Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 25, 2007

About results of the documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the Commonwealth financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS which are carried out in 2006

The Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States solved:

1. Take into consideration Information on results of the documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the Commonwealth financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS which are carried out in 2006.

2. To provide to heads of Executive committee of the CIS, Coordination service of Council of commanders of Border troops, Bureau on coordination of fight against organized crime and other dangerous types of crimes in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS accomplishment of the actions developed by results of the carried-out documenting audits.

3. To provide to executive committee of the CIS control over the implementation of the specified actions and in the second half of the year 2007 to inform in accordance with the established procedure CIS Economic Council on the course of elimination of the violations and shortcomings revealed by audit committees.

It is made in the city of Yalta on May 25, 2007 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States which will send to each state which signed this Decision, its verified copy.



Information on results of the documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the commonwealth financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS which are carried out in 2006

Based on Regulations on the single budget of the bodies of the CIS financed by budgetary funds of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in the new edition, approved by the Decision of Council of CIS Heads of Government of November 24, 2006 (Item 8. 5), representatives of bodies of the state financial control of the State Parties of the CIS carry out in 2006 documenting audits of financial and economic activities (further - audits) Executive committee of the CIS (the headquarters and Department), Coordination service of Council of commanders of Border troops (further - KS SKPV) and Bureau on coordination of fight against organized crime and other dangerous types of crimes in the territory of the State Parties of the CIS (далееБКБОП).

Audits of the specified bodies of the Commonwealth were carried out according to Regulations on documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the Commonwealth financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS, the approved Decision of CIS Economic Council of June 27, 2003 and to terms according to the Schedule of carrying out documenting audits of financial and economic activities of the bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States financed from the single budget of bodies of the CIS, for 2005-2006, to the CIS approved by the Chairman of the board of heads of governments on October 5, 2004.

Materials of audits with actions plans on elimination of the revealed violations and shortcomings of financial and economic activities are considered by Executive committee of the CIS and directed on September 1, 2006 to heads of governments of the State Parties of the CIS.

Audit of Executive committee of the CIS includes audit of the headquarters Minsk) on March 2-17, 2006 from September 1, 2005 till February 28, 2006 and audit of Department (Moscow) on April 4-21, 2006 from October 1, 2005 till March 31, 2006.

According to the act of audit of the headquarters the following defects of financial and economic activities are revealed:

- issue by proxy vacation pay and the salary according to pay-sheets without the corresponding record "By proxy" (powers of attorney are attached to pay-sheets) in defiance of requirements of Item 28 of Rules of conducting the cash transactions and payments with cash in the Republic of Belarus approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus "About approval of rules of conducting cash transactions in the Republic of Belarus" of March 26, 2003 N 57;

- compensation of other expenses on the total amount of 1300 rub of the Russian Federation based on the acts approved by the vice-chairman of Executive committee - the Executive secretary of the CIS, without the submitted supporting documents in the original (accounts, receipts, etc.) in defiance of requirements of Item 53.5 of the Regulations on regulation of work of the workers directed to work in organizations of the Republic of Belarus abroad, both guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys abroad, the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Resolution of April 14, 2000 N 55;

- exceeding of limit of cellular communication on 48, 34 US dollars (during check the specified cash amount is granted on cash desk);

- cases of exceeding of regulation of run of the car on 115 km therefore it is excessively spent gasoline for the amount of 28 240 rub of the Republic of Belarus (during check by the guilty employee money in the specified amount is deposited in cash desk);

- illegal connection of four employees to exit to long distance communication in departure from the Regulations on providing with means of communication approved by the Order of Executive committee of the CIS of September 8, 2005 N 85, granting right to use long distance and international telecommunication to the employees holding positions is not lower than position of the assistant department head;

- availability on sub-account 110 "Target means and non-paid receipts" of remaining balance of extrabudgetary funds in the amount of the 30th 577, 6 rub of the Russian Federation given to the headquarters by the president of Fund of the world of GOI Hiro Sayonzhi on January 18, 2002 in case of delivery of "World stele" which were subject to transfer in Stabilization fund of bodies of the CIS according to the Regulations on it approved by the Decision of CIS Economic Council on December 19, 2003.

The actions plan on elimination and prevention of the violations and shortcomings noted in the act of documenting audit of financial and economic activities of the headquarters of Executive committee of the CIS of March 17, 2006 is approved with the Acting First Deputy Chairman of Executive committee - the Executive secretary of the CIS Garkun V. G., signed by Sidorovich I. M. managing affairs. and the assistant department head of financial accounting and the reporting - the deputy chief accountant of Financial department of Executive committee of the CIS Maltseva R. M.

According to the act of audit of Department the following violations and shortcomings of financial and economic activities are established:

- cases of salary payment to persons which are not specified in pay-sheets without execution of powers of attorney in accordance with the established procedure "according to the receipt" in defiance of Item 16 of the Procedure for the conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation approved by the Solution of the Board of directors of the Central Bank of Russia of September 22, 1993 N 40;


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