It is registered
in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 19, 2007.
No. 1389/14656
of May 23, 2007 No. 110
About approval of Safety rules during operation of trunk oil pipelines
According to the Law of Ukraine "About labor protection" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Safety rules during operation of trunk oil pipelines (further - Rules) which are applied.
2. With entry into force of Rules to consider not applied in the territory of Ukraine the "Safety rules in case of operation of trunk oil pipelines" approved by the Ministry of the oil industry of the USSR 07.12.85.
3. Enact the order since February 1, 2008.
4. To the head of department of the organization of the state supervision of industrial safety on productions and objects of the increased danger Morozov V. M. in accordance with the established procedure to provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
5. To the head of department of normative and legal and legal providing Prokhorov V. V. in accordance with the established procedure to enter the order in the State register of regulatory legal acts concerning labor protection.
6. To the assistant department head of personnel, clerical work and special work Kravtsu V. Yu. provide publication of the order in mass media.
7. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the vice-chairman of Gosgorpromnadzor Dolmatov O. I.
Chairman of Gosgorpromnadzor S. O. Storchak
Approved by the Order of the State committee of Ukraine on industrial safety, labor protection and mountain supervision of May 23, 2007 No. 110
Action of Safety rules during operation of trunk oil pipelines (further - Rules) extends to all subjects of managing (further - the companies) whose work is connected with operation, repair and reconstruction of objects of trunk oil pipelines (further - MN).
Rules establish safety requirements in case of performance of works on operation, repair and reconstruction of the main objects and constructions of the trunk oil pipelines and objects providing their activities and also when carrying out emergency recovery operations on them.
Requirements of Rules are obligatory for all employees of the companies connected with operation, repair and reconstruction of objects of trunk oil pipelines within the tasks assigned to them and functional obligations.
In these rules the stated below terms are used in such value:
emergency - the condition of object of trunk oil pipeline which is characterized by violation of borders and/or conditions of safe operation, but did not turn into accident in case of which all adverse influences of sources of danger on personnel, the population and the environment keep in admissible borders by means of the appropriate technical means provided by the project;
emergency and recovery Item - the structural division of the oil pumping station (further - NPS) (line operation and dispatching point / further - LPDS/, regional oil transportation administration / further - RNU/, trunk oil pipeline administrations) intended for accomplishment of complex of works on operation of objects of linear part of oil pipelines and to carrying out emergency recovery operations on them;
emergency recovery operations - complex of works on liquidation of the arisen consequences of accidents and on accident prevention and emergencies;
refusal - event which leads to temporary loss of capacity to act of production facility;
internal control - activities of services or bodies for check of observance of regulations and rules;
permission - the document certifying the right to implementation of works;
examination - special researches on compliance to requirements of regulatory legal acts with provision of the corresponding conclusion;
operation of trunk oil pipeline is complex of organizational and technical actions and set of engineering procedures of acceptance, pumping, delivery of oil, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of objects of trunk oil pipeline;
prohibition - the impossibility of accomplishment of certain actions, works, transactions established by acts of the legislation, regulating documents or the decision of the corresponding heads;
means of collective protection of workers - the means used for prevention or reduction of influence on workers of dangerous and harmful production factors and applied to simultaneous protection of two or more people;
stop emergency - termination of work of object, the equipment, mechanisms in case of emergency;
isolation of the oil pipeline - method of passive protection of external surface of pipes of the oil pipeline against corrosion by means of insulating materials;
capital repairs - complex of repair work which is performed for recovery of high-quality and operational parameters, recovery of resource of object with replacement or recovery of its components, including basic;
control - check of compliance of object to the established requirements;
recovery from the accident - complex of organizational and technical actions for reduction of emergency object to the normative level of safety and capacity to act;
trunk oil pipeline - the technological complex functioning as single system and which the separate pipeline with all objects and constructions, related single engineering procedure, or several pipelines which perform oil transportation to consumers enters. The main objects of trunk oil pipeline are linear part, main and relay oil pumping stations, bases of acceptance and shipment of oil, Items of warming up of oil, the station of mixing of oil;
