of April 3, 2008 No. 38
About the rights and guarantees of persons with limited opportunities of health
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 7, 2008
The preamble voided according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 08.06.2017 No. 100
For the purposes of this Law the following concepts and their determinations are used:
discrimination on the basis of disability - any distinction, exception or restriction on the disability reason, the purpose or which derogation or denial of recognition, realization or implementation on an equal basis with others is result of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other sphere;
access to infrastructure - possibility of persons with limited opportunities of health of all categories it is free and safe to move on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, to have access to buildings and constructions and to use public transport, pedestrian sidewalks, highways, means of communication and other technical means of public use (ATMs, payment terminals, etc.);
disability - the social legal position established by authorized state body in the procedure established by the law, assuming availability at person of permanent physical, mental or intellectual violations. Depending on extent of frustration establish I, II and III groups of disability. Children up to 18 years join in category "the child with limited opportunities of health";
the individual program of rehabilitation - complex of the optimum rehabilitation actions including separate types, forms, amounts, terms and procedure for realization of rehabilitation measures, types of the public assistance and the list of the technical means allocated for recovery of the capabilities of person with limited opportunities of health to household, social and professional activity which are individually developed by authorized state body for each person with limited opportunities of health according to his individual requirements and features;
infrastructure - set of residential, office and other buildings, constructions, pedestrian sidewalks, highways, public transport, means of communication and other technical means in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
quoting - setting standards of obligatory participation of persons with limited opportunities of health in separate fields of activity of society for the purpose of their social support;
person with limited opportunities of health - person who has the violation of health with permanent disorder of functions of organism caused by the diseases, consequences of injuries or defects leading to activity restriction, and causing the necessity of its social protection and rehabilitation;
medico-social examination - process (procedure) of establishment (determination) of extent of loss by citizens of working capacity, including professional working capacity, the reasons and groups of disability, and also measures of social protection and rehabilitation of citizens;
ensuring access to infrastructure - obligation of state bodies, local government bodies, legal entities and physical persons on the equipment of the infrastructure facilities which are in their property, the special devices providing open entry to these objects of persons with limited opportunities of health;
activity restriction - complete or partial loss by person of capability or opportunity to perform self-service, to independently move, be guided, communicate, to control the behavior, to study and be engaged in labor activity;
the rehabilitation center - the legal entity created in form of business, the stipulated by the legislation Kyrgyz Republic, performing actions for rehabilitation of persons with limited opportunities of health and the organization of special work arrangements;
rehabilitation of persons with limited opportunities of health - complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical, educational, professional, social, legal actions for recovery of independent activity, health and working capacity of persons with limited physical and mental capacities of health;
the social worker - the specialist having the necessary qualification conforming to requirements and nature of the work performed by him, and directly performing social servicing or organizing him in system of social services irrespective of their forms of business and types of property, to persons which are in difficult life situation;
special literature - the art, scientific, periodic and other publications on paper, electronic or other media adapted for perception and use by their persons with limited opportunities of health;
specialized stationary agencies - the public or private institutions (houses boarding schools) for temporary stay of persons with limited opportunities of health and rendering necessary medical care according to the individual program of rehabilitation;
specialized transport - the any kinds of vehicles having special devices for access and use by their persons with limited opportunities of health;
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