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It is registered

in Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On May 12, 2008 No. 11660


of March 14, 2008 No. 117

About the List of the cultural values falling under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 No. 4804-1 "About export and import of cultural values" and documentation which is drawn up on the right of their export from the territory of the Russian Federation

According to item 5.2 of the Regulations on the Federal Service on supervision in the field of mass communications, communication and protection of the cultural heritage approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2007 N 354, (The Russian Federation Code, 11.06. 2007, N 24, to the Art. 2923, N 52, of the Art. 6462), I order:

1. Approve the List of the cultural values falling under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 N 4804-1 "About export and import of cultural values" * which export is performed based on certificates on the right of export of cultural values from the territory of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 1).

2. Determine that on the objects declared to export from the territory of the Russian Federation concerning which by state examination it is determined that they are not the cultural values falling under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation "About export and import of cultural values" the reference of the established sample, confirmatory can be drawn up that their export does not require the certificate on the right of export of cultural values from the territory of the Russian Federation (daleespravka).

3. Approve the Reference form (Appendix N 2).

4. Determine that References are issued by the designated officials of Rossvyazyokhrankultura or territorial administrations Rossvyazyokhrankultura, and also experts in cultural values certified in accordance with the established procedure and are assured them by number stamps.

5. Approve samples of number stamps of experts in cultural values (Appendix N 3).

6. Direct this order to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

7. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy manager of Rossvyazyokhrankultura A. I. Vilkov.


Head B. A. Boyarskov


* - "The Russian newspaper", N 92, 15.05.1993; N 246, 05.11.2004.

Appendix №1

to the order of the Federal Service on supervision in the field of mass communications, communication and protection of cultural heritage of March 14, 2008 No. 117

The list of the cultural values falling under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 No. 4804-1 "About export and import of cultural values" which export is performed based on certificates on the right of export of cultural values from the territory of the Russian Federation

1. The cultural values included in structure Museum, Archive and library stocks of the Russian Federation * (1).

2. The objects and collections having historical, scientific, art or other cultural importance, connected with significant events in life of the people, development of society and state with history of science and technology:

2.1. the memorial objects relating to life outstanding political, statesmen, national heroes, scientists, literature and art;

2.2. objects and collections of regimentals and equipment, military, production and other appointment created more than 50 years ago;

2.3. pieces of the equipment, devices, tools, the equipment, the equipment of military, scientific, production and household purpose and/or their components created more than 50 years ago;

2.4. the objects and their fragments received as a result of archeological excavations.

3. Art values * (2):

3.1. performing painting, sculpture;

3.2. works of graphics and original graphical printing forms;

3.3. author's design projects, installations, art compositions and installations;

3.4. objects of departure of religious cults of different faiths;

3.5. arts and crafts objects, including artly drawn up weapon;

4. Components and fragments of architectural, historical monuments and monuments of monumental art;

5. The printing editions created more than 100 years ago.

6. Manuscripts, documentary monuments, archives, including phono - the photo and film archives created more than 50 years ago.

7. Unique and rare musical instruments. * (3)

8. Signs of post payment (stamps and blocks), the marked envelopes, tax and similar brands created more than 100 years ago. * (4)

9. Coins, bonds, banknotes and securities created more than 50 years ago.

10. Ancient awards and medals * (5), and also the memorable and prize signs, desktop medals and seals created more than 50 years ago.

11. Rare samples and collections of flora and fauna, the objects which are of interest to such fields of science as anatomy, paleontology and mineralogy.


* (1) Except for the copies which are finished shooting from the documents which are stored in the federal and Public Records Offices (storage centers of documentation) of subjects of the Russian Federation, the state museums and libraries of maintaining the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the State Film Fund of Russia, organizations of system of RAS.

* (2) Except for the pictorial, sculptural and graphical works created less than 50 years ago, objects of arts and crafts, design projects, installations, objects of children's creativity, and also household items irrespective of time of their creation, not being on the state accounting concerning which by state examination it is determined that they do not fall under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 N 4804-1 "About export and import of cultural values".

* (3) Except for musical instruments of factory (manufactory) and mass production, including national musical instruments which are not on the state accounting concerning which by state examination it is determined that they do not fall under operation of the Law of the Russian Federation of 15.04.1993 N 4804-1 "About export and import of cultural values".

On string bow instruments (violin, viola, violoncello, contrabass) and bows, the passport can be drawn up.

In the passport of the string bow musical instruments which are not unique and rare, Rossvyazyokhrankultura or its territorial administrations make the following record:


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