Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 7, 2005 No. 655

About procedure for functioning of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel

(as amended on 08-09-2017)

For the purpose of implementation of Articles 5, of 7, 13 and 14 Federal Laws "About Accumulative and Mortgage System of Housing Providing the Military Personnel" Government of the Russian Federation decide:

1. Determine that the procedure for functioning of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel includes:

a) procedure for maintaining personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing military personnel;

b) procedure for provision by the authorized federal executive body providing functioning of accumulative and mortgage system, information on managing companies, on specialized depositary, and also on condition of personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

c) procedure for forming of accumulatings for housing providing and their accounting on personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

d) procedure and conditions of use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel;

e) procedure and terms of disclosure of information on forming, about investment and use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel;

e) procedure and conditions of provision to participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel of target housing loans (including the standard agreement of the target housing loan granted the participant of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel), and also repayments of target housing loans;

g) procedure for registration of mortgage concerning participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

h) it is excluded

2. Approve enclosed:

Rules of maintaining personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing military personnel;

Rules of provision by the authorized federal executive body providing functioning of accumulative and mortgage system, information on managing companies, on specialized depositary, and also on condition of personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

Rules of forming of accumulatings for housing providing and their accounting on personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

Rules of use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel;

Rules of disclosure of information on forming, about investment and use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel.

3. To the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation together with federal executive bodies in which the Federal Law provides military service to submit within 2-month term in accordance with the established procedure the draft of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation approved with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Financial Markets and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the following questions:

a) use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel;

b) disclosure of information on forming, about investment and use of accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel;

c) provision to participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel of target housing loans (including the standard agreement of the target housing loan granted the participant of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel), and also repayment of target housing loans;

d) registration of mortgage concerning participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel;

e) reclamation from managing companies the authorized federal executive body providing functioning of accumulative and mortgage system, accumulatings for housing providing the military personnel.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Fradkov


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2005 No. 655

Rules of maintaining personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing military personnel

1. The these rules developed according to the Federal Law "About Accumulative and Mortgage System of Housing Providing the Military Personnel" (further - the Federal Law), determine procedure for the organization of work of the authorized federal executive body providing functioning of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel (further - authorized federal body), by opening, maintaining and closing of personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel (further - participants of accumulative and mortgage system).

2. The authorized federal body concerning each participant of accumulative and mortgage system opens personalized accumulation account.

Personalized accumulation accounts of participants of accumulative and mortgage system (further - personalized accumulation accounts) are operated on paper and (or) electronic media of information. The accounting treatment for data is determined by authorized federal body.

3. Personalized accumulation accounts are registered authorized federal body in the book of registration of personalized accumulation accounts according to the procedure, established by this body.

Number of personalized accumulation account, date of opening and closing of personalized accumulation account, registration number of the participant of accumulative and mortgage system, the changes made to these details of personalized accumulation account and date of their introduction are included in the specified book.

4. Personalized accumulation count is kept by authorized federal body and is the form of analytics including set of data on the considered accumulative fees of investment income of the means delivered in trust management about other receipts which are not forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation, about transactions on use of accumulatings for housing providing, about debt of the participant of accumulative and mortgage system of housing providing the military personnel to authorized federal body, and also the information about the participant.

5. The personalized accumulation account includes:

a) the information about the participant of accumulative and mortgage system (birth date, number of personalized accumulation account, the registration number assigned to the participant in case of its inclusion in the register of participants of accumulative and mortgage system, date of its inclusion in the specified register, date of emergence of the bases for its inclusion in this register, details of the document confirming emergence of the bases for opening of personalized accumulation account, details of the documents which formed the basis for modification of the specified details of personalized accumulation account, and data on the made changes);

b) data on the accumulative fees created at the expense of means of the federal budget by the accruing result and details of documents based on which these fees are considered;

c) data on other receipts and investment incomes (the amount of other receipts which are not forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the size of investment incomes of accumulatings for housing providing and details of documents on accounting of these means);

d) data on use of means for housing providing (details of each document on use of accumulatings for housing providing and remaining balance of accumulatings for housing providing for the corresponding date);


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