It is registered
in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
May 27, 2008.
No. 463/15154
of March 11, 2008 No. 132
About approval of the Procedure for provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008
According to the Law of Ukraine "About ratification of the Free-trade agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Macedonia" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2007 N 1411 "About approval of inventories which export and import is subject to licensing and amounts of quotas in 2008" I ORDER:
1. Approve the Procedure for provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008 which is applied.
2. To department of the external economic cooperation (Rudenko M. M.):
2.1. Submit in accordance with the established procedure the order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
2.2. Provide timely consideration of documents of applicants concerning provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing.
3. To impose control over the implementation of the order on the deputy minister Zavalevskaya V. O.
Minister Yu. F. Melnik
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine of March 11, 2008, No. 132
1.1. This Procedure is developed according to the Law of Ukraine "About ratification of the Free-trade agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Macedonia" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2007 N 1411 "About approval of inventories which export and import is subject to licensing, and amounts of quotas in 2008".
1.2. The procedure determines conditions of provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008, according to contracts between the Ukrainian and foreign business entities irrespective of patterns of ownership and managing (further - Approval on issue of licenses) by the inventory which export and import is subject to licensing, and amounts of quotas in 2008 according to appendix 10 of the above-mentioned resolution.
2.1. Approval on issue of licenses is performed by the principle of temporary priority.
2.2. For receipt of Approval the business entity shall submit such documents for issue of licenses which issues the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine:
a) the statement for provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008 (appendix 1);
b) the copies of documents certified of the procedure established by the legislation:
the agreement (contract) with nonresidents and the specification to it;
certificate of conformity or certificate on recognition of the foreign certificate of conformity of agricultural and food products;
the license confirming the right of business entity to implementation of import of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
Subjects of managing are responsible for accuracy of the information, provided in documents submitted for receipt of Approval for issue of licenses.
2.3. The decision on provision of Approval on issue of licenses or refusal in such provision is signed by the First Deputy Minister or the deputy minister according to distribution of functional powers and Minagropolitiki is sealed official.
2.4. Approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008 (appendix 2) is drawn up in duplicate, one is transferred to business entity for further execution of the license in the procedure established by the legislation, the second remains in Minagropolitiki.
2.5. Minagropolitiki in the Book of registration of statements about provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008 conducts registration of statements, issued to subjects of managing (appendix 3).
2.6. The subject of managing informs the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine on the actual import of the specified products under each contract to the 20th of the month following reporting quarter.
2.7. The documents accepted according to Item 2.2 of this Procedure in case of receipt of Approval do not return to issue of licenses to the applicant.
2.8. In provision of Approval on issue of licenses refuses if the incomplete, not drawn up properly set of documents goes, unauthenticity of data in documents, stipulated in Item 2.2 this About is found.
In the decision on refusal in issue of Approval the refusal bases are specified issue of licenses. In case of refusal in issue of Approval on issue of licenses the mark in the statement becomes, the signature of the subject of managing about acquaintance with reasonable cause of failure in issue of Approval on issue of licenses is appended.
2.9. The decision on provision (or refusal) Approvals on issue of licenses to the subject of managing is provided by the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine within 10 working days of registration date of the statement.
2.10. The decision on refusal in provision of Approval on issue of licenses to business entity can be appealed judicially.
Department director
external economic
M. M. Rudenko's cooperation
to the Procedure for provision approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008
The statement for provision of approval on issue of licenses for agricultural and food products which import from the Republic of Macedonia is subject to licensing in 2008
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