Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 24, 2008 No. 387

About some questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended on 23-05-2024)

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) No. 230 Is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 13.03.2013

3) changes which are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Form Committee on financial monitoring of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Create public institution - territorial authority of Committee on financial monitoring of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Department on financial monitoring on the city of Almaty.

4. Reorganize:

1) public institutions - territorial authorities of Committee of state-owned property and privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in public institutions - interregional departments of Committee of state-owned property and privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 1 to this resolution;

2) public institutions - territorial authorities of Committee on work with poor debtors of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in public institutions - interregional departments of Committee on work with poor debtors of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 2 to this resolution.

5. Rename:

1) Committee of financial control and public procurements of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Committee of financial control of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) public institutions - territorial authorities of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 3 to this resolution;

3) public institutions - territorial administrations of Committee of financial control and public procurements of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 4 to this resolution;

4) public institutions - territorial authorities of Committee of treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 5 to this resolution.

5-1. No. 230 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 13.03.2013

6. Liquidate public institution - territorial authority of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Interregional Tax Committee No. 1 of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

7. Determine that powers on management of the property of the public institution specified in Item 6 of this resolution which remained after liquidation are transferred to the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 6 to this resolution.

9. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation to take the measures following from this resolution.

10. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing.

At the same time subitems 42), 310), 320), 336), 337), 338), 339), 340) and 341) of functions of central office of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by this resolution (further - the Provision), become effective since January 1, 2019.

The subitem 281) of functions of central office of Item 16 of the Provision becomes effective since July 1, 2019.

Subitems 239), 240), 309) and 313) of functions of central office of Item 16 of the Provision become effective since January 1, 2020.

The subitem 241) of functions of central office of Item 16 of the Provision becomes effective since January 1, 2023.

Subitems 286), 287), 288), 289), 290), 291), 297) and 305) of functions of departments of Item 16 of the Provision become effective since January 1, 2019.

The subitem 67) of functions of departments of Item 16 of the Provision becomes effective since July 1, 2019.

Subitems 38) and 39) of functions of departments of Item 16 of the Provision become effective since July 1, 2020.

The subitem 296) of functions of departments of Item 16 of the Provision becomes effective since January 1, 2020.

Subitems 356-1), 356-2), 356-3), 356-4), 356-5), 356-6) and 356-7) of functions of central office of Item 16 of the Provision become effective since April 11, 2019 according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2018 "About standardization" and "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning ensuring unity of measurements and standardization".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 24, 2008 No. 387

Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Ministry) is the state body of the Republic of Kazakhstan performing management in spheres:

1) budgetary planning;

2) budget implementation;

3) conducting financial accounting;

4) budget accounting and budget reports;

5) tax and customs administration;

6) state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products and tobacco products;

7) turnover of oil products and biofuel;

8) state regulation in the sphere of customs affairs, realization of tax policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) the state and guaranteed by the state borrowing, management of the governmental and guaranteed by the state debt and debt to the state;

10) budget crediting;

11) managements of republican property;

12) public procurements and purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector;

13) implementation of internal state audit and financial control;

14) state regulation in the field of rehabilitation and bankruptcy (except for the state companies, organizations, banks, the insurance (reinsurance) organizations and the accumulation pension funds), and also public administration on recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) in other spheres carried to competence of the Ministry by the current legislation.

2. The ministry has departments:

1) Committee of treasury of the Ministry;

2) Committee of internal state audit of the Ministry;

3) Committee of state-owned property and privatization of the Ministry;

4) Committee of state revenues of the Ministry.

3. The ministry performs the activities according to the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, and also this Provision.

4. The ministry is legal entity in form of business of public institution, has symbols and distinctions, seals with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and stamps with the name in state language, forms of the established sample, accounts in bodies of treasury according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. The ministry enters the civil relations from own name.

6. The ministry has the right to act as the party of the civil relations on behalf of the state if it is authorized on it according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. The ministry of questions of the competence of the procedure established by the legislation makes the decisions which are drawn up by orders of the head of the Ministry and other acts, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. The structure and limit of the number of staff of the Ministry affirm according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

9. Ministry location: The city of Astana, the area Esil, Prospekt Mang_l_k ate 010000,, 8, the office building "The house of the ministries", 4 entrance.

