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The document ceased to be valid according to article 31 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan of September 19, 2013 No. 1018 


of May 10, 2002 No. 29

About energy saving

This Law governs the relations arising in the course of activities of legal entities and physical persons in the field of energy saving for the purpose of increase in efficiency of use of energy resources and products.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is legal support of state policy in the field of energy saving of the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of combination of consumer interests, suppliers and producers of energy resources by means of stimulation of scientific developments and implementation of the energy efficient technologies and information mechanisms increasing efficiency of use of energy resources.

Energy saving is one of the priority directions of state policy in the field of power industry of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Article 2. Basic concepts

In this Law the following concepts are used:

energy saving - rational use and reducing losses in case of production, transformation, transportation and energy consumption;

alternative types of fuel - fuel types (the liquefied gas, biogas, generating gas, biomass conversion products, water coal fuel and others) which use reduces or replaces consumption of energy resources of more expensive and scarce types;

effective use of energy resources - ensuring economically justified efficiency of use of energy resources in case of the existing level of development of the equipment and technologies with observance of regulations and rules of environmental protection;

energy efficiency indicator - the absolute or specific value of consumption or losses of energy resources for products (works, services) of any appointment determined in comparison with established by state standards;

unproductive expense of energy resources - the expense of energy resources caused by non-compliance with the requirements established by state standards or other regulations, production schedules and passport data for the operative equipment;

losses of energy resources and products - difference between consumed it is also useful the used quantity of energy resources and products at each stage of their transfer, transportation, transformation and consumption, and also loss as a result of their irrational use;

conditional fuel - the accounting unit of organic fuel applied to comparison of different types of fuel with heat of combustion of equal 7000 kcal/kg;

regulations and standard rates of losses - the wastage rate of energy resources approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Article 3. The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of energy saving

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on energy saving is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About power" and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan.

Chapter II. State regulation and management in the field of energy saving

Article 4. Objects of state regulation in the field of energy saving

Objects of the state legal regulation in the field of energy saving are the relations arising when carrying out energy saving policy in all industries of economy and the non-productive (social) sphere including in case of:

- production, conversion, transportation, production, storage and use of all types of energy resources;

- production and use of secondary energy resources and alternative types of fuel;

- use of renewable energy resources;

- carrying out the research and development works directed to increase in efficiency of use of energy resources;

- implementation of the state control of effective use of energy resources;

- ensuring accuracy, reliability and unity of measurement regarding accounting of the released and consumed energy resources;

- information support of problems of energy saving and use of new power sources and types of fuel.

Article 5. Subjects of the relations in the field of energy saving

Subjects of the relations in the field of energy saving are legal entities and physical persons (producers and users of energy resources) performing the following types of activity:

- production, conversion, transportation, storage, production, use and utilization of all types of energy resources;

- production and delivery of the power generating and energy-requiring equipment, machines, mechanisms, and also metering devices, control and regulation of expense of energy resources;

- carrying out the research, developmental, experienced and technology, expert, specialized, mounting, adjustment, repair and other work types connected with increase in efficiency of use and economy of energy resources;

- implementation of actions, connected with development and application nonconventional and renewable energy resources, use of secondary energy resources;

- development and deployment of effective management systems energy saving and control facilities behind effective use of energy resources;

- information support of legal entities and physical persons in the field of energy saving;

- training for the sphere of power.

Article 6. State policy in the field of energy saving

State policy in the field of energy saving is directed on:

- forming of system of public administration by the activities directed to increase in efficiency of use of energy resources in all industries of production and non-productive spheres;

- creation of legal and economic conditions of interest of legal entities and physical persons in energy saving;

- creation of system of public administration by energy saving;

- development and implementation of the state projects and programs of energy saving, use of renewable energy resources, alternative types of fuel and secondary energy resources;

- increase in efficiency of functioning of fuel and energy complex on the basis of implementation of advanced technologies of energy saving, decrease in specific costs of energy resources in production of the gross domestic product;

- state support of energy saving projects and programs;

- international cooperation in the field of increase in efficiency of use of energy resources.

Article 7. State regulation and management in the field of energy saving

State regulation in the field of energy saving is performed by legal support, the taxation, crediting, financing, implementation of investment, social and scientific and technical policy, control of execution of energy complex by the companies and consumers of regulatory legal acts in the field of energy saving.


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