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of March 7, 2008 No. 345

About procedure for compensation to legal entities of the Republic of Belarus of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on payment for the housing and communal services consumed by them, services of transport, telecommunication and mail service

(as amended on 16-11-2020)

According to article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 14, 2007 "About the state social privileges, the rights and guarantees for separate categories of citizens" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

Regulations on procedure for compensation to the organizations of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on payment for the housing and communal services consumed by them;

Regulations on procedure for expense recovery, the privileges to separate categories of citizens connected with provision on journey on passenger common carrier;

Regulations on procedure for compensation to operators of telecommunication and the national operator of mail service of the expenses incurred in connection with provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on fee of telecommunication and mail service.

2. Determine that losses of the income of the organizations of passenger transport from provision of privileges to separate categories of citizens for journey on urban passenger transportation, (except for railway) on automobile and water passenger common carrier of the regular suburban message are compensated at the expense of the funds of local budgets within the amounts allocated for financing of part of expenses on ensuring the specified transportations.

3. To the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Transport and Communications to determine procedure for compensation of losses of the income of the organizations of transport from provision of privileges to separate categories of citizens for journey on urban passenger transportation, on automobile and water passenger common carrier of the regular suburban message within the amounts directed to financing of part of expenses on ensuring the specified transportations.

4. To republican state bodies, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its acceptance.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Sidorsky

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 7, 2008 No. 345

Regulations on procedure for compensation to the organizations of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on payment for the housing and communal services consumed by them

1. This Provision determines procedure for compensation to the organizations at the expense of means republican and local budgets of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens according to article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 14, 2007 "About the state social privileges, the rights and guarantees for separate categories of citizens" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 147, 2/1336) of privileges by payment for the housing and communal services consumed by them * (further – the expenses connected with provision of privileges on payment for housing and communal services).


* For the purposes of this provision housing and communal services are understood as services in maintenance and (or) use of premises, services in maintenance of the elevator, utilities (also cold water supply, water disposal (sewerage), gazo-, electro-and heat supply, the address with solid municipal waste, supply with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas from individual balloon or reservoir installations is hotter).

2. The expense accounting, the privileges connected with provision on payment for housing and communal services, is kept:

the organizations which are part of the national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz and the national production association of power industry Belenergo – regarding services electro-, warm and gas supply of housing stock, and also services in supply with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas from the individual balloon or reservoir installations provided under the agreements signed by the called organizations with citizens;

premises of the state housing stock, – regarding housing and communal services on which subsidies for expense recovery, not covered by the rates (prices) of housing and communal services for the population established according to the legislation subsidized by the state are provided in the republican budget are the organizations of republican pattern of ownership, in economic maintaining or operational management of which;

the organizations of system of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities – regarding housing and communal services on the housing stock served by them (except the services rendered by the organizations specified in the paragraph the second this Item), and also the utilities provided on agreements;

the organizations, except specified in paragraphs the second and fourth this Item, – regarding the housing and communal services provided by them on agreements;

the housing stock (including partnerships of owners and the organization of builders), not signed contracts on maintenance of apartment houses with the organizations of system of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, – regarding housing and communal services (except the utilities specified in paragraphs the second, fourth and fifth this Item) is the organizations, in property or operational management of which.

3. The organizations called in Item 2 this provision record the persons having privileges on payment for housing and communal services and living in premises of the corresponding housing stock, and at least once in two years carry out reconciliation of lists of these persons with the data which are available in city, district managements (departments) of work, employment and social protection, managements (departments) of social protection in military commissariats (areas, areas, the cities), and also in the relevant divisions of law-enforcement bodies, the state security agencies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations.

For carrying out reconciliation of lists of persons having privileges on payment for the housing and communal services, the organizations called in Item 2 this provision direct to city, district managements (departments) of work, employment and social protection, managements (departments) of social protection, to military commissariats (areas, areas, the cities), and also to the relevant divisions of law-enforcement bodies, the state security agencies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations written requests on provision available in the bodies listed in this part, data on persons having the right to privilege on payment for housing and communal services and living in premises of the corresponding housing stock.

City, district managements (departments) of work, employment and social protection, managements (departments) of social protection, military commissariats (areas, areas, the cities), and also the relevant divisions of law-enforcement bodies, the state security agencies, bodies and divisions on emergency situations shall provide from the date of receipt of request to the organizations called in Item 2 this provision in electronic or written type in a month data on persons belonging to the category of persons having the right to privileges on payment for housing and communal services with indication of surname, name, middle names, registration addresses and what category these persons treat.