10. This Provision is the constituent document of the Ministry.

11. Financing of activities of the Ministry is performed from the republican budget according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. The ministry is forbidden to enter contractual relations with subjects of entrepreneurship regarding accomplishment of the obligations which are powers of the Ministry.

If the Ministry by legal acts is granted the right to perform the activities which are bringing in incomes, then the gained income goes to the income of the republican budget if other is not established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2. Tasks and powers of the Ministry

13. Tasks:

1) development of offers on budgetary planning, budget implementation, conducting financial accounting, budget accounting and budget reports, statistics of public finances;

2) ensuring completeness and timeliness of receipt of taxes and payments in the budget;

3) ensuring completeness and timeliness of calculation, deduction and transfer of social payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) providing within powers of economic safety of the state, legitimate rights and interests of subjects of business activity, society and state;

5) ensuring compliance with the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products, tobacco products, and also turnover of oil products and biofuel;

7) state regulation in the sphere of customs affairs, the state and guaranteed by the state borrowing, the budget crediting, management of republican property, management of the governmental and guaranteed by the state debt and debt to the state, public procurements, purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, implementation of internal state audit and financial control, state regulation in the field of rehabilitation and bankruptcy (except for the state companies, organizations, banks, the insurance (reinsurance) organizations and the accumulation pension funds), and also implementation of management in the sphere of public administration on recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) regulation of activities in the sphere of financial accounting and the financial reporting of the organizations and public institutions, in areas of auditor activities and control of activities of the auditing and professional organizations, estimative activities and control in the field of estimative activities;

9) ensuring forming and realization of state policy in the field of financial accounting and the financial reporting of the organizations and public institutions, auditor activities, estimative activities;

10) implementation of the state monitoring of property in the industries of economy having strategic importance according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state monitoring of property in the industries of economy having strategic importance";

10-1) implementation of currency exchange control in compliance szakony the Republic of Kazakhstan "About currency control and currency exchange control" within competence;

11) coordination of realization of the mechanism of traceability according to the Agreement on the mechanism of traceability of the goods imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union, the ratified Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About ratification of the Agreement on the mechanism of traceability of the goods imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union".

14. Powers:

1) rights:

request, receive in the procedure established by the legislation from state bodies, their officials and other persons, competent authorities of foreign state and transfer them necessary information and materials;

perform for the purpose of upgrade and enhancement of tax administration realization (implementation) of the pilot projects providing other procedure for tax administration and execution of the tax liabilities by taxpayers;

make explanations and comments on application of the current legislation on the questions entering competence of the Ministry;

involve specialists of the relevant state bodies, consultants and independent experts from among physical persons and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other states to conducting examinations, checks and consultations, development of training programs, methodical materials, program and information support, creation of information systems with observance of requirements for protection of the state, office, commercial, bank and protected by the law other secret;

perform advanced training and training of staff of the Ministry;

encourage workers, impose authority punishments, bring workers to financial responsibility in the cases and procedure provided by the Labor code and the legislation on public service;

participate in limits of competence of project development of regulatory legal acts and international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

participate in activities of the international organizations in the field of activity carried to competence of the Ministry;

give instructions, obligatory for execution, to territorial subdivisions of departments;

take a legal action, make claims for the purpose of protection of the rights and interests of the Ministry according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

sign agreements on application of transfer pricing according to the procedure, determined by authorized body;

perform other rights provided by the existing legal acts;

determine procedure for submission of the reporting under currency transactions, request documents and (or) information which are connected with carrying out currency transactions, to impose requirements about elimination of the revealed violations, the reasons and conditions promoting their making and to take other measures, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan which are obligatory for execution by all residents and nonresidents in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) obligations:

consider appeals, applications and claims of physical persons and legal entities on the questions entering competence of the Ministry, according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

demand from physical persons and legal entities, subsidiary companies located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan in the cases determined by the legislation, submission of necessary documents, otchetnost by the established forms;

