decree;
5.2. when forming budget statements of the Republic of Belarus for 2009-2020 to provide in the republican budget, including republican fund of support of producers of agricultural products, food and agrarian science, funds for interest payment for the credits according to the paragraph third parts four of Item 1 of this Decree, and also for execution of the guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus provided according to the paragraph to the second part one of Item 2 of this Decree;
5.3. together with National Bank, regional executive committees to take measures for implementation of this Decree.
6. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.
7. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 17, 2008 No. 343
+--------------------+---------+------+----------------------------------------------ї |Наименование банков |Сроки вы-|Сумма | В том числе по областям | | |дачи кре-|креди-+------+------+-------+--------+-------+-------+ | |дитов |тов - |Брест-|Витеб-|Гомель-|Грод- |Минская|Моги- | | |(годы) |всего,|ская |ская |ская |ненская | |левская| | | |млрд. | | | | | | | | | |рублей| | | | | | | +--------------------+---------+------+------+------+-------+--------+-------+-------+ |Открытое акционерное| |
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