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of January 8, 2008 No. 16

About National fund of technical regulatory legal acts

(as amended on 28-06-2024)

In pursuance of paragraph two of Item 3 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 16, 2007 "About procedure for informing everyone technical regulatory legal acts" and for the purpose of provision to legal entities and physical persons of complete, reliable and timely information about technical regulatory legal acts the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 318

1. Rename National fund of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization into National fund of technical regulatory legal acts.

2. Approve:

The regulations on National fund of technical regulatory legal acts (are applied);

Instructions for use (are attached) by National fund of technical regulatory legal acts.

3. To the state committee on standardization:

carry out inventory of the technical regulatory legal acts which are subject to inclusion in National fund of technical regulatory legal acts as of January 1, 2008. To draw up results of the carried-out inventory the relevant act;

take other measures for implementation of this resolution.

4. Declare invalid the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 2004 No. 781 "About National fund of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 106, 5/14485).

5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


Prime Minister

Republic of Belarus S. Sidorsky

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 8, 2008 No. 16

Regulations on National fund of technical regulatory legal acts

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The national fund of technical regulatory legal acts (further – National fund) represents the systematized fund of technical regulatory legal acts, international standards, interstate and other regional standards, information on them, and also other documents and information resources provided by this Provision and other acts of the legislation on papers and (or) in the form of computer databank with the help and search device on the basis of information technologies.

For the purposes of this provision technical regulatory legal acts are understood as the technical regulatory legal acts provided by legal acts, except for standards of the organizations and specifications.

2. The national fund is created for the purpose of:

provisions to legal entities and physical persons of complete, reliable and timely information about technical regulatory legal acts;

assistance to use of modern achievements of science and technology in the field of technical regulation and standardization.

3. The national fund is created and conducted by the State committee on standardization (further - Gosstandart). Maintenance of maintaining National fund performs the research and production republican unitary enterprise "Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification".

Chapter 2. Structure of National fund

4. National fund are included:

4.1. the texts of the approved (enacted) technical regulatory legal acts provided in the cases provided by legal acts except cases when in such acts there are data constituting the state secrets;

4.2. texts of resolutions (orders) on approval of technical regulatory legal acts, about entering into technical regulatory legal acts of changes and (or) amendments, interpretation of such acts, suspension of their action, canceling or recognition invalid, and also texts of the changes made to technical regulatory legal acts;

4.3. officially the published international, regional standards and national standards of foreign states, and also their transfers into Russian;

4.4. information printing publications of the state bodies approving the technical regulatory legal acts containing the data provided by paragraphs second and third subitem of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 16, 2007 No. 318;

4.5. official information publications of the international, regional and national standardization organizations: directories, pointers, lists, bulletins;

4.6. the regulating documents on standardization accepted (approved) by Committee on standardization, metrology and certification under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus or the Ministry of Architecture before entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2004 No. 262-Z "About technical regulation and standardization";

4.7. No. 773 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 13.10.2017

4-1. Texts of the technical regulatory legal acts and other documents specified in subitems 4. 2, 4.3 and 4.5 items 4 of this provision presented in National fund in the form of electronic documents or electronic copies of documents on papers join in computer databank.

5. The procedure for storage of the technical regulatory legal acts and other documents specified in subitems 4.1-4.6 of item 4 of this provision is determined by Gosstandart.

Chapter 3. Organization of work on maintaining National fund

6. The state bodies approving technical regulatory legal acts except cases when in such acts there are data constituting the state secrets send to the body authorized according to Item 3 this provision on maintenance of maintaining National fund:

6.1. concerning the technical regulatory legal acts which are not according to legal acts, resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, obligatory for observance, no later than five working days after signing of the relevant resolutions (orders):

texts of resolutions (orders), the approved technical regulatory legal acts, and also texts of the changes in type of electronic documents or electronic copies of documents made to technical regulatory legal acts on papers;

the data on the approved technical regulatory legal acts including information on their type, designation and registration number (in case of their availability), the name, Date of Introduction in action (entries into force), the replaced technical regulatory legal act, the claiming resolutions (orders) and on entering into technical regulatory legal acts of changes, interpretation of such acts, suspension of their action, canceling or recognition invalid, sources of official publication (in the presence), about the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs extending technical regulatory legal acts, and also summaries to these acts on electronic (magnetic) media;


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