interact with other state bodies, the international organizations, participants of the foreign economic and other activity according to the procedure, determined by legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also based on joint acts of the relevant state bodies in coordination with them;

represent at the request of the relevant authorized body of the data from own information systems according to the procedure, determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

perform exchange of information with state bodies of foreign state, the international organizations based on international treaties and in the cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

send within competence inquiry to tobacco product manufacturers for provision of necessary data for implementation of state regulation of production and turnover of tobacco products;

direct motivated refusal to creditor meeting in appointment of the candidate for the rehabilitation managing director or the message on removal of the rehabilitation managing director from registration;

constitute protocols and consider cases on administrative offenses, perform administrative detention, and also apply other measures, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan about administrative offenses;

in case of discrepancy of the budget request to requirements of the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to return it to the administrator of the budget program without consideration;

keep according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the commercial, bank and protected by the law other secret which became to them known when implementing their powers, including in case of exchange of information electronically according to the foreign exchange legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for its representations according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

perform other obligations according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

15. Functions:

1) forming and realization of state policy in the field of budgetary planning, budget implementation, accounting and budget accounting, financial and budget reports, internal state audit and financial control, auditor activities, estimative activities, management of the governmental and guaranteed by the state debt and debt to the state, realization within the competence of state policy in public-private partnership, public procurements, purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, state regulation in the field of rehabilitation and bankruptcy (except for banks, the insurance (reinsurance) organizations and the accumulation pension funds), in the field of recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also participation in forming and realization of policy on accumulating in National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan of financial assets, and also other property, except for intangible assets, state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products and tobacco products, state regulation of production and turnover of separate types of oil products and biofuel, and also realization of tax policy and policy in the field of customs affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within the competence management in the sphere of management of republican property, realization of the rights of the state to republican property, privatization and the state monitoring of property in the industries of economy having strategic importance and strategic objects, except for the property assigned to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) ensuring national security in case of ensuring compliance with the budget legislation and implementation of interagency coordination of activities for ensuring financial safety;

4) participation in forecasting of receipts in the government and republican budget, National fund for categories, classes and subclasses of Single budget classification taking into account the forecast of social and economic development;

5) international cooperation on the questions entering competence of the Ministry;

5-1) putting down of apostille on the official documents coming from structural divisions of the Ministry and (or) their territorial subdivisions;

6) cross-industry coordination and methodological management in the field of public procurements, purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, execution republican and local budgets, accounting and budget accounting, auditor activities, internal state audit and financial control, financial and budget reports;

7) development and acceptance within competence of the Ministry of legal acts;

8) organization of execution of the republican budget and coordination of activities of administrators of republican budget programs for execution of the republican budget;

9) creation of the report on receipts and use of National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) preparation of analytical information on budget implementation;

11) organization of carrying out annual audit of National fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

12) making the conclusions to petitions for assignment from reserve of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) development and approval together with the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan of procedural standards of the state audit and financial control;

14) development and approval of procedural standards of internal state audit and financial control in coordination with the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) development and approval in coordination with the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan of rules of carrying out internal state audit and financial control;

16) development and approval of standards of assessment and other regulatory legal acts in the field of estimative activities;

17) development and approval of requirements to form and content of the valuation report;

18) development and approval of rules of conducting examination of the valuation report, requirements to the expert opinion and procedure for its approval;

19) provision, servicing of budget credits, control of its target use and ensuring return;

20) determination of the amounts, forms and conditions of borrowing by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of amounts of repayment and servicing of government debt approved in the republican budget for the corresponding financial year;

21) creation and monthly submission of performance reports state, consolidated, republican and local budgets in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central authorized body on state planning and authorized body on internal state audit, quarterly – in Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the performance report of the republican budget – in the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

22) maintaining statistics of public finances;

23) creation of performance reports of plans of receipts and expenses of money from sales of goods (works, services), receipt and expenditure of money from philanthropic activities and (or) sponsor's activities, and (or) philanthropic activities, and (or) activities for support to the small homeland on state, republican and to local budgets;

24) creation of reports on creditor and debit debts state and local budgets;

25) provision of guarantees of the state according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of the conclusion in writing guarantee agreements of the state;

