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of March 7, 2008 No. 67

About approval of the Procedure for assignment to theaters of the status "academic" and "national"

(as amended on 30-08-2023)

In pursuance of subitem 1.3 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 6, 2007 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About theater and theatrical activities" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No. 529:

1. Approve "Procedure for assignment to theaters of the status "academic" and "national" it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 7, 2008, No. 67

Procedure for assignment to theaters of the status "academic" and "national"

1. General provisions

This Procedure for the purpose of ensuring execution of subitem 1.3 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 6, 2007 with No. 529 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About theater and theatrical activities" determines procedure for assignment to theaters of the status "academic" and "national" according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About theater and theatrical activities".

The status "academic" and "national" is appropriated to theaters by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic at the initiative of collective, based on representation of the Ministry of Culture of the Azerbaijan Republic.

2. The status "academic" can be given to the theaters meeting the following requirements

* showing high professionalism, preparing committed monumental performances in art aspect;

* the today's creativity deeply familiar with historical traditions of the Azerbaijani people, developing it on the basis of democratic principles;

* coming to the international scale the activities showing rich historical traditions and universal values in the creativity;

* differing in ideological and art integrity and the public importance, creating scenic works with long scenic life;

* enriching the repertoire with classical pearls of the national and world literature, building joint operation with creative associations, creating basis for regular emergence of new original works on the basis of creative exchange with the writers, playwrights and composers well-known for talented persons, having exclusive merits in high spiritual, ethical and moral education of younger generation;

* constantly creating creative structure, supporting creative searches of talented youth, directing on-stage performance group according to professional requirements, making use of the best practices for development of collective;

* regularly participating at tenders and festivals of the international level where the famous directors, conductors and choreographers participate;

* carrying out forecast indicators of activities;

* achieved achievements in the field of modern management, rationally using financial and material resources, implementing advanced methods of work in technical and manufacture workshops, strengthening material and technical resources.

3. The status "national" can be given to the theaters meeting the following requirements

* having merits in preserving, enrichment and development of the Azerbaijani national culture;

* achieved big authority on the country and at the regional level, played special role development of national culture and art;

* most of which part of general structure is constituted by professionals of high level;

* regulating experimental creative search of the talented young personnel, young directors, conductors, ballet masters and chorus masters studying in bakalavriatura and magistracy, creating "small scenes" and the studios serving to development of collective;

* regularly acting for identification of new creative opportunities in the field of scenography, music and choreography;

* rendering to the country population cultural servicing of high level, kept and propagandizing national cultural values;

* the implementation of creative search applying innovative scenic forms providing all-round, harmonious development of modern national theatrics on the basis of progressive international experience;

* creating conditions for education of new generation of authors on the way of development of the Azerbaijani dramatic art;

* providing preserving, enrichment and promotion of Azerbaijani by means of scene;

* creating esthetic taste, art understanding and tendency to art creativity at different segments of the population;

* imparting high feelings of nationality, humanity, patriotism, and also respect and goodwill to moral values;

* taking close part in the rational organization of leisure and forming of public line item of people.

Note. Stable activities in creative and production area of the theater provided on award of the status "academic" and "national", over the last 10 years and availability of effective production indicators shall be supported by official documents.

The theater shall show high professionalism in the field of theatrical activities, have exclusive merits on preserving democratic traditions of the country.

4. Representation and award of the status to theaters "academic" and "national"

4.1. For award of the status to theaters "academic" and "national" the Ministry of Culture of the Azerbaijan Republic shall submit the following documents to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:

* the letter representation for award of the status to theater;

* the copy of the decision of board of the ministry about it;

* information on financing source approved with the Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic;

* creative characteristic of theater;

* samples of the materials reflecting creativity of theater over the last 10 years in media;

* the reference reflecting creative, production and financial performance of theater over the last 10 years.

4.2. For the purpose of studying of creative activities of theater for award of the status to theater "academic" and "national" the Ministry of Culture of the Azerbaijan Republic creates the commission consisting of specialists, specialists in drama study, scientists-specialists in drama study. The conclusion of the commission about presentation of the corresponding representation is discussed on board of the ministry.


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