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of June 6, 2005 No. 353

About approval of Rules of communication services provision of wire broadcasting

(as amended on 19-02-2015)

According to the Federal Law "About Communication" and the Law of the Russian Federation "About consumer protection" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of communication services provision of wire broadcasting and enact them since July 1, 2005.

2. Recognize voided since July 1, 2005:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1997 N 1238 "About approval of Rules of rendering services of wire broadcasting (radiofication)" (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, N 40, the Art. 4601);

Item of 3 changes and additions which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the rendering services of telephone, telegraph communication and wire broadcasting (radiofication) approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2002 N 12 (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, N 3, by the Art. 223).


Russian Prime Minister

M. Fradkov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2005 No. 353

Rules of communication services provision of wire broadcasting

I. General provisions

1. These rules govern the relations between the citizen or the legal entity and the telecom operator in case of communication services provision of wire broadcasting.

2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"subscriber" - the user communication services of wire broadcasting with which the agreement on rendering such services in case of selection for these purposes of unique code of identification is signed;

"subscriber line" - the communication line connecting the customer (terminal) premise equipment to hub site of network of wire broadcasting;

"technical capability of provision of network access of wire broadcasting" - availability of the uninvolved communication lines allowing to create subscriber line;

"provision of network access of wire broadcasting" - set of actions of the telecom operator of network of wire broadcasting for forming of subscriber line and connection with its help of the customer (terminal) premise equipment to hub site of network of wire broadcasting for the purpose of ensuring rendering communication services to the subscriber.

3. Relations of the telecom operator rendering communication services of wire broadcasting (further - the telecom operator), with the subscriber, arising in case of communication services provision in the territory of the Russian Federation, are performed in Russian.

4. The information about the subscriber citizen which became known to the telecom operator owing to agreement performance about communication services provision of wire broadcasting (further - the agreement), can be transferred to the third parties only from written consent of this subscriber, except as specified, provided by the Federal Laws.

The consent of the subscriber citizen to processing of its personal data for the purpose of implementation by the telecom operator of calculations for the rendered communication services, and also considerations of claims is not required.

5. In case of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature the telecom operator according to the procedure, determined by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation having the right to stop or limit temporarily communication services provision of wire broadcasting.

5(1). The telecom operator according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, shall provide signaling of the notification and emergency information on the dangers arising in case of threat of origin or emergence of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also when conducting military operations or owing to these actions about rules of conduct of the population and need of holding actions for protection.

6. The obligation on ensuring availability of the customer (terminal) premise equipment (further - the equipment) which is subject to connection to subscriber line is assigned to the subscriber if other is not established by the agreement.

7. The telecom operator provides to the subscriber delivery of the sound program (programs) for network of wire broadcasting to the equipment during the period from 6:00 to 24:00 o'clock local time with break lasting no more than 1 hour in the working days in the afternoon.

The possibility of use of network of wire broadcasting for the purposes of the notification of the population is provided 24 hours a day if other is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Communication services provision of wire broadcasting can be followed by rendering other services by the telecom operator technologically inseparably linked with communication services of wire broadcasting and directed to increase in their consumer value.

9. The telecom operator shall render communication services of wire broadcasting according to the licensed conditions provided by the license for activities granted to the telecom operator in the field of communication services provision of wire broadcasting (further - the license).

10. The telecom operator shall provide to the citizen or the legal entity information necessary for the conclusion and agreement performance. The specified information in Russian (if necessary in other languages) in visual and available form is free of charge provided in places of employment with subscribers and through mass media.

11. Information provided by the telecom operator to the citizen or the legal entity in case of the conclusion of the agreement includes:

a) name (trade name) of the telecom operator, list of its branches, places of their stay and operation mode;

b) details of the license granted to the telecom operator and content of licensed conditions;

c) list of communication services of wire broadcasting, condition and procedure for their rendering;

d) the list and the description of restrictions in communication services provision of wire broadcasting;

e) the name and details of the regulating documents determining quality requirements of the rendered communication services of wire broadcasting;

e) rates for communication services of wire broadcasting;

g) procedure and payment method of communication services of wire broadcasting;

h) procedure and term of consideration of the application about the conclusion of the agreement;

i) claims process;

j) phone numbers of places of employment with subscribers and bureau of repair;

k) data on places where it is possible to study these rules in full.

12. The telecom operator shall provide upon the demand of the subscriber to it the additional information connected with communication services provision of wire broadcasting.

II. Procedure and conditions of the conclusion of the agreement

13. Communication services of wire broadcasting are rendered based on paid agreements.


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