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of March 1, 2007 No. 45-XVI

About the prevention and suppression of violence in family

(as amended on 28-12-2023)

The prevention and suppression of violence in family are part of national policy of protection and family support and constitute the most important task of public health. For the purpose of strengthening, protection and family support, ensuring compliance with the basic principles of the legislation on family, recognizing that achievement of gender equality between women and men is crucial element in the prevention of violence against women and that violence disproportionately restrains women in family, and also the fact that children and men can also become victims of violence in family the Parliament adopts this organic law.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Law purpose

This law establishes organization-legal bases of activities for the prevention and suppression of violence in family, determines the bodies and organizations equipped with functions of the prevention and suppression of violence in family, the mechanism of the statement and permission of cases of violence.

Article 2. Basic concepts

In this law the following concepts are used:

violence in family – all acts of physical, sexual, psychological, spiritual or economic abuse, except for acts of self-defense or protection of other person, including the threats of such acts made by one family member in relation to other member of the same family, which caused to the victim material or moral damage;

physical abuse - intended infliction of bodily injury or damnification to health by means of blows, kicks, pushes, dragging for hair, pricks, cuts, burns, suffocation, stings in any form and any force, poisoning with any methods, other actions of similar nature;

sexual violence - any violence of sexual nature or delinquent sexual behavior in family or in other interpersonal relations, such as matrimonial rape, will lock uses of methods of contraception, sexual harassment; any not desirable and imposed sexual behavior; coercion to occupation prostitution; any delinquent sexual behavior in relation to the minor family member which is expressed in particular in strokings, kisses, giving to the child of certain poses and in other not desirable touches of sexual orientation; other actions of similar nature;

psychological violence - imposing of will or personal control; provoking of condition of intensity and mental suffering by means of insult, sneer, abuse, offense, name calling, blackmail, demonstrative spoil of objects, verbal threats, intimidation by weapon or tortures of pets, neglect; intrusion into privacy; manifestation of jealousy; isolation by imprisonment, including in the family dwelling; isolation from family, society, friends; the prohibition and/or creation of obstacles for professional realization or will lock and/or creation of obstacles for implementation of the educational program in educational institution; prosecution by establishment of contact or attempt to contact in any manner or through other person the victim in which caused condition of alarm, fear for own safety or safety of close relatives and which is forced to change the conduct of life; withdrawal of identity documents; intentional deprivation of information access; other actions of similar nature;

spiritual violence - blasting or derogation of the importance of satisfaction of spiritual and moral requirements by prohibition, restrictions, ridiculings of aspirations of the family member and punishment for them, prohibition, restriction, ridiculing of access to cultural, ethnic, language or religious values and punishment for familiarizing with them; imposing of individually unacceptable value system; other actions of similar nature or with similar consequences;

economic violence - deprivation of economic means, including means of livelihood, such as food, drugs, necessities; abuse of position of priority for assignment of things of person; prohibition on right of possession, uses and orders common property; unfair control of general property and resources; refusal to provide family; coercion to hard and unhealthy work, including the minor family member; other actions of similar nature;

violence against women - acts of violence on gender sign which cause or can inflict on women physical, sexual or psychological suffering, including threat of such actions, the coercion or any imprisonment made in public or private life;

the victim adult - the adult person which underwent to acts of violence in family, marriage cohabitation;

the victim child - the person under the age of of 18 years which underwent or been the witness of acts of violence in family, marriage cohabitation;

moral damage – the causing physical and/or mental sufferings leading to humiliation, fear, abasement, inability to resist to violence, to feeling of deprivation and other consequences of similar nature;

material damage - material harm which can be estimated or estimated in financial/monetary value, caused by any act of violence in family, marriage cohabitation, and also costs on consideration of cases of violence in family;


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