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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

March 21, 2008

No. 238/14929


of March 19, 2008 No. 306

About establishment of Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message

(as amended on 05-07-2019)

It is approved

Ministry of Economics


It is approved

Council of labor union of railroad workers

and transport builders of Ukraine

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.12.96 No. 1548 "About establishment of powers of executive bodies and actuators of city councils concerning price regulation (rates)" and for the purpose of more full recovery of the expenses connected with public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage in the international message, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Establish Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message which are applied.

2. This order becomes effective from 01:04. 2008, except Item 5 of the Rates approved by this order, which are becoming effective from 01.09.2008.

3. Public administration of rail transport of Ukraine (Melnichuk V. O.):

3.1. Submit the order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3.2. Provide timely commissioning of these Rates and correctness of their application and to inform on it the population at stations and Items of sale of travel documents.

4. Recognize invalid orders of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine which list is given in appendix.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister Badagov V. F.


I. Vinsky


to the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of March 19, 2008 No. 306

List of orders of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, invalid

1. The order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of September 16, 2005 No. 559 "About approval of Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 4, 2005 for No. 1133/11413 (except Item 5 of the Rates approved by the specified order which voids since September 1, 2008).

2. The order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of April 26, 2006 No. 394 "About modification of Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 1, 2006 for No. 651/12525.

3. The order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of March 29, 2007 No. 246 "About modification of Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 29, 2007 for No. 292/13559.

Director of the department of financial regulation and social and economic policy

A. I. Demchuk

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of March 19, 2008 No. 306

Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message

1. These Rates are applied to calculation of fare of passengers, luggage transport and cargo baggage by the territory of Ukraine during trips from (v) CIS countries, and also the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia, Georgia by lines of the railroads included in continuous operation (table 1-7 and 9).

2. Rates for public conveyance are differentiated depending on distance of trip, class of train and the car.

3. Rates are approved in tariff currency (Swiss franc). During their calculation the official rate of hryvnia is applied to Swiss franc which affects payment date of services, established by the National Bank of Ukraine.

4. Air fare and reserved seats in not corporate train that is determined by multiplication of the rate determined by the corresponding tables for the indexation coefficient to basic cost of the ticket and reserved seat of interstate passenger rate on the calendar periods specified in in in the table 8, is rounded to the whole centimes and multiplied by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine and rounded to the whole kopeks.

5. The air fare in the corporate train (car) equals air fare in not corporate train.

Reserved seat cost in the corporate train (car) which is determined by multiplication of the rate determined by the corresponding tables for firmovost coefficient for the train (car) is rounded and multiplied by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine.

The coefficient of firmovost can have values from 1,50 to 4,00. The Firmovost and coefficient of firmovost of the train is established according to regulations on the corporate train depending on the level of comfort and the provided services.

6. Fare of passengers, luggage transport and cargo baggage is established excluding tax on value added and insurance fee.

7. The freight charge of baggage and cargo baggage is determined by multiplication of the rate determined by the corresponding tables, for indexation coefficient - 1,0, is rounded and multiplied by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine.

8. The cargo baggage freight charge in leased and special luggage cars is established in the amount of 0,65 of Swiss franc for 1 car-kilometer irrespective of loading of the car.

9. The air fare (without reserved seat) on travel of passengers by trains of the international message is determined by multiplication of the rate determined according to item 4 of these Rates for 0,5 coefficient - for the train No. 853/854 Chernihiv-Gomel and 0,4 - for the train No. 855/856 Shchors Gomel.

10. Fare of passengers in cars of 1st, 2nd, 3rd classes of trains of the international message No. 816/815 of Kharkiv-Belgorod-Kharkiv and No. 817/818 of Belgorod-Kharkiv-Belgorod is determined by rates respectively to the hard-seated car with 4-seater compartments, the place for lying (compartment), to the hard-seated car, the place for lying (reserved seat) and to the hard-seated car, the place for sitting (general) of the fast train using indexation coefficients: for the 1st class - 0,39, of the 2nd - 0,49, of 3rd - 0,52.

11. The air fare (without reserved seat) for diesel trains, belonging to the state company "Railroad of Moldova", on route Chisinau - Odessa - Chisinau is determined by multiplication of fare in the hard-seated car with places for sitting of the interstate passenger rate determined by tables 1, of 2, on coefficient of indexation of 1,7, of rounding to the whole centimes and multiplication by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine and roundings to the whole kopeks.

12. The air fare (without reserved seat) on travel of passengers by the train of the international message Kiev - Minsk - Vilnius - Riga is determined by multiplication of the rate determined by tables 1, of 2, on indexation coefficient to basic cost of the ticket of 2,0, of rounding to the whole centimes and multiplication by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine and rounding to the whole kopeks.