maritime oil terminal - the industrial complex intended:
a) for acceptance of oil from tankers and the subsequent transportation to her consumers;
b) for transfer of transport oil in the pipeline-reservoir-tanker direction;
oil - the mineral which is mix of hydrocarbons and the components dissolved in them which is in liquid state under standard conditions (pressure of 760 mm hg and temperatures the 20th hail. C) and being products. For oil with high temperature of hardening the non-standard temperature of pumping can be higher the 50th hail. With (The law of Ukraine "About oil and gas");
oil with the increased content of hydrogen sulfide is crude oil in which group composition hydrogen sulfide contains in the quantities sufficient (taking into account intensity of allocation) for education in the territory of objects of trunk oil pipelines of gas-polluted zones with the concentration of hydrogen sulfide exceeding maximum permissible sanitary standards;
the oil pumping station - complex of the constructions and the equipment performing and providing oil transportation process with trunk oil pipelines;
petrotransport system - set of the interconnected trunk oil pipelines intended for providing consumers with oil;
object of trunk oil pipeline - the industrial complex which is the integral component of trunk oil pipeline and providing its safe and reliable operation;
transition - crossing by trunk oil pipelines of natural and artificial obstacles;
division - production structural division of the company (RNU, NPS, LPDS, bases of production servicing (further - BPO), other productions);
running repair - type of planned repair during which replacement or recovery of separate worn-out details, regulation of the mechanisms providing operation of the equipment before the next repair is made;
Item of warming up of oil of trunk oil pipeline - the complex of constructions and the equipment providing warming up of the oil repumped on trunk oil pipeline for the purpose of decrease in its viscosity;
repair - complex of transactions for recovery of serviceable condition or operability of object and recovery of resources of object and its components;
technical diagnosing - determination of technical condition of object with the set accuracy. Tasks of technical diagnosing are: control of technical condition; search and control of dynamics of development of defects; forecasting of technical condition;
maintenance of trunk oil pipeline - complex of transactions on support of normative technical condition of trunk oil pipeline;
technical condition of object - the object condition during certain term and certain conditions of its operation characterized by values of the corresponding parameters set by technical documentation to object.
Except the terms which are stated above the terms in value provided in the Law of Ukraine "About objects of the increased danger" are used namely: "accident", "potentially dangerous object", "the declaration of safety", "identification of objects of the increased danger", "dangerous substance".
Reducings which are used in the text of these rules have such values:
ABP Refueling block Item
AVB Emergency and recovery crew
AVP Emergency and recovery Item
Gas Station Gas station
BPO Base of production servicing
Maximum allowable concentration Threshold limit value
GZh Combustible liquid
SIZ of Individual protection equipment
CEESE AUDE of Individual protection equipment of respiratory organs
Instrumentation and automated control systems Instrumentations and automatic equipment
LVZh Flammable liquid
LPDS Line operation and dispatching point
Power line Power line
MAZS Small-sized gas station
MN Trunk oil pipeline
NKGRP Lower concentration bound of distribution of flame
NPS Oil pumping station
PLAS Liquidation plan and localizations of emergencies and accidents
VS Aircraft
PUE of the Regulation for electrical installation
RSU Repair and construction management
RNU Regional oil transportation administration
TsDP Central control office
1. General organizational requirements
1.1. The activities of the companies connected with designing, construction, repair and operation of objects of trunk oil pipelines are performed according to the license and are subject to obligatory certification according to requirements of article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "About pipeline transport".
1.3. Belong to potentially dangerous objects of trunk oil pipelines which are subject to identification according to requirements of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 11.07.2002 N 956 "About identification and declaring of safety of objects of the increased danger":
- sites of linear part of the trunk oil pipelines of the same name between linear shutoff valves;
- oil pumping stations with reservoir parks;
- the main and reserve threads of transitions of trunk oil pipelines through ruslovy and inundated parts of water barriers (between the switching-off armature on opposite coast).
1.4. In calculations of threshold mass of oil it is necessary to use parameters of the project modes of operation of trunk oil pipelines, the NPS processing equipment and project spaciousness of reservoir parks.
1.5. For the purpose of risk minimization of emergence of industrial accidents and observance of normative level of industrial safety and labor protection of the company of trunk oil pipelines shall provide functioning of management systems with labor protection.
