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of November 9, 2000 No. 659

About approval of the Regulations on the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 31-12-2024)

For the purpose of coordination of work of honorary consuls of the Kyrgyz Republic and regulation of their activities the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Regulations on the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in case of appointment of honorary consuls of the Kyrgyz Republic to be guided by this Provision.

3. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

4. Publish this Resolution in mass media.

Prime Minister

A. Muraliyev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 9, 2000 No. 659

Regulations on the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic

The terms provided in this provision have the following values:

1. The honourable consulate of the Kyrgyz Republic means the organization headed by the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. The consular district - the area allocated to consular establishment for accomplishment of consular functions.

3. The honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic - any person who is not the regular consular official to whom on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic accomplishment of separate consular functions in the territory of the state of stay is entrusted.

4. Consular rooms mean the buildings used only for the purposes of consular establishment or parts of buildings and the parcel of land servicing this building or parts of buildings.

5. Consular archives include all papers, documents, correspondence, movies, tapes of sound recording and registers of consular establishment together with card-indexes and any furnishings intended for ensuring their safety or storage and relating to office activities of consular establishment.

Section I of the Task and organization of activities of the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic

Chapter I General provisions

1.1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic with the consent of the state of stay can charge accomplishment of separate consular functions to honorary consuls of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1.2. Can be the honorary consul both the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the citizen of foreign state, from among persons holding visible social standing in the state of stay and having necessary personal qualities, and also having opportunity properly to perform the consular functions assigned to it.

1.3. Person can be the honorary consul:

- within the last three years constantly living in the territory of the state of stay;

- not the favourites in elected bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, not being the government or local government officer of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- not being the person involved in search materials of International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and law enforcement agencies of the state of stay;

- aged from 25 up to 75 years.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic or person replacing it conducts interview with each candidate applying for appointment as the honorary consul.

In case of selection of persons recommended for appointment as honorary consuls work experience in the field of protection of the rights and interests of physical persons and legal entities, the investment contribution to economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, rendering the charitable help to the Kyrgyz Republic and activity in the diasporalny organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic abroad, and also availability of office room for full functioning of honourable consulate of the Kyrgyz Republic are considered.

1.4. The honorary consul protects in the consular district the rights and interests of the Kyrgyz Republic, her citizens and legal entities.

Within the competence the honorary consul promotes development of friendship of the Kyrgyz Republic with the state of stay, to expansion of trade and economic, scientific and technical, cultural and humanitarian bonds, tourism development, promotes development of partnership between business community of the Kyrgyz Republic and state of stay, sets up cooperation with free economic zones, funds and entrepreneurial structures. Actively helps and organizes business seminars, educational monitorings. Renders assistance in the organization and holding visits of official delegations of the Kyrgyz Republic to the state of stay, Culture Days and meetings between on-stage performance groups of the Kyrgyz Republic and state of stay.

Paragraph third ceased to be valid.

1.4-1. The honorary consul actively participates in development of the economic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the country of its stay:

- attracts foreign investors in different industries of economy of the Kyrgyz Republic by the organization of investment forums, holding business missions, and also distribution of information on investment opportunities of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- gives help to legal entities and physical persons from the Kyrgyz Republic in the conclusion of agreements, development of trade channels and logistics, search of business partners in adoptive state, overcoming trade and investment barriers, and also protection of their interests;

- carries out and prepares the analysis of economic indicators of adoptive state and predicts their possible effects for economy of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- provides information and consultation to legal entities of the Kyrgyz Republic about opportunities of export and promotion of their goods and services in adoptive state.

1.4-2. The honorary consul for the purpose of effective implementation of the obligations and ensuring access to information on activities of the honorary consul of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also for ensuring convenience of citizens and legal entities, shall have the official Internet page or the website. By means of the official Internet page or the website are provided information on contact information, operating mode, the events held by the honorary consul, the official reports and news concerning its activities and also information and analytical and legislative bases in the field of economy, customs, passport and visa policy, boundary and other questions (the country of stay/accreditation) in the state and official languages. General coordination of contents of the specified website, including ensuring relevance and compliance of information, is performed by diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Kyrgyz Republic, and in case of their absence - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1.5. In the activities the honorary consul is guided by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, international treaties of the Kyrgyz Republic, the universally recognized norms and the principles of international law, legislations of the state of stay and the Kyrgyz Republic, Provisions of the Vienna convention on the consular intercourses, and also this Provision.


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