of October 31, 2001 No. 1595
About approval of the Regulations on the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus
Based on the paragraph of third of article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 424-Z
Approve Regulations on the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus it (is applied).
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
G. Novitsky
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1595
1. The Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus (further the Ministry of Energy) is republican state body and submits to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The Ministry of Energy coordinates activities of other republican state bodies for the questions entering its competence.
2. The Ministry of Energy in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the legislation, and also this Provision.
3. The structure of central office of the Ministry of Energy includes department with the rights of the legal entity, head departments, managements, departments, sectors.
In the Ministry of Energy for the purpose of ensuring its activities and maintenance other structural divisions are created, as a rule.
Are a part of the system of the Ministry of Energy:
the organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Energy (further – the organizations), economic societies, shares (share in authorized funds) of which belong to the Republic of Belarus and are transferred to the control by the Ministry of Energy, according to the lists determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;
the state organizations which are part of the national production association of power industry of Belenergo and national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz.
4. The main objectives of the Ministry of Energy are:
4.1. realization of state policy in the field of power - and gas supply of consumers of the Republic of Belarus;
4.2. carrying out the scientific and technical, economic and social policy directed to creation of conditions for effective work of the organizations for the purpose of satisfaction of requirement of economy and the population in electrical and heat energy, the natural and liquefied gas, firm types of fuel, their rational and safe use;
4.3. acceptance in accordance with the established procedure measures for ensuring energy security of the Republic of Belarus;
4.4. acceptance in accordance with the established procedure measures for ensuring nuclear and radiation safety during creation and functioning of nuclear power engineering, system of long-term storage and burial of radioactive waste in the Republic of Belarus;
4.4-1. taking measures to ensuring the guaranteed connection to the state energy networks of installations to use of renewable energy resources according to the procedure, established by the legislation;
4.4-2. taking measures to the guaranteed acquisition by the state power supplying organizations of the energy made from renewable energy resources and delivered by producers of energy from renewable energy resources in the state energy networks if other is not determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and also its payment by the rates established according to the legislation;
4.5. preparation together with other republican state bodies, other organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom of offers on forming of energy policy of the Republic of Belarus and the organization of realization of this policy;
4.6. development and implementation of measures for improvement of payment discipline when calculating for fuel and energy;
4.7. development of international cooperation and foreign economic relations in the questions carried to competence of the Ministry of Energy;
4.8. implementation of state regulation of supply with the electric power, gas, vapor, hot water and the conditioned air, and also creation of conditions for development of the organizations of all patterns of ownership performing this type of economic activity;
4.9. ensuring creation and functioning of system of long-term storage and burial of radioactive waste, including by creation of specially authorized organization – the national operator according to the treatment of radioactive waste.
5. The Ministry of Energy according to the tasks assigned to it:
5.1. exercises control of organization activity by means of regulation of their activities and realization of powers of the owner with efficiency analysis of work of the organizations and development of offers on its increase;
5.2. participates in limits of the competence of project development of programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus;
5.3. will organize development of the main directions of energy policy and their realization, and also offers on increase in level of energy security of the Republic of Belarus;
5.4. will organize and coordinates activities for creation of nuclear power engineering and implementation of construction and operation of nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus;
5.5. participates in forming and realization of state policy in the field of energy saving;
5.6. participates in development of offers on forming of fuel and energy balance of the Republic of Belarus, creates balances of the natural and liquefied gas, fuel oil, electrical and heat energy, firm types of fuel for the organizations;
5.6-1. determines the customer of works on detailed investigation of fields of the peat used in the energy purposes for preparation them to development, creation of feasibility statements on feasibility of development of fields of peat, technologies of its production and conversion, and also by development of fields;
5.7. develops and provides realization of the investing programs directed to acceleration of scientific and technical progress, increase in efficiency and reliability fuel - and power supply of consumers;
5.8. performs preparation of projects of the regulatory legal acts governing the relations in fuel and energy complex, analyzes practice of application of these acts;
5.9. will organize development and approves in accordance with the established procedure technical regulatory legal acts in the field of power - and gas supply of consumers of the Republic of Belarus;
5.10. will organize and coordinates work of the organizations for project development of the standards, regulations and rules relating to the sphere of their activities;
5.11. participates in limits of the competence of preparation of offers on forming of state policy of fuel prices and energy;
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