4. The expenses connected with provision of privileges on payment for housing and communal services to the organizations specified in paragraphs second and third Item 2 this provision are compensated at the expense of means of the republican budget, and to the organizations called in paragraphs Item fourth or pole 2 this provision - at the expense of means of local budgets.

5. The organizations specified in the paragraph the second Item 2 this provision create and represent to the Department of Energy summary calculations of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on service fee electro-, warm and gas supply, and also for services in supply with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas from individual balloon or reservoir installations in general on the area Minsk) in forms according to appendices 1 and 2.

The Department of Energy on the basis of the provided calculations creates and sends to the Ministry of Finance the summary request in form according to appendix 3 for money transfer of the republican budget on the current (settlement) accounts of the organizations which are part of the national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz and the national production association of power industry Belenergo. In coordination with the Ministry of Finance submission of the payment order and summary request to directly territorial authority of the Ministry of Finance on the area Minsk) which performs money transfer of the republican budget is allowed.

In case of need the Ministry of Finance has the right in addition to request summary calculation for the area Minsk) according to appendices 1 and 2, and also additional calculations and reasons.

6. The organizations specified Item in paragraph three 2 this provision represent to the relevant republican state body and other state organization subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, calculation of actual expenses on provision of privileges to separate categories of the citizens living in the premises of the state housing stock which are under economic authority or operational management of these organizations on payment for housing and communal services in form according to appendix 4. The compulsory provision of assignment of the republican budget for expense recovery, the privileges to these categories of citizens connected with provision, financing of these expenses at the expense of means of the republican budget by allocation of the subsidies for expense recovery for housing and communal services which are not covered by the rates (prices) of housing and communal services for the population established according to the legislation subsidized by the state is.

If privileges on payment for housing and communal services are considered in the subsidies allocated from means of the republican budget, calculation of expenses for form according to appendix 4 is not represented.

The republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus check reliability of the provided calculations and on their basis create and send to the Ministry of Finance summary requests in form according to appendix 5 for money transfer of the republican budget on the current (settlement) accounts of the relevant organizations. In coordination with the Ministry of Finance the direction of the payment order and summary request to directly territorial authority of the Ministry of Finance on the area Minsk) which performs money transfer of the republican budget is allowed.

7. The Ministry of Finance or according to its order territorial authorities of the Ministry of Finance on the area Minsk) if necessary perform correctness of the calculations and requests specified in Items 5 and 6 of this provision, and also justification of assignment of the republican budget.

8. The organizations listed in paragraphs by Item fourth or pole 2 this provision represent requests and calculations for receipt of funds of the corresponding local budgets for expense recovery connected with provision of privileges on payment for housing and communal services to financial managements (departments) of local executive and administrative organs (further - local financial bodies).

Forms of the specified requests and procedure of payments, and also terms of money transfer of local budgets are determined by local financial bodies.

9. Means republican and the local budgets on expense recovery connected with provision of privileges on payment for housing and communal services are transferred by territorial authorities of treasury into current (settlement) accounts of the organizations specified in Item 2 this provision.

Money transfer of the republican budget is made at least once a quarter.

Money transfer of local budgets is made based on data on actually provided privileges on payment for housing and communal services at least once a quarter, but is not more often than once a month.

10. Control of justification of assignment of the local budgets for expense recovery connected with provision of privileges on payment for housing and communal services is performed by local financial bodies, and also territorial authorities of the Ministry of Finance on areas Minsk).

Appendix 1

to Regulations on procedure for compensation to the organizations of expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on payment for the housing and communal services consumed by them


Summary calculation of actual expenses on provision to separate categories of citizens of privileges on service fee electro-and heat supplies

                                              with _________ 200_ g on _________ 200_ g.


                                                    (name of the organization)

                                                                                                                      (thousand rubles)

Categories of citizens to whom the privilege is provided

Quantity receiving privileges

Energy price, released to preferential categories of citizens, calculated

Difference between the energy price calculated on complete rate and taking into account privileges

Remaining balance of not financed funds for the beginning of the accounting period

Is subject to compensation for the account of budgetary funds
(column 6 + 7)



on complete rate

taking into account privileges










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