of July 28, 2004 No. 959
About approval of the Procedure for use of funds of the government budget which are allocated for partial compensation of cost of difficult agricultural machinery of national production
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for use of funds of the government budget which are allocated for partial compensation of cost of difficult agricultural machinery of national production it (is applied).
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Yanukovych
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 28, 2004, No. 959
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of use of the means provided in the government budget for partial compensation of cost of the new difficult agricultural machinery of national production which was purchased in the current year to agricultural producers (further - budgetary funds) including educational and research farms of agrarian higher educational institutions (in particular, their structural divisions which perform activities for production of agricultural products).
The main manager of budgetary funds is Minagropolitiki, managers of the lowest level - the Ministry of agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, head departments of agro-industrial development regional and Management of the industry and agro-industrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations (further - managers of budgetary funds).
Receivers of budgetary funds are agricultural producers including educational and research farms of agrarian higher educational institutions (in particular, their structural divisions which perform activities for production of agricultural products).
2. The partial compensation is established in the amount of 30 percent of cost of difficult agricultural machinery of national production (further - the equipment) without tax amounts on value added according to the list determined by Minagropolitiki.
The partial compensation of cost of such equipment is provided to agricultural producers who bought combine and forage harvesters and tractors according to the norm determined by Minagropolitiki.
3. Minagropolitiki approves in five-day time in coordination with the Ministry of Finance distribution of budgetary funds in proportion to annual average production volume of gross output of agricultural industry (in the comparative prices of 2005) for the previous three years according to the statistical reporting and brings it to managers of budgetary funds.
Minagropolitiki within three working days after approval of distribution of budgetary funds submits to the State Treasury the register of changes of distribution of indicators of the consolidated estimates and plans of assignments by regions is pro rata to the approved distribution of such means.
The funds allocated from the budget for partial compensation of cost of the equipment are distributed in the one-day time of Minagropolitiki in proportion to the amounts approved in plans of assignments for the corresponding period and listed to managers of budgetary funds.
The State Treasury allocates budgetary funds to managers of budgetary funds according to Procedure for servicing of the government budget on the expenses approved by the State Treasury.
4. Compensation is not paid to agricultural producers:
which are declared by bankrupt;
against which proceedings on bankruptcy are initiated;
to which it is rendered per unit of the equipment on which the documents noted in Item 6 are filed to the contest committee (farther the commission) financial support on irretrievable basis in the amount of 30 percent for compensation for expenses connected with acquisition of the first tractor, combine, the cargo vehicle (for farms).
5. For implementation of partial compensation of cost of the equipment, managers of budgetary funds form the commissions which structure joins their representatives and representatives of regional bodies of statistics, financial bodies, territorial authorities of GFS, interregional territorial authorities of Gosauditsluzhby of inspection of the State technical supervision and managements on fight against economic crime.
The commissions are headed respectively by the deputy minister of agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, deputy chief of head department of agro-industrial development regional and the deputy head of department of the industry and agro-industrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations.
The commission determines and approves conditions and terms of carrying out tenders and publish them in printing mass media within three days after receipt of the order of Minagropolitiki on approval of distribution of budgetary funds and the list of the equipment which is offered for realization with partial compensation of cost in the corresponding year.
6. Agricultural producers file the following documents to the commission:
1) the request which sample is approved by Minagropolitiki (in duplicate);
2) the copy certified in accordance with the established procedure:
references from the Single state register of the companies and organizations of Ukraine;
the accounting report as of January 1 of the corresponding year (the newly created companies - on the last accounting period);
3) the certificate of availability of the equipment and loading per unit of the equipment;
4) copies of supporting documents concerning acquisition of the equipment (the invoice, delivery note on shipment of inventory items, the copy of the document on payment of 100 percent of cost of the equipment certified by bank);
4-1) copy of the registration certificate of the equipment on which the state registration plates and the relevant registration documents in regional inspection of the state technical supervision are issued;
5) the certificate of regional department of the Ukrainian state fund of support of farms of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the relevant regional department of the Ukrainian state fund of support of farms that it was not provided to agricultural producer per unit of the equipment on which the documents noted in this Item are filed to the commission in the current year financial support on irretrievable basis at the rate to 30 percent for compensation for expenses connected with acquisition of the first tractor, combine, the cargo vehicle (for farms);
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The document ceased to be valid since March 15, 2017 according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 1, 2017 No. 130