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of July 23, 2002 No. 26

About approval of Operational regulations of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions

(as amended on 30-12-2016)

For the purpose of ensuring safe operation of hydraulic engineering constructions on the waterways of the Republic of Belarus and according to the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 985 "Questions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

Approve the enclosed Operational regulations of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions.



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2002 No. 26

Operational regulations of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions

Section I. General provisions. Basic principles

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of technical operation of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions (further - Rules) extend to the shipping hydraulic engineering constructions located on inland waterways of the Republic of Belarus and are obligatory for all organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus (further - Ministry of Transport).

2. Rules determine the main organizational and technical requirements to operation of shipping hydraulic engineering constructions (further - hydroconstructions).

3. Accomplishment of separate works (construction, handling, operation of heavy lift gears, electric units, etc.) is regulated by also relevant regulating legal documents.

4. The common directorship operation of hydroconstructions is performed of Ministry of Transport. Direct management of operation of hydroconstructions is performed of the republican unitary enterprise of inland waterways (further - the company of waterways).

5. Differentiation of waterways between the companies is established by Ministry of Transport, and borders of water-engineering systems - the companies of waterways. These borders shall be fixed on the area by permanent signs.

6. Task of technical operation of hydroconstructions is ensuring reliable and safe operation of each construction according to its assignment by accomplishment of all requirements of these rules, timely carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance and taking measures to the prevention or elimination of the available violations.

Chapter 2. Terms and their determinations

7. In these rules the following main terms are applied:

shipping hydraulic engineering constructions - constructions and devices (locks with approach channels, navigation canals, dikes, dams, spillways and floodgates) intended for ensuring navigation;

water retaining construction - the construction holding water from one party on more high level than with another;

the water-engineering system - the group of hydraulic engineering constructions combined by platitude of arrangement and conditions of their joint operation;

upper and lower byef - the section of the river (channel) located respectively above and below water retaining construction;

pressure - exceeding of level of headwaters over lower;

water storage basin - the artificial surface reservoir formed by water retaining constructions for the purpose of water storage and regulation of drain;

nagivation lock - the hydraulic engineering construction as a part of the water-engineering system serving for transition of courts and rafts from one byef in another;

the main parts of nagivation lock - the camera, the heads and approaches;

lock power supply system - set of devices which serve for filling and emptying of the camera of lock;

protection of water objects - system of the measures directed to prevention or liquidation of pollution, contamination and depletion of waters, preserving and recovery of water objects;

safety of hydraulic engineering constructions - condition of security of society and the environment from threat of origin and effects of accidents on hydraulic engineering constructions, system of organizational and technical actions for no-failure operation.

Chapter 3. Requirements to personnel

8. On hydroconstructions the daily work with personnel directed to increase in his professional skill, strengthening of responsibility for smooth operation of constructions, injury prevention shall be carried out.

9. Work with personnel of hydroconstructions shall be organized and control personally directors and chief engineers of the companies of waterways, chiefs of departments of hydroconstructions and water-engineering systems.

10. On hydroconstructions the following obligatory forms of education and increases in professional skill of personnel are performed:

course training, technical and economic study;

individual training for again accepted workers;

instructing (primary and periodic);

antiemergency trainings.

11. Persons employed for servicing and repair of hydroconstructions and their equipment shall have preliminary medical examination.

12. Each worker before assignment him for work or in case of transfer into other workplace shall undergo inservice training on workplace and examination in the amount obligatory for this specialty.

The log personnel of hydroconstructions (on duty) before assignment to independent work or in case of transfer into other work shall undergo examination, inservice training and training on place of employment under observation and management of the experienced worker. Training term - from six to ten changes depending on post.

The training of the worker shall be drawn up by the order on the company of waterways. The subsequent recurring inspection of knowledge of the log personnel and personnel servicing the mechanical or electrotechnical equipment shall be carried out annually before navigation; examination technical rabotnikovraz in two years.

Persons which allowed violation of these rules shall undergo extraordinary examination.

13. The examination of workers of hydroconstructions shall be carried out by the commission as a part of the chief engineer or the chief power engineer, employees of department of hydroconstructions, the safety engineer.

As a part of the working commission there shall be at least three people, including the chairman.

Results of check and assessment of knowledge of operational regulations, job descriptions and safety regulations of work shall be registered special form which needs to be stored at the companies of waterways. Log entries about examination of the operating safety regulations of work and User Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment are made separately.

The certificate is issued to the workers who underwent examination, and, besides, the qualification group on the existing User Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment and User Safety Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment is appropriated to the personnel servicing electrotechnical installations.

The workers who received unsatisfactory assessment undergo in a month rechecking of knowledge, but not earlier than in two weeks.

The workers who received repeatedly unsatisfactory assessment shall be transferred to other work corresponding to their knowledge or the appropriated lower qualification group.

Chapter 4. Basic principles of the organization of operation of hydroconstructions

14. Hydroconstructions and their equipment shall correspond to the approved project and executive documentation and technical specifications.

15. All changes in designs and the equipment of hydroconstructions can be made only according to construction regulations and rules on permission of the chief engineer of the company of waterways. Modification, the operational qualities of hydroconstructions involving variation, is approved with Ministry of Transport.

16. For the purpose of providing smooth and reliable operation of hydroconstructions, their mechanical and electrotechnical equipment shall be performed:

maintenance and repair according to requirements of these rules and the existing User Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment;

observations and researches according to the approved plan and requirements of these rules.

17. Parameters and operational mode, requirements to operation of hydroconstructions, their designs and the equipment shall be specified in the operating manuals approved by the companies of waterways.

18. The personnel of the companies of waterways shall carry out constantly works on improvement of operational qualities of hydroconstructions on the basis of the perspective programs constituted for 5 years on the basis of the analysis of results of observations and researches and approved by Ministry of Transport.

19. All defects revealed in case of operation of hydroconstructions register in the ship log on sudopropuska. The defects interfering sudopropusk shall be eliminated immediately.

20. Annually during navigation on hydroconstructions inspection inspection shall be performed.

21. In case of inspection survey are checked:

technical condition of hydroconstruction and its equipment;


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