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The document ceased to be valid since  June 24, 2016 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of  June 20, 2016 No. 774


of August 4, 1995 No. 547

About measures for streamlining and state regulation of the prices (rates)

(as amended on 11-09-2015)

For the purpose of accomplishment of provisions of the Law on domestic trade No. 231 of September 23, 2010. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, No. 206-209, of the Art. 681), the Marine life protection act of the rights of consumers No. 105-XV of March 13, 2003. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2003, Art. No. 126-131, 507), with subsequent changes and amendments, and also for the purpose of ensuring social protection of citizens DECIDES: the Government

1. Determine that industrial goods, consumer goods, works and services made (rendered) by legal entities and physical persons of the Republic of Moldova except to what measures of state regulation of the prices (according to appendices No. 1 are applied and 2), are implemented on free selling prices (rates).

2. To the physical persons and legal entities occupied with business activity irrespective of type of property and form of business, it is allowed, since January 1, 1995, when forming free retail prices on goods to apply the free trade allowance, except the prices of socially important goods.

2-1. For the purposes of this Resolution the following concepts are used:

trade enterprise (distributor) - the subject of chain of movement of goods from the producer to the consumer;

conversion - additional activities of engineering procedure of production of goods which do not change initial product characteristics and are performed within trade enterprise (calibration, sorting, crushing, drying, cutting, cutting, packaging, repacking, marking);

trade discount (discount) - reduction of price of the producer / trade enterprise, previously approved between the parties, in accordance with the terms, provided in the agreement;

purchase price - the price of the foreign producer / his official representative, less the amount of the provided trade discount specified in source documents taking into account payment of the rights to commodity import, transportation expenses (if it is applicable, depending on delivery conditions), counted in national currency (lei), according to the official rate of Moldovan leu operating on the date of implementation of customs transactions;

selling price - the price of domestic manufacturer, less the amount of the provided trade discount specified in source documents;

wholesale price - the price of the trade enterprise performing wholesale trade;

retail price - the price of the trade enterprise performing retail trade;

the trade allowance - component of wholesale or retail price which represents difference between this price and purchase/selling price of goods specified in source documents.

3. For socially important goods (application No. 3) is installed the following procedure for pricing:

the exported goods are implemented at free prices;

for catering establishments III of category (which serve disabled people, socially vulnerable persons, school students, students, the population on place of employment, in medical institutions) the size of the trade allowance does not exceed 30 percent, and for the companies II of category of 70 percent from purchase/selling prices on products or from the cost of set of products when calculating the prices of dishes and products;

import goods are implemented in the territory of the Republic of Moldova on purchase prices using the trade allowance which is not exceeding 20 percent, and for the goods which are subject to conversion within trade enterprises, the total amount of trade allowances shall not exceed 40 percent from purchase price. Operating expenses, including expenses on conversion and other expenses connected with purchase and sales of goods become covered at the expense of the trade allowance;

goods of national production are implemented by trade enterprises in the territory of the Republic of Moldova on selling price, using the trade allowance which is not exceeding 20 percent, except for bread and bakery products for which the limited trade allowance will not exceed 10 percent, construction materials - 30 percent from selling price. Operating expenses, including expenses on transportation of construction materials and other expenses connected with purchase and sales of goods become covered at the expense of the trade allowance;

in all cases of sales of goods using the limited trade allowance, irrespective of number of trade enterprises (distributors), the size of the trade allowance shall not exceed the established limit to purchase/selling price.

4. In case of realization of socially important goods the legal entities and physical persons performing business activity shall specify in source documents of the strict reporting (the account-faktury/tax delivery notes) purchase/selling price of goods and total amount of the trade allowance.

7. Determine that in case of violation of procedure for forming and use of regulated prices legal entities and physical persons bear responsibility according to the current legislation.

8. Control of observance of requirements of this resolution is imposed on the Ministry of Economics. Control of respect for the state discipline of the prices is imposed on the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

9. To the Ministry of Finance to make necessary changes in the instruction for filling of source documents of the strict reporting.

10. Recognize invalid the orders of the Government of the Republic of Moldova according to the enclosed list.

11. This resolution becomes effective since August 31, 1995.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova

Andrey Sangeli

List of the invalid orders of the Government of the Republic of Moldova

1. The order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 726 of December 27, 1991. "About liberalization of the prices and rates and about protection of the domestic market".

2. The order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 108 of February 21, 1992. "About retail prices on medicines and products of medical appointment" (Monitor, 1992, No. 2, the Art. 65).

3. The order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 566 of September 7, 1993. "About enhancement of procedure for price fixation of realization of oil products".

4. The order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 637 of October 12, 1993. "About some measures for regulation of procedure for establishment of the trade allowance in the Republic of Moldova" (Monitor, 1993, No. 10, the Art. 317).


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