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of April 2, 2008 No. 313

About measures for enhancement of management of objects of state-owned property

(as amended on 29-11-2024)

For the purpose of increase in effective management of objects of state-owned property, providing the transparent procedure of their alienation, and also partial lifting of restrictions concerning the order such objects the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Determine that:

1) sale of real estate of the state companies, organizations and organizations (further - the companies) is performed at auctions, except housing which is alienated to employees of such companies for accomplishment of conditions of the signed collective agreements in coordination with the subject of management of objects of state-owned property;

2) alienation of objects of real military estate is performed only at auctions, in particular together with the parcels of land on which they are located, or property rights on them;

2-1) central executive bodies, other subjects of management of corporate laws of the state in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

make the decision concerning reorganization of economic societies in authorized fund of which share of the state exceeds 50 percent;

approve tasks to the representatives on votes in relevant organs of management of societies during adoption of noted decisions;

3) the central executive bodies, other subjects of management of objects of state-owned property, including National and industry academies of Sciences, can accept only based on separate acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decisions relatively:

transfers of state-owned property to authorized capitals of the economic societies formed with participation of the state and subjects of housekeeping of non-state pattern of ownership;

(Paragraph two of the subitem 3 of Item 1 of this resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine it is suspended according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine No. 321/2008 of 11.04.2008)

the conclusion of new lease agreements of complete property complexes of the companies with determination of the lessee only on the competitive principles;

to sale of real military estate together with the parcels of land on which it is located;

transfers of real military estate to municipal property (except objects of housing stock, social and engineering infrastructure of military camps);

4) the means received from sale of property which is directly on balance of the ministries and other state bodies and belongs to fixed assets remain at the disposal of these bodies according to the legislation.

2. Forbid transfer of military property to authorized funds (on balance) the companies, (except military property which is in the sphere of management of Administration of Public service of special communication and information security which treats technical means of electronic communications, of means of special communication, cryptographic and technical information security, power generating sets, the software, project, technical and other documentation of National telecommunication network and National system of confidential communication, the National center of reservation of the state information resources according to the list determined by the specified Administration it is transferred to the state (state) companies which belong to the sphere of its management, for realization of tasks on construction, upgrade, ensuring functioning of National telecommunication network and National system of confidential communication, National center of reservation of the state information resources).

The prohibition specified in paragraph one of this Item does not extend to military property (in particular shares, shares in the authorized capital of legal entities) which acquired such status as a result of application of the procedure of compulsory acquisition, withdrawal and transfer in the conditions of legal regime of warlike situation and is used for ensuring steady production of heat and electrical energy in the period of warlike situation.

3. To the central executive bodies, other subjects of management of corporate laws which belong to the state in economic societies in which authorized capital the share of the state exceeds 50 percent:

not allow adoption of decisions by governing bodies of economic societies concerning implementation of additional share issue which consequence reduction of the size of the state share in authorized capital of society can be;

provide adoption of decisions by governing bodies of economic societies concerning sale of real estate of society at auctions.

4. To the Ministry of Defence together with other state bodies which exercise control of military property, and also Fund of state-owned property, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics, the State committee on land resources to submit for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft of the act of the legislation concerning approval of procedure for sale at auctions of objects of real military estate in a month together with the parcels of land on which they are located.

5. To the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Administration of the State Border Service, Security service, other state bodies which exercise control of military property, together with Fund of state-owned property, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics and the State committee on land resources to submit for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in a month lists of objects of real military estate which can be sold together with the parcels of land on which they are located.

6. To the Ministry of Economics, Fund of state-owned property with participation of other subjects of management of objects of state-owned property to prepare and submit for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine drafts of regulatory legal acts concerning enhancement of the procedure of management of the objects of state-owned property noted in Item 1 of this resolution in a month.

7. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

8. Recognize invalid orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 24, 2007 as No. 1231 "Some questions of the order objects of state-owned property" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2007, No. 99, the Art. 3587) and of March 5, 2008 No. 405 "About amendment of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 24, 2007 No. 1231" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2008, No. 18, the Art. 517).


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Yu. Tymoshenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 2, 2008 No. 313

Changes which are made to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

1. In the paragraph the second Item 12 of the Regulations on procedure for alienation and realization of the military property of Armed Forces approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 28, 2000 No. 1919 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2001, No. 1-2, of Art. 26; 2002, No. 14, Art. 740, No. 29, Art. 1369; 2005, No. 21, Art. 1133, No. 34, Art. 2075, No. 42, Art. 2657; 2007, No. 16, the Art. 600, No. 64, the Art. 2506), words" (on tender)" to exclude.


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