1.6. On objects of trunk oil pipelines PLAS according to the Provision concerning plan development of localization and liquidation of emergencies and accidents approved by the order of Committee on supervision of labor protection of Ukraine (further - Gosnadzorokhrantruda) of 17.06.99 N 112, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 30.06.99 for N 424/3717 shall be developed (further - NPAOP 0.00-4.33-99), and the instruction for labor protection for professions and work types according to the Regulations on development of instructions for labor protection approved by Gosnadzorokhrantrud's order of 29.01.98 of N 9, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 07.04.98 for N 226/2666 (further - NPAOP 0.00-4.15-98).
1.7. The works determined by NPAOP 0.00-4.05-03, are carried out according to the work permit on performance of works of the increased danger (appendix 1). Safety requirements when carrying out gas dangerous and hot work are provided in Chapter 7 of the Section IV of these rules.
2. Requirements to personnel
2.1. Persons who according to requirements of the List of works where there is need for professional selection, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine approved by the order (further - MZ of Ukraine) and the State committee of Ukraine on supervision of labor protection of N 263/121, Lists of hard work and works with harmful and dangerous working conditions registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 25.01.95 for N 18/554, on which application of the work of minors approved by the order MZ of Ukraine of 31.03.94 of N 46, of the List of hard work and works with harmful and dangerous working conditions registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 28.07.94 for N 176/385, on which application of work of women is forbidden is forbidden are allowed of 23.09.94 to works on objects of trunk oil pipelines N 256, approved by the order MZ of Ukraine of 29.12.93 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 30.03.94 for N 51/260, examinations which had preliminary medical and primary preventive narcological have also no contraindications for occupational work.
2.2. The organization and procedure for training, briefings, examination and admission of personnel to independent work shall meet the requirements of the Standard regulations on procedure for carrying out the training and examination concerning labor protection approved by Gosnadzorokhrantrud's order of Ukraine of 26.01.2005 of N 15, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 15.02.2005 for N 231/10511 (further - NPAOP 0.00-4.12-05), Standard regulations on instructing, special training and examination concerning fire safety at the companies, in organizations and the organizations of Ukraine, the Ministry of Ukraine approved by the order concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (further - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine) of 29.09.2003 N 368, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 11.12.2003 for N 1148/8469 (further - NAPB B.02.005-2003), the List of positions, in case of appointment to which faces shall undergo training and examination concerning fire safety, and the procedure for their organization approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine of 29.09.2003 of N 368, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 11.12.2003 for N 1147/8468 (further - NAPB B.06.001-2003). The admission to work of persons who did not undergo training, instructing and examination in labor protection and fire safety in accordance with the established procedure is not allowed.
2.3. The persons having the corresponding education and who underwent in accordance with the established procedure examination on labor protection and fire safety are allowed to management of works on objects of trunk oil pipelines.
2.4. Workers whose work provides combination of professions shall have the corresponding qualification and to be allowed in accordance with the established procedure to independent work on main occupation and profession which is combined.
3. Means of collective and individual protection of workers
3.1. Means of collective and individual protection of workers at the company shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.4.011-89 "SSBT. Remedies of working. General requirements and classification" (daleegost 12.4.011-89).
3.2. The workers occupied at the works with harmful and dangerous working conditions, and also the works connected with pollution, or which are performed in adverse temperature conditions depending on working conditions and the accepted production technology shall be provided with appropriate means of individual protection, and also the washing and neutralizing means according to the legislation.
3.3. The procedure for providing workers with special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment, necessary for labor process, and also procedure for their content and storage are established by the Regulations on procedure for providing workers with special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment approved by Gosnadzorokhrantrud's order of 29.10.96 of N 170, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 18.11.96 for N 667/1692 (further - NPAOP 0.00-4.26-96).
3.4. During performance of work workers shall use issued to them by special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment.
3.5. The employer in case of issue to workers of individual protection equipment (further - SIZ) shall provide training and examination of workers concerning instructions for use and methods of check of suitability of SIZ (if it is provided by the instruction of the manufacturing company).
3.6. The employer shall provide testing and check of suitability of SIZ at the scheduled time (if it is provided by the instruction of the manufacturing company), timely replacement of SIZ and their accessories. After check the brand with the term of the following testing is applied on SIZ.
3.7. The personnel working at objects with possible increase in concentration of hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases and vapors over the maximum permissible, established GOST 12.1.005-88 "SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements to air of the working area" (further - GOST 12.1.005-88), shall have filtering, insulating gas masks or respiratory devices.