26) provision at the request of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the state guarantees, state guarantees on export support;

27) the conclusion of agreements of the state guarantees and guarantees of the state under agreements of public-private partnership;

28) maintaining the register of the provided state guarantees and guarantees of the state under agreements of public-private partnership;

29) implementation of accounting of acceptance and execution of financial liabilities of the state under agreements of public-private partnership;

29-1) submission of information on financial liabilities of the state on agreements of public-private partnership to the central authorized body on state planning in the field of public-private partnership according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

30) ensuring execution by residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan of obligations on the non-state loans obtained by them;

31) development and approval of procedure, terms and forms of provision of data by authorized state bodies, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations, local executive bodies, the organizations and authorized persons in bodies of state revenues;

32) implementation of the budget monitoring and providing common methodological and methodical directorship on its carrying out;

33) monitoring of the obtaining, use, repayment and servicing of state loans and public debt guaranteed by the state of debt and debt according to guarantees of the state, and also the requirements of the state which arose in connection with execution of obligations by the state on its guarantees and guarantees;

34) monitoring of the obligations guaranteed by the state on support of export, the state and guaranteed by the state debt, debt according to guarantees of the state and management of it;

35) coordination of requirements to development or adjustment of the conclusion of the central authorized body on state planning for provision of the state guarantees on export support;

36) determination of procedure for provision of the state guarantee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on support of export in coordination with the central authorized body on state planning;

36-1) coordination of the conditions of implementation of separate types of activity of Export credit agency of Kazakhstan developed and approved by authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity;

36-2) coordination of the rules of forming of risk management system and internal control, and also forming of reserves developed and approved by authorized body in the field of regulation of trading activity and carrying out on them actuarial calculations for Export credit agency of Kazakhstan;

37) determination of amounts, terms and conditions of each release of the government issued securities;

38) development and submission to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of offers on the prevention and elimination of negative processes in the sphere of economy;

39) development and approval of procedure for delivery of the financial reporting by the organizations of public interest in depositary;

40) development and approval in coordination with authorized body in the sphere of permissions and notifications and authorized body in the sphere of informatization of forms of certificates on accreditation of professional auditing organization, professional organization of accountants, the organization for professional certification of accountants;

41) development and approval of accounting policy for public institutions;

42) development and approval of the chart of accounts of financial accounting of public institutions;

43) development and approval of unified plan of accounts;

44) determination of procedure for creation and accounts presentation about debt condition;

45) maintaining register of unfair appraisers;

46) development and approval of procedure for conducting financial accounting in public institutions;

47) development and approval of procedure for reflection of receipts in annual consolidated financial statements about execution of the republican budget, budget of area, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital;

48) coordination of projects of regulatory legal acts about procedure for application of general provisions on financial accounting in public institutions of the system taking into account specifics of their activities;

49) development and approval of rules of certification of officials of administrators of republican budget programs and local authorized bodies on budget implementation of area, city of republican value, the capital authorized on conducting financial accounting and creation of the financial reporting;

50) development and approval of procedure for carrying out inventory count in public institutions;

51) development and approval of album of forms of accounting documentation for public institutions;

52) development and approval of form and procedure for creation and accounts presentation;

53) development and approval of procedure for creation of consolidated financial statements for administrators of the budget programs;

54) coordination of the list of the objects offered in concession, for the medium-term period, belonging to republican property, approved by authorized body on state planning;

55) coordination of tender (auction) documentation and draft agreement of concession, including in case of introduction of changes in them and amendments, concerning the objects relating to republican property;

56) determination of procedure for transfer to ownership and use to the concessionary of the subjects to concession which are in state-owned property;

57) development and approval of rules of forming and maintaining registers in the sphere of purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, except for National welfare fund and the organizations of National welfare fund;

58) development and approval of regulatory legal acts in the sphere of management of state-owned property within competence of the Ministry;

59) development of the measures directed to increase in cost efficiency of the companies, in case of need together with the central executive bodies and persons in property or management of which there are objects of monitoring;

