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of March 7, 2008 No. 19

About introduction in 2008 of temporary restrictions of loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines concerning republican highways public

For the purpose of non-admission of destructions of coverings of republican highways public and based on article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2008 "About traffic" the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Introduce temporary restrictions of loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines concerning republican highways public (further - republican highways):

1.1. from March 20 to April 20, 2008 (further - the spring period) according to the list of republican highways concerning which during the spring period loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines, according to appendix 1 are limited.

On other sections of the republican highways which did not enter the specified list, proof load on single axis - 9 tons;

1.2. from June 1 to August 31, 2008 (further - the summer period) load of single axis no more than 6 tons concerning republican highways with asphalt pavement in the afternoon days from 11 to 21 o'clock 00 minutes in case of the daytime temperature of air is above 25 °C. In case of sharp change of weather conditions on traffic route and falls of temperature of air to 15 °C the further movement of vehicles, self-propelled machines suspended on temperature condition is inclusive allowed.

The restrictions set by this subitem do not extend to the vehicles, self-propelled machines performing the public conveyances, live animals, flowers, loads of the humanitarian assistance, concrete and asphalt concrete mixes, dangerous goods, perishable loads, seed fund and transportation connected with prevention or liquidation of emergency situations.

2. Action of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution does not extend:

2.1. on the following republican highways:

M-1/E 30 Brest (Kozlovichi) - Minsk border of the Russian Federation (Radish);

M-2 Minsk-national airport Minsk;

M-6/E 28 Minsk-Grodno-border of the Republic of Poland (Bruzgi);

M-7/E 28 Minsk - Oshmyany - border of the Republic of Lithuania (Stone log);

M-8/E 95 Border of the Russian Federation (Ezerishche) of Ukraine of Ukraine (New Guta);


to Mogilev;

to Gomel;

M-9 the Ring road around Minsk;

M-10 Border the Russian Federation (Settlement) - Gomel-Kobrin;

entrance to Gomel;

M-12/E 85 of Kobrin-granitsa of Ukraine (Mokrana);

R-1 Minsk-Dzerzhinsk;

R-20 Vitebsk-Polotsk-border of the Republic of Latvia (Grigorovshchina);

R-131 Kalinkovichi-Mazyr (to the highway P-31);

2.2. on the following sections of republican highways:

M-3 Minsk-Vitebsk 8,60 km - 40,363 km;

M-4 Minsk-Mogilev 12,00 km - 63,883 km;

M-5/E 271 Minsk-Gomel 216,00-303,280 km;

entrance by to Zhlobin;

R-21 Vitebsk border of the Russian Federation (Liozno) of km of 0,00 - 9,702 km (before crossing with 95) Highway M-8/E;

R-23 Minsk-Mikashevichi 9,290 km - 80,638 km;

R-28 of Minsk-Molodechno-Narach of km of 10,41 - 44,00 km;

R-33 Recyca-Hoyniki 0,00 km - 9,09 km (before crossing with the highway M-10);

2.3. on the vehicles performing public conveyances, medicines, diesel fuel, gasolines, liquefied gas and motor oil, seed fund, live animals, flowers, mail and post loads, perishable loads, loads of the humanitarian assistance and also the transportations connected with prevention or liquidation of emergency situations.

3. Approve maximum amounts of axial mass of vehicles, self-propelled machines, admissible when driving through republican highways in the period of temporary restrictions, according to appendix 2.

4. Driving through republican highways of the vehicles, self-propelled machines transporting export loads of residents of the Republic of Belarus with exceeding of the admissible parameters set by subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution is allowed in case of simultaneous observance of the following conditions:

receipt of special permission to journey;

5. To heads of the republican unitary enterprises of highways:

5.1. notify through mass media of users of republican highways on terms of temporary restrictions of loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines in case of their movement during the spring and summer periods, the established axial loads on specific sections of republican highways and conditions of movement of vehicles, self-propelled machines during the summer period at high positive temperatures, having determined for them platforms and places of sediment;

5.2. in accordance with the established procedure to realize schemes of dislocation of temporary route signs according to the introduced restrictions of loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines;

5.3. provide control of movement of vehicles, self-propelled machines taking into account the introduced restrictions and under the personal responsibility to take necessary measures for non-admission of movement of vehicles, self-propelled machines with the loadings exceeding admissible on republican highways on which restrictions are introduced;

5.4. establish constant control behind condition of republican highways and if necessary to make offers on:

to additional restriction of weight and loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines on certain sections of republican highways or artificial features for them;

to lifting of restrictions in process of readiness of republican highways for the omission of cargo vehicles, self-propelled machines what timely to notify users of republican highways through mass media on;

5.5. to make guilty persons for the damages of republican highways caused by movement of vehicles, self-propelled machines with violation of the restrictions introduced by this resolution responsible according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6. Not to issue to the republican unitary enterprise "Belarusian Road Technical Center" and public institution "Transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus" for the spring period special permissions concerning republican highways, except for the roads shown in subitems 2.1 and 2.2 of this resolution, and also the case specified in item 4 of this resolution.

7. Recommend to local executive and administrative organs to introduce for the purpose of ensuring safety of local highways temporary restrictions of weight and loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines concerning local highways for the periods similar of the stipulated in Item 1 this resolution.

8. To department Belavtodor of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the established procedure to organize informing foreign states, and also the interested state bodies on introduction of temporary restrictions of loads of axes of vehicles, self-propelled machines concerning republican highways.

9. To the deputy minister - the department director Belavtodor Lytin A. M. in process of readiness of republican highways for the omission of cargo vehicles, self-propelled machines based on proposals of heads of the republican unitary enterprises of highways to make decisions on early withdrawal of the temporary restrictions introduced for the spring period.


Minister V. G. Sosnovsky



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