3.8. The brand of filtering gas mask shall answer nature of gas-allocations according to GOST 12.1.005-88.
3.9. Filtering gas masks should be applied during the works on the open, well aired platforms when filters guarantee absorption of toxic vapors and gases which volume fraction in air does not exceed % 0,5, and content of oxygen in air in volume fractions is not lower than 18% according to instructions concerning their application, technical data sheet of the manufacturing company.
3.10. Serviceability of gas mask is checked periodically, according to the schedule approved by the chief engineer of production division, but at least once in three months. Every time, before application, the worker shall check gas mask for hermeticity according to the maintenance instruction which should be stored on workplace.
Results of check are written down in register of working off of gas masks.
3.11. Airintaking branch pipes of hose gas masks during the work it is necessary to have behind the direction of wind in zone of clean air. In the absence of forced air supply by means of the fan length of hose shall not exceed 10 m. The hose shall not have sharp excesses and jammings.
3.12. On each gazo-and explosive object there shall be inventory of gas masks of the corresponding brands in case of accident.
The number of gas masks of the different sizes in inventory shall be at least maximum number of workers in change.
3.13. Reserve gas masks in case of accident need to be stored in the sealed-up box. Integrity of seals should be checked in case of acceptance and delivery to the senior on change. Availability and condition of reserve gas masks need to be checked at least once a month according to the schedule approved by the chief engineer of production division.
It is not allowed to close boxes with gas masks on locks.
3.14. Suitability and durability of safety belt the specialist who is specially intended for this purpose according to GOST 12.4.089-86 "checks SSBT. Construction. Belts safety. General specifications" (further - GOST 12.4.089-86) according to specifications with entering of results in the magazine.
3.15. Safety belts in case of operation it is necessary periodically at least once in 6 months, to test static load of 4000 N (400 kgfs) according to GOST 12.4.089-86.
Results of testing draw up the act.
3.16. To safe performance of works on electroinstallations when the place of employment is placed at distance which does not allow to be assigned by hoisting sling of safety belt to equipment design, it is necessary to apply additional tool of insurance - safety rope.
It is necessary to apply cotton safety rope to insurance by diameter at least than 15 mm and up to 10 m long or rope from kapron wattled fal.
Safety ropes need to be equipped with carbines.
The explosive static stress of such rope shall be at least than 7000 N (700 kgfs).
3.17. The safety rope established into position before operation, and also during operation at least once in 6 months, needs to be tested static load and in gleam - freight weighing 4000 N (400 kgfs). At the same time flexible ropes or steel core shall be applied to testing.
3.18. Safety belts and safety ropes it is necessary to inspect every time before their application.
Besides, external examination of belt is performed by the responsible head of work at least once in 10 days, and the master - before each application. Each belt and rope shall have accession number.
3.19. Workers shall apply the goggles meeting the requirements of labor protection taking into account the dangerous factors inherent in certain work types to protection of eyes against ultra-violet and infrared radiation, dust, particles of solid materials which fly away.
3.20. During the electrowelding works it is necessary to apply protective guards and masks with light filters.
3.21. During the works connected with possible injuring of the chairman it is necessary to apply protective helmets with cap comforters.
3.22. In the conditions of the increased noise it is necessary to apply individual protection equipment of organs of hearing.
4. Requirements to the territories and objects
4.1. Placement of objects of trunk oil pipelines, planning of their territory and space-planning decisions shall be performed according to requirements of construction, sanitary standards and rules, regulations of process design, industry standards and these rules, and also shall consider impact assessment on safety of the objects having nation-wide value (nuclear installations, objects for the treatment of radioactive waste), including during emergence of emergencies.
In the territory of NPS availability of natural deepenings, dredging, lowlands or the device of open trenches, ditches in which perhaps accumulations of explosive vapors and gases is not allowed.
4.2. Objects of MN and the place of stay of personnel in their territory are equipped with systems of the local notification about emergency, and station constructions - also devices of acceptance of radio signals of the state wire broadcasting.
Workplaces where the personnel are constantly, are equipped with telephone (radiotelephone) communication.
4.3. The territory of the company shall be protected according to the project and have at least than two departures. The barrier shall be supported constantly in good repair. The entrance (entrance) on the territory of object and on perimeter of barrier shall have signs of safety and warning signs.
