of December 1, 1997 No. 1511
About approval of the Regulations on development and approval of federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy
According to article 6 of the Federal law "About Use of Atomic Energy" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve the enclosed Regulations on development and approval of federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy.
Russian Prime Minister
V. Chernomyrdin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 1997 No. 1511
1. This provision determines procedure for development, approval, approval and enforcement of federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy (further imenuyutsyafederalny regulations and rules), and also introduction of changes in them and amendments.
2. Federal regulations and rules affirm the federal executive bodies performing state regulation of safety when using atomic energy.
3. The federal executive bodies given authority on implementation of state regulation of safety when using atomic energy (further imenuyutsyaorgana of state regulation of safety), and their competence are established according to Articles 23, 24 and 25 Federal Laws "About Use of Atomic Energy" both others legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
4. The federal executive bodies given authority on implementation of public administration of use of atomic energy (further hereinafter are referred to as - governing bodies of use of atomic energy), and their competence are established according to article 20 of the Federal law "About Use of Atomic Energy" both others legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
5. Financing of development of federal regulations and rules is performed at the expense of means of the federal budget, special funds formed by the operating organizations together with governing bodies of use of atomic energy for financing of conclusion of operation of subjects to use of atomic energy, research and development works on reasons and increase in safety of these objects, and also other financing sources if it does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6. Development of federal regulations and rules is performed by bodies of state regulation of safety with involvement of the organizations of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety and (or) governing bodies of use of atomic energy according to their competence. Involvement of the organizations of scientific and technical support of authorized body of state regulation of safety to development of federal regulations and rules is performed according to the decision of authorized body of state regulation of safety.
7. Preparation of projects of federal regulations and rules is performed according to work plans of bodies of state regulation of safety and governing bodies of use of atomic energy, and also the procedures established by these bodies for development of the specified projects.
8. In case of development of federal regulations and rules by governing body of use of atomic energy this body sends projects of these regulations and rules and documents proving them to body (bodies) of state regulation of safety to which sphere of maintaining (which) these federal regulations and rules, for determination of readiness of the specified projects for publication in official publication enter.
The documents proving projects of federal regulations and rules include:
the specification on project development of federal regulations and rules and the explanatory note with indication of the executive in charge and collaborators, terms of the beginning of development, the purposes and tasks of the developed project, characteristics of the main requirements and compliance to their modern scientific and technical level, interrelation with other federal regulations and rules, data on mailing of the project on response;
the report of responses on the project with the conclusion of developer.
The specified documents are submitted on paper and in electronic form.
9. Bodies of state regulation of safety can return projects of federal regulations and rules and documents for completion proving them with reasons for refusal in publication if the documents proving these federal regulations and rules are provided not in full or do not consider change of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the recommendation of the international organizations in the field of use of atomic energy in which work the Russian Federation takes part.
10. Bodies of state regulation of safety have the right to send projects of federal regulations and rules and documents proving them to other bodies of state regulation of safety or the organizations for receipt of the conclusions.
The term of consideration of projects and the documents proving them by bodies of state regulation of safety shall not exceed 90 days from the date of registration of their receipt.
In case of need bodies of state regulation of safety can make the decision on prolongation of term of consideration of projects about which it is reported to governing body of use of atomic energy at least in 15 days prior to the termination of the term established earlier with indication of the prolongation reasons.
11. The governing body of use of atomic energy has the right to organize meeting for discussion of offers of bodies of state regulation of safety with participation of their representatives.
If representatives of governing body of use of atomic energy and bodies of state regulation of safety within whose scope of maintaining the developed federal regulations and rules fall do not reach agreement, the report of disagreements which goes to management of these bodies for decision making is constituted.
12. If project development of federal regulations and rules is performed by body of state regulation of safety, then preparation of these projects and the documents proving them specified in Item 8 of this provision, and also acceptance of the final decisions on readiness of projects for publication are performed according to the procedure established by body of state regulation of safety which shall provide the direction of these projects in governing bodies of use of atomic energy for making the conclusion. If on projects of federal regulations and rules there are disagreements between body of state regulation of safety and governing bodies of use of atomic energy, then the body of state regulation of safety holds meeting on discussion of these disagreements.
If at meeting representatives of body of state regulation of safety and governing bodies of use of atomic energy do not reach agreement, participants of the meeting constitute the report of disagreements which goes to management of these bodies for decision making.
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