60) approval of rules of work of web portals of purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, except for National welfare fund and the organizations of National welfare fund, including in case of technical failures in work of web portals;

61) determination of web portals of purchases of certain subjects of the quasi-public sector, except for National welfare fund and organizations of National welfare fund;

62) approval of rules of forming and maintaining registers in the sphere of public procurements;

63) approval of rules of collection, generalization and analysis of the reporting of public procurements, including procedure for forming of the reporting of public procurements;

64) approval of rules of work of the web portal of public procurements in case of technical failures of work of the web portal of public procurements;

65) approval of rules of use of the web portal of public procurements;

66) development of the inventory, works, the services acquired according to international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

67) determination of procedure of public procurements using special procedure;

68) development of rules of establishment of withdrawals from national treatment when implementing public procurements;

69) approval of standard agreements of public procurements of goods, works, services;

70) approval of rules of retraining and advanced training of the workers performing the activities in the sphere of public procurements;

71) approval of the inventory, works, services of daily and (or) weekly requirement for the period before summing up public procurements and entry into force of the agreement on public procurements;

72) determination of inventories, works, services on which public procurements are conducted by single organizers of public procurements;

73) determination of the single operator in the sphere of public procurements;

74) approval of rules of preparation of the annual report on public procurements in Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also placement it on the web portal of public procurements;

75) approval of the inventory, works, services on which public procurements are conducted by tender method with prequalification;

76) determination of rules of maintaining the register of state-owned property, including order of interaction of state bodies and representation of data to users from it;

77) development and approval of form of the receipt on payment of administrative penalty according to the procedure of the reduced proceeedings about administrative offense;

78) coordination of the qualifier of the violations developed and approved by the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

79) interaction with the confided (agents) concerning provision of the state guarantee, ensuring the accomplishment of obligations according to the loan agreement guaranteed by the state, to return of the means of the republican budget distracted in case of obligation fulfillment on the state guarantee;

80) accounting of borrowers on the loans guaranteed by the state, expenses on repayment and which servicing are provided in the law on the republican budget;

81) No. 230 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.04.2022

82) development and approval of standard risk management system which is applied when forming the list of objects of the state audit for the corresponding year and carrying out internal state audit;

83) development and approval of standard regulations on services of internal audit;

84) approval of form of the order of authorized body on internal state audit about suspension of account transactions by codes and accounts of objects of the state audit opened in the central authorized body on budget implementation, and also bank accounts (except for correspondent) object of the state audit in coordination with National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

85) development and approval of rules of electronic internal state audit;

86) representation to the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on the taken measures for execution of the recommendations reflected in the conclusion on project evaluation of the republican budget;

87) participation in development of offers on the main directions of tax and budget policy, and also policy in the field of customs affairs;

88) participation in forming and realization of tax and budget policy, and also policy in the field of customs affairs;

89) preparation together with National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central authorized body on state planning of annual assessment of condition and the forecast for the forthcoming planning period of the state and guaranteed by the state borrowing is also long, long according to guarantees of the state;

90) development and approval together with the Highest auditor chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan of technique by operational assessment, the goal achievement block;

91) development and implementation of the state programs approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

92) participation in realization of gender policy;

93) development of procedure for project development of the republican budget;

94) development and approval of procedure for development and accomplishment of the state task;

95) determination of procedure for creation and submission of budget reports;

96) development and approval of the qualifier of the inventory (works, services) of the public institutions containing at the expense of the republican or local budget which money from realization remains at their order;

97) development and approval of the list of specifics of economic classification of expenses, including expense types on which registration of the concluded civil bargains is obligatory;

98) establishment of procedure and terms of provision in tax authority of reports on use of receipts, and also delivery of the amounts of taxes of bank of the second level or the organization performing separate types of banking activities;

99) interaction concerning financial accounting and the financial reporting, auditor and estimative activities with other state bodies and the professional organizations;

100) approval together with authorized body on entrepreneurship and placement on Internet resource of the acts concerning the criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and checks on compliance to requirements;

101) development and approval of rules of placement on Internet resource of authorized body of the list of persons having the right to perform activities of the administrator, appointment and discharge of rehabilitation and bankrupt managing directors;