4.4. The production divisions of the companies operating objects of trunk oil pipelines shall have large-scale plans of all communications on industrial sites with exact bindings and reliable reference points. In case of change of configuration of communications or construction new changes and additions are made to plans in 10-day time.
4.5. Places of crossing by oil pipelines of roads, water obstacles, yar, railway tracks, the angles of turns, technological nodes of oil pipelines are designated on the area by signs with warning signs and brought in PLAS.
Sites of pipelines in places of crossing with highways and the railroads shall be laid in the protection covers from steel pipes equipped according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 2.05.06-85 "Bulk distribution lines" (further - Construction Norms and Regulations 2.05.06-85).
4.6. The distance between constructions shall meet the requirements Construction Norms and Regulations of II-89-80 "Master plans of industrial enterprises" (daleesnip II-89-80), Construction Norms and Regulations to 2.05.06-85, meeting sanitary and fire protection standards.
4.7. The device of factory buildings and constructions shall meet the requirements of the project, Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.02-85 * "Factory buildings" (further - Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.02-85 *), Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.03-85 of "Construction of industrial enterprises" (further - Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.03-85), Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.04-87 "Office and household buildings" (further - Construction Norms and Regulations 2.09.04-87), other normative and technical documents and these rules.
4.8. The structural divisions of the companies of trunk oil pipelines operating production facilities in the aloof territory shall have plans of communications of other companies operating communications in this territory.
4.9. Re-planning of production rooms is carried out with obligatory coordination with the author of the project. The project of re-planning shall not allow decrease in limit of fire resistance of building constructions and deterioration in conditions of evacuation of people in case of possible emergencies.
4.10. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of production, administrative, household houses and rooms shall meet the requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and conditioning" (further - Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.05-91).
Classification of rooms by fire and explosion and fire risk NAPB B.07.005-86 "Determination of categories of rooms and buildings on fire and explosion and fire risk agrees. ONTP 24-86", to the approved Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR 27.02.86 (further - NAPB B.07.005-86), and "To rules of structure of electroinstallations. Electric equipment of special installations", the approved order of Ministry of Labor of Ukraine of 21.06.2001 N 272 (daleenpaop 40.1-1.32-01), it is determined by the project and the corresponding specialists of the company. On entrance to storage and production facilities plates with designation of category of the room on fire and explosion and fire risk shall be hung out.
4.11. The address with waste shall answer the Law of Ukraine "About waste". Waste, garbage, scrap metal shall clean up and accumulate timely on specially allotted platforms. Their export from the territory shall be carried out by regularly special transport.
4.12. Sanitary and hygienic requirements to temperature, humidity, intensity of thermal radiation, speed of movement of air, maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substances in air within the working area of production rooms and the open areas, temperature of surfaces shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 and Sanitary standards of microclimate of the production rooms approved by the resolution of the chief state health officer of Ukraine of 01.12.99 N 42 (further - DSN The working area the space limited on height of 2 m over the level of floor or the platform at which places of permanent or temporary stay of workers are placed is considered.
4.13. Noise level on workplaces shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.003-83 "SSBT. Noise. General requirements of safety" (daleegost 12.1.003-83) and Sanitary standards of production noise, ultrasound and infrasound approved by the resolution of the chief state health officer of Ukraine of 01.12.99 N 37 (daleedsn
4.14. Level of vibration shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.012-90 "SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements" (further - GOST 12.1.012-90) and the State sanitary standards of production general and local vibration approved by the resolution of the chief state health officer of Ukraine of 01.12.99 N 39 (daleedsn
Level of vibration should be measured directly on workplaces or in the most characteristic points of the working area in case of the optimum modes of operation of machines and the equipment.
4.15. In case of operation shumo-and the vibrodangerous equipment it is necessary to control condition of means of decrease in noise level and vibration and to timely take measures for support of their normative efficiency.
4.16. For explosive processing equipment which in use is exposed to vibration, it is necessary to provide means of effective vibroprotection.
4.17. Danger areas in the territory of the company should be designated signs and coloring according to GOST 12.4.026-76 "SSBT. Colors alarm and signs of safety" (further - GOST 12.4.026-76).
4.18. In places of possible accumulation of combustible vapors and gases in the territory journey of transport is not allowed and the corresponding signs of safety are established.
4.19. Entrance (exit) gate shall open easily.
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