Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  September 1, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2022 No. 968


of April 15, 2005 No. 222

About approval of Rules of rendering services of telegraph communication

(as amended on 20-11-2018)

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of rendering services of telegraph communication and enact them since May 1, 2005.

2. Recognize voided since May 1, 2005:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 1997 No. 1108 "About approval of Rules of provision of services of telegraph communication" (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, No. 37, the Art. 4299);

Item of 1 changes and additions which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the rendering services of telephone, telegraph communication and wire broadcasting (radiofication) approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2002 No. 12 "About modification and amendments in acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning rendering services of telephone, telegraph communication and wire broadcasting (radiofication)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 3, the Art. 223).

Russian Prime Minister

M. Fradkov

Rules of rendering services of telegraph communication

I. General provisions

1. These rules govern the relations between citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities (daleepolzovatel) and the telecom operators rendering services of telegraph communication in public communication network (further - telecom operators).

2. These rules are obligatory for telecom operators and users.

3. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

"subscriber" - the user of the service "telex" with whom the service provision agreement "telex" in case of selection for these purposes of directory number is signed;

"addressee" - the user to whom the telegram is addressed;

"the internal telegram" - the telegram transferred and addressed within the territory of the Russian Federation;

"external telegram" - the telegram transferred out of limits of the territory of the Russian Federation or the telegram addressed to the Russian Federation and submitted outside its territory;

"the customer premise equipment (the terminal equipment) of the Telex network" - means of communication for transfer and (or) acceptance of telegrams in the Telex networks technically connected to subscriber lines and which are in use of the subscriber (subscriber unit);

"telex" - temporary connection for acceptance and text messaging of telegraph communication between the customer (terminal) premise equipment in the Telex network;

"the international telex" - temporary connection for acceptance and text messaging of telegraph communication between the customer (terminal) premise equipment of the Telex network which is in the territory of the Russian Federation and the customer (terminal) premise equipment of the Telex network which is in the territory of other state;

"national telex" - temporary connection for acceptance and text messaging of telegraph communication between the customer (terminal) premise equipment in the Telex network which is in the territory of the Russian Federation;

"sender" - the user who submits to the telecom operator the telegram intended for transfer;

"destination" - the address to which delivery of the telegram is performed by the telecom operator;

"giving Item" - signal office (postal telegraph office, Item of collective use, etc.) in which services are rendered to the sender of the telegram;

"Item of rendering services of telegraph communication" - signal office in which functions of Item of giving and destination are combined;

"telegram" - the text message intended for transfer by means of telegraph communication.

4. Activities of telecom operators are performed based on the license granted in accordance with the established procedure.

5. Services of telegraph communication are:

the service "telegram" - activities for acceptance, transfer, processing, storage and delivery to the addressee of telegrams;

the service "telex" - activities for establishment of temporary connection for acceptance and text messaging of telegraph communication between the customer (terminal) premise equipment in the Telex network.

6. The service "telegram" is rendered to the user taking into account the restrictions for separate types and categories of telegrams set by these rules.

The telecom operator when rendering the service "telegram" shall provide acceptance, transfer, processing, storage of the telegram submitted the sender and its delivery to the addressee.

Quality of the services rendered to the user shall conform to the following requirements:

terms of passing of the telegram, assurance of receipt of the telegram shall correspond to the terms established by these rules;

the telegram shall be transferred without misrepresentation changing its sense.

7. The telecom operator has the right in the presence of necessary licenses to render services in provision of telegraph channels of communication.

Services in provision of telegraph channels of communication are rendered to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs based on the relevant agreement.

The telecom operator when rendering services in provision of telegraph channels of communication shall provide to users possibility of transfer on telegraph channel of messages between the objects provided in the agreement.

8. The telecom operator shall provide observance of mystery of telegraph communication and accept all possible compatible to the applied system of telegraph communication of measure to the purpose to provide observance of secrecy of the transferred text messages. Observance of secrecy of the text messages transferred on networks of telegraph communication is guaranteed to users. Restriction of the right to the secrecy of text messages is allowed only in cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation.


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