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of May 25, 2007

About the Complex of joint efforts of the State Parties of the CIS according to the prevention of penetration and spread of avian flu in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS

The Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States solved:

1. Approve the Complex of joint efforts of the State Parties of the CIS according to the prevention of penetration and spread of avian flu in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS it (is applied).

2. Recommend to the governments of the State Parties of the CIS to use basic provisions of the specified Complex of joint efforts in case of development and adoption of national veterinary health regulations (instructions) for prevention of drift and spread of avian flu in the State Parties of the CIS.

3. This Decision becomes effective from the date of its signing, and for the states which legislation requires accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for its entry into force, - from date of delivery on storage to depositary of the notification on accomplishment of the mentioned procedures.

It is made in the city of Yalta on May 25, 2007 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States which will send to each state which signed this Decision, its verified copy.


For the Government

Azerbaijan Republic

For the Government

Republic of Moldova

For the Government

Republic of Belarus

For the Government

Russian Federation

For the Government

Georgia Republics

For the Government


For the Government

Republic of Armenia

For the Government


For the Government

Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Government

Republic of Uzbekistan

For the Government

Kyrgyz Republic

For the Government


Approved by the Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 25, 2007

Complex of joint efforts of the State Parties of the CIS according to the prevention of penetration and spread of avian flu in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS

The passport of the Complex of joint efforts of the State Parties of the CIS according to the prevention of penetration and spread of avian flu in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS

Date and the basis for decision making about development

The agreement on cooperation in the field of veterinary science of March 12, 1993

The decision of CIS Economic Council of October 12, 2005

The decision of Intergovernmental council on cooperation in the field of veterinary science of April 19, 2006



Intergovernmental council on cooperation in the field of veterinary science


Contractor and collaborators

Departments (head departments) of veterinary science of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS



Federal Center of Health Protection of Animals Federal State Institution of Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) (VNIIZZh Federal State Institution)


Realization terms



Main actions

Creation of necessary normative legal support for implementation of actions veterinary services of the State Parties of the CIS, including development and approval of national programs for prevention and fight against avian flu in the State Parties of the CIS and rules (instructions) for fight against avian flu. Unification on the basis of requirements of the International Epizootic Bureau (IEB) of diagnostic means and methods for detection, isolation and identification of the activator.

The organization of monitoring of livestock of industrial enterprises, poultry in farms of citizens, wild migratory and synanthropic birds, first of all in zones of high risk.

Creation and support of reserve of vaccine, diagnostikum, dezosredstvo for operational liquidation of the possible centers of avian flu.

The organization of study and training of veterinary specialists of the State Parties of the CIS for the purpose of increase in their qualification.

Coordination of collateral actions of veterinary services of gosudarstvuchastnik of the CIS and international organizations (MEB/FAO/the EU) for diagnostics and control of avian flu.

Creation of information and communication system of interaction of veterinary services of the State Parties of the CIS


Control of realization

Performs Intergovernmental council on cooperation in the field of veterinary science. Coordinator of works and actions for the Complex of joint efforts is Federal Center of Health Protection of Animals (VNIIZZh Federal State Institution) Federal State Institution


The most important target indicators

Ensuring wellbeing on avian flu of each state and Commonwealth in general, minimization of economic damage in case of possible emergence of outbreaks of avian flu by their bystry localization and liquidation


The expected resulting effects

Decrease in damage from epizooty of the avian flu causing emergency situations in poultry farming and reduction of danger of emergence of pandemic of flu by protection of poultry



The short characteristic of modern epizootic situation and measures of fight against avian flu in the world and the CIS


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