Reserved seat cost on travel of passengers by the train of the international message of Kiev-Minsk-Vilnius-Riga on piece of way from Vilnius to Riga is also back determined by multiplication of the rate determined by the table 3, on indexation coefficient to basic cost of reserved seat of 0,4, of rounding to the whole centimes and multiplication by the rate of Swiss franc to hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine and rounding to the whole kopeks.

Director of the department of financial regulation and social and economic policy

A. I. Demchuk

Table 1 to Rates for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage by rail in the international message

The cost of the complete ticket on the railroads in the international message (the complete ticket, shv. fr.)







(from  to)

Passenger train            



the place for




the place for



the car with

To 4 local 






the car with  

To 2 local 



                                                           1 2 3 4 5 6     


            01 1         10 1,10       1,          20 1,80      of 3,63    


           02 11         20 1,18       1,          30 1,95      of 3,88    


           03 21         30 1,25       1,          38 2,08      of 4,15    


           04 31         40 1,33       1,          48 2,20      of 4,40    


           05 41         50 1,38       1,          55 2,33      of 4,68    


           06 51         60 1,45       1,          65 2,48      of 4,93    


           07 61         70 1,53       1,          73 2,60      of 5,20    


           08 71         80 1,58       1,          80 2,73      of 5,45    


           09 81         90 1,65       1,          90 2,85      of 5,73    


           10 91 100        1,       73 1,98          of 3,      00 5,98    


           11 101 110       1,       2,          08 3,13      of 6,25    


           12 111 120       1,       2,          15 3,25      of 6,50    


           13 121 130       1,       2,          25 3,38      of 6,78    


           14 131 140       2,       2,          33 3,50      of 7,03    


           15 141 150       2,       2,          43 3,65      of 7,28    


           16 151 160       2,       2,          50 3,78      of 7,55    


           17 161 170       2,       2,          60 3,90      of 7,80    


           18 171 180       2,       2,          68 4,03      of 8,08    


           19 181 190       2,       2,          78 4,18      of 8,33    


           20 191 200       2,       2,          85 4,30      of 8,60    


           21 201 250       2,       3,          13 4,68      of 9,38    


           22 251 300       2,       3,          55 5,35      of 10,70   


           23 301 350       3,       3,          98 6,00      of 12,00   


           24 351 400       3,       4,          43 6,65      of 13,30   


           25 401 450       3,       4,          85 7,30      of 14,63   


           26 451 500       4,       5,          28 7,95      of 15,93   


           27 501 550       4,       5,          73 8,60      of 17,23   


           28 551 600       5,       6,          15 9,25      of 18,55   


           29 601 650       5,       6,          58 9,90      of 19,85   


           30 651 700       5,       7,          03 10,55     of 21,15   


           31 701 800       6,       7,          68 11,55     of 23,13   


           32 801 900       6,       8,          53 12,85     of 25,75   


           33 901      1000 7,55       9,          40 14,15     of 28,35   


           34 1001     1100 8,23       10,         28 15,45     of 30,98   


           35 1101     1200 8,93       11,         13 16,75     of 33,60   


           36 1201     1300 9,60       12,         00 18,08     of 36,20   


           37 1301     1400 10,28      12,         88 19,38     of 38,83   


           38 1401     1500 10,95      13,         73 20,68     of 41,45   


           39 1501     1600 11,65      14,         60 21,98     of 44,08   


           40 1601     1700 12,33      15,         48 23,30     of 46,68   


           41 1701     1900 13,35      16,         78 25,25     of 50,60   


           42 1901     2100 14,70      18,         50 27,85     of 55,85   


           43 2101     2300 16,08      20,         25 30,48     of 61,08   


           44 2301     2500 17,43      21,         98 33,08     of 66,33   


           45 2501     2700 18,80      23,         70 35,70     of 71,55   


           46 2701     2900 20,15      25,         45 38,30     of 76,78   


           47 2901     3100 21,53      27,         18 40,93     of 82,03   


           48 3101     3300 22,88      28,         90 43,53     of 87,25   


           49 3301     3500 24,25      30,         65 46,15     of 92,50   


           50 3501     3700 25,63      32,         38 48,75     of 97,73   


           51 3701     4000 27,33      34,         55 52,03     of 104,28  


           52 4001     4300 29,35      37,         15 55,93     of 112,13  


           53 4301     4600 31,40      39,         75 59,85     of 119,98  


           54 4601     4900 33,45      42,         35 63,78     of 127,83  


           55 4901     5200 35,50      44,         95 67,68     of 135,68  


           56 5201     5500 37,55      47,         55 71,60     of 143,53  


           57 5501     5800 39,58      50,         15 75,53     of 151,38  


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