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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of July 21, 2022 No. 449

It is registered

in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

April 15, 2008

No. 309/15000


of March 21, 2008 No. 130

About safety control of transportation of dangerous goods by road transport

(as amended on 01-08-2017)

According to requirements of articles 8 and 16 of the Law of Ukraine "About transportation of dangerous goods", the Law of Ukraine "About accession of Ukraine to the European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (DOPOG)", resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 31, 2007 No. 1285 "About approval of the Procedure for special training of workers of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods", and also for the purpose of safety control of transportation of dangerous goods by road transport of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1.1. The regulations on procedure for special training of the transport drivers transporting dangerous goods and on representatives for safety issues of transportations of dangerous goods by highways (are applied).

1.2. The instruction about procedure for acceptance of examinations, issue (exchange) DOPOG-svidetelstv about training of the transport drivers transporting dangerous goods, certificates on training of representatives for safety issues of transportations of dangerous goods, and also on accounting and document storage, being the basis for issue DOPOG-svidetelstv and certificates on training of representatives (is attached).

Items 2 and 3 are excluded according to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 14.04.2016 No. 303, with respect thereto item 4 to consider Item 2

2. To impose control over the implementation of the order on the deputy minister according to distribution of duties.

Item 5 is excluded according to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 14.04.2016 No. 303



Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of March 21, 2008 No. 130

Regulations on procedure for special training of the transport drivers transporting dangerous goods and on representatives for safety issues of transportations of dangerous goods by highways

1. General provisions

1.1. This Provision determines procedure for inspection, registration of the centers of special training, the requirement to their educational and methodical, to material and technical resources and teachers, passing by transport drivers, transporting dangerous goods (further - drivers), and representatives for safety issues of transportations of dangerous goods by highways (further - representatives) (the workers of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods who are engaged in execution of transport documents, control of sending, transportation or acceptance of dangerous goods, carrying out the cargo and other operations connected with transportation of such loads are authorized) special training, examination on knowledge of condition of carriages of dangerous goods, requirements of the current legislation and regulatory legal acts in the field of transportation of dangerous goods.

1.2. Control and coordination of activities in the field of special training of drivers and representatives are performed by the Main service center Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (further - GSTs Ministry of Internal Affairs).

1.3. DGAI determines the basic educational and methodical center where organizes carrying out special preparation and advanced training of teachers of the centers of special training with issue of appropriate certificates.

1.4. DGAI provides development of standard curricula and programs, educational and methodical and the software of special training, creates the general list of the questions and practical tasks used during examinations at drivers and representatives.

1.5. Requirements of the Provision do not extend to subjects of transportations of dangerous goods and their heads, and also to the representatives appointed these subjects if:

1.5.1. Their activities are not connected with road transportation of dangerous goods or are limited to transportation of the dangerous goods exempted from fulfillment of requirements of Item 1.7 of Rules of road transportation of the dangerous goods approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 26.07.2004 No. 822, registered in Ministry of Justice 20.08.2004 for No. 1040/9639 (with changes) (further - Rules), in case of domestic transports and the European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (daleedopog) in case of international carriages (subitems of appendix A of DOPOG).

1.5.2. They only receive dangerous goods.

1.6. Special training of drivers and representatives is carried out in the centers of special training which are determined by DGAI.

1.7. The center of special training (further - the Center) is created based on educational institutions (plants), the scientific organizations and the companies of different patterns of ownership, educational and methodical, material bases and which staffing conform to requirements of this Provision.

2. Requirements to educational and methodical, to material and technical resources and staffing of the centers

2.1. Educational and methodical base

2.1.1. In the Center there shall be following normative legal documents:

The law of Ukraine "About transportation of dangerous goods";

The law of Ukraine "About accession of Ukraine to the European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (DOPOG)";

The European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods with the existing appendix A and In to it (10 units in printing there are at least);

The international convention on safe containers (Geneva, 1972) with corrections published by International Maritime Organization (IMO);

Benefit of IMO/the ILO/UNECE concerning loading of unit transport loads;

Recommendations of the UN about transportation of dangerous goods. Standard rules (the existing edition);

The instruction about procedure for production, acquisition, storage, accounting, transportation and use of fire, pneumatic and cold weapon, devices of national production for shooting of the cartridges equipped with throwing shells of nonlethal action, rubber or similar on the properties, and the specified cartridges, and also ammunition to weapon and explosive materials approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 21.08.98 No. 622, registered in Ministry of Justice 07.10.98 for No. 637/3077 (with changes);

The traffic regulations approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 10.10.2001 No. 1306 (with changes);

Procedure and rules of carrying out compulsory liability insurance of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods on case of approach of negative effects during transportation of dangerous goods approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 1, 2002 No. 733;

The rules of road transportation of dangerous goods approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 26.07.2004 No. 822, registered in Ministry of Justice 20.08.2004 for No. 1040/9639 (with changes) (10 units in printing there are at least);

The procedure for carrying out special training of workers of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31.10.2007 No. 1285.

2.1.2. In the Center there shall be following training materials:

this Provision;

the standard programs and thematic plans, procedure for examination, examination cards and tests developed according to requirements of item 4 of the Procedure for carrying out the special training of workers of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31.10.2007 No. 1285;

operating training programs, the abstract of lectures, education guidances, materials for carrying out practical training, slides, posters on each rate of special training.

2.2. Material and technical resources

2.2.1. Special training is provided in offices of Rules of transportations of dangerous goods which quantity depends on the number of the educational groups studying at the same time.

2.2.2. Minimalnaya Ploshchad of training rooms which are used for carrying out special training is determined from calculation of at least 2,4 of sq.m on one listener.

2.2.3. Offices of studying of rules of transportation of dangerous goods shall have such equipment:

tablets on each rate of special training;


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