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of June 12, 2008 No. 455

About procedure for compensation for expenses on payment of fare and conveyance to the place of use of leave and back for persons working in the federal state bodies, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, federal state institutions located in the region of the Far North and the areas equated to them, and members of their families

(as amended on 07-03-2016)

According to article 325 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of compensation for expenses on payment of fare and conveyance to the place of use of leave and back for persons working in the federal state bodies, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, federal state institutions located in the region of the Far North and the areas equated to them, and members of their families.

2. Financial provision of the payment commitments of the Russian Federation connected with implementation of the Rules approved by this resolution is performed within the budgetary appropriations provided in the federal budget for the corresponding year on ensuring accomplishment of functions by federal state bodies, including federal executive bodies in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides military service, and ensuring activities of the relevant federal state institutions, and also provided in the relevant budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year on ensuring accomplishment of their functions.

3. To make to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation explanations on the questions connected using the Rules approved by this resolution.


Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2008 No. 455

Rules of compensation for expenses on payment of fare and conveyance to the place of use of leave and back for persons working in the federal state bodies, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, federal state institutions located in the region of the Far North and the areas equated to them, and members of their families

1. These rules establish procedure for compensation for expenses on payment of fare and conveyance to the place of use of leave and back for employees of federal state bodies, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, the federal state institutions located in the region of the Far North and areas equated to them (further - employees of organizations), and members of their families.

2. To employees of organizations and members of their families of 1 times in 2 years compensation for the account of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget or the relevant budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation of expenses on payment of fare within the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of annual paid leave of the worker and back by any kind of transport (except for taxi), including personal, and also conveyance weighing up to 30 kilograms is made (further - compensation for expenses).

3. The unemployed the husband (wife), the minor children (including adopted) who are actually living with the worker treats the members of the family of the employee of organization having entitlement to compensation of expenses.

Payment of fare and conveyance to members of the family of the employee of organization is made on condition of their departure to the place of use of leave of the worker (to one settlement on the existing administrative-territorial division) and returns (as together with the worker, and separately from it).

4. The entitlement to compensation of expenses in first and second of work arises at the employee of organization along with the right to annual paid leave for the first year of work.

Further the employee of organization has entitlement to compensation of expenses in third and fourth of continuous work in this organization - since third year of work, in fifth and sixth - since fifth year of work, etc.

The right to payment of fare and conveyance at members of the family of the employee of organization arises along with emergence of such right at the employee of organization.

Compensation for expenses is target payment. The means paid as compensation for expenses are not summed up if the worker and members of his family timely did not exercise entitlement to compensation.

5. The expenses which are subject to compensation include:

a) payment of fare to the place of use of leave of the employee of organization and back to the permanent address - in the amount of the actual expenses supported by travel documents (including fee on execution of travel documents, provision in trains of bedding), but fares are not higher:

by rail - in compartment car of the fast corporate train;

water transport - in cabin of the V group of the ocean ship of regular transportation lines and lines with complex servicing of passengers, in cabin of the II category of the river craft of all lines of the message, in cabin of the I category of the vessel of ferry crossing;

air transport - in salon of economy class. When using air transport for journey of the employee of organization and members of his family to the place of use of leave of the specified worker and (or) back to the permanent address travel documents (tickets) are processed acquired) only on flights of the Russian airlines or airlines of other state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, except as specified, if the specified airlines do not perform passenger traffic to the place of use of leave or if execution (acquisition) of travel documents (tickets) for flights of these airlines is impossible in view of their absence for date of departure to the place of use of leave and (or) back;

road transport - in road transport public (except taxi), in case of its absence - in buses with soft folding seats;

b) payment of fare by road transport public (except taxi) to the railway station, pier, the airport and bus station in the presence of documents (tickets) confirming expenses;

c) payment of cost of conveyance weighing no more than 30 kilograms on the worker and 30 kilograms on each family member irrespective of quantity of the baggage permitted for free transportation under the ticket for that mode of transport to which the worker and members of his family, in the amount of documentary confirmed expenses follows.

6. If the documents submitted by the employee of organization confirm the made expenses on driving through higher category of journey, than stipulated in Item 5 these rules, compensation for expenses is made based on the certificate of fare according to the established category of journey issued to the worker (members of his family) by the relevant transport organization transporting or her authorized agent (further - transport organization), for date of acquisition of the ticket. Expenses on receipt of the specified reference of compensation are not subject.


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