102) determination of procedure for advanced training of the administrator;

103) establishment of procedure for holding qualification examination of the administrator;

104) approval of rules of holding qualification examination for confirmation of qualifications of candidates for appraisers, experts;

105) development, coordination with authorized body in the sphere of permissions and notifications and authorized body in the sphere of informatization and approval of regulatory legal acts about approval of qualification requirements and the list of the documents confirming compliance to them, except for qualification requirements and the list of documents to the licensed types of activity in the sphere of gaming;

106) approval of the standard training program, occupational retraining in the field of estimative activities and amount of hours;

107) coordination of rules and standards of chambers of appraisers;

108) approval of the model code of business and professional ethics of appraisers and requirements to consideration of appraisers of addresses by chamber concerning violation by her members of requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About estimative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan", standards and rules of chamber of appraisers;

109) determination of procedure of interaction of the administrator with authorized body and other persons by electronic method;

110) determination of procedure of payments of coefficients and delimitation of classes of financial stability;

111) development and approval of the standard forms of the conclusion of the temporary administrator, interim manager and rehabilitation managing director about financial stability of the debtor, and also bankrupt managing director about financial stability of the debtor taking into account implementation of actions provided by the plan of rehabilitation;

112) development and approval of standard form of the plan of rehabilitation;

113) development and approval of form of the final report of rehabilitation and bankrupt managing directors;

114) determination of procedure for carrying out and the organizer of electronic auction selling property of the bankrupt (debtor) according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About rehabilitation and bankruptcy" and "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

115) establishment of the minimum limit of the main remuneration of the temporary administrator or interim manager;

116) establishment of the minimum and maximum limits of the main remuneration of the bankrupt managing director;

117) development and approval of forms of the current and required information on the course of implementation of the rehabilitation procedure or insolvency proceeding, and also rules and terms of its provision;

118) determination of payment procedure of the main remuneration to interim and bankrupt managing directors, and also procedure and amount of compensation of other administrative expenses;

119) development and approval of rules of the choice of the interim manager if applicant are the creditor on taxes and customs payments, state body or the legal entity with participation of the state;

120) development and approval of forms of the notification on elimination of the violations revealed by results of preventive control without visit of the subject of control, and the notice on the violations revealed by results of preventive control without visit of the subject of control which cannot be eliminated;

121) development and approval of procedure and form of the register of requirements of creditors;

122) determination of procedure for modification and (or) amendments in the created register of requirements of creditors according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About rehabilitation and bankruptcy" and "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123) development and approval of rules of the creation and the document form confirming impossibility of establishment of the location of the debtor and also his founders (participants) and officials;

123-1) development and approval of the application form of the debtor about application of the procedure of extrajudicial bankruptcy according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-2) development and approval of form of the decision on completion of the procedure of extrajudicial bankruptcy and recognition of the debtor by the bankrupt according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-3) development and approval of form of the conclusion of the financial manager according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-4) development and approval of form of the conclusion of the financial manager about availability or lack of the bases for discharge of the bankrupt according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-5) development and approval of form of the notification on refusal in application of the procedure of extrajudicial bankruptcy according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-6) development and approval of form of the standard plan of recovery of solvency according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-7) development and approval of form of the final report of the financial manager according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

123-8) development and approval of rules and terms of carrying out monitoring of financial condition of the debtor according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About recovery of solvency and bankruptcy of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

124) coordination of drafts of development plans for state bodies (projects of changes and amendments in development plans for state bodies);

125) management and cross-industry coordination in the field of budgetary planning;

126) development of suggestions for improvement of the budget legislation;

127) project development of the laws on the republican budget for the corresponding planning period, modification and amendments in the budget and their submission for consideration to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

128) implementation of coordination of national projects, development plans for areas, cities of republican value and the capital regarding security with amounts of budget financing;


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Database include more 50000 documents. You can find needed documents using search system. For effective work you can mix any on documents parameters: country, documents type, date range, teams or tags.
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In this section, we’ve tried to describe in detail the features and capabilities of the system, as well as the most effective techniques for working with the database.

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Search engine created by SoyuzPravoInform LLC.