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of February 20, 2008 No. 231

About approval of the Regulations on procedure of payments of the amount of the pledge of money which is subject to introduction by the owner of waste or person authorized by it in the republican budget when implementing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movements by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus and also procedure for entering of such pledge into the republican budget and its return

(as amended on 18-09-2024)

Based on part two of Item 3 of article 28 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2007 "About the address with waste" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 271-Z

1. Approve Regulations on procedure of payments of the amount of the pledge of money which is subject to introduction by the owner of dangerous wastes or person authorized by it in the republican budget when implementing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movements by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus and also procedure for entering of such pledge into the republican budget and its return it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective since February 2, 2008.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Sidorsky

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 20, 2008 No. 231

Regulations on procedure of payments of the amount of the pledge of money which is subject to introduction by the owner of dangerous wastes or person authorized by it in the republican budget when implementing import of waste to the Republic of Belarus or their movements by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus and also procedure for entering of such pledge into the republican budget and its return

1. This Provision determines procedure of payments the sums of the pledge of money which is subject to introduction by the owner of waste or person authorized by it in the republican budget when implementing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movements by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, and also procedure for entering of such pledge into the republican budget and its return.

2. The sum of pledge of money is granted in Belarusian rubles for date of submission of documents depending on amount of the imported or moved dangerous wastes in the amount of:

4 basic sizes for 1 ton of the imported or moved dangerous wastes (except for the slags and the evils specified in paragraph three of this part);

0,01 of basic size for 1 ton of the imported slag granulated (slag sand) received in production process of ferrous metals (code 2618 00 000 0 of the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union), slag and ashes other including ashes from seaweed (kelp), other (code 2621 90 000 0 of the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union), the technical regulatory legal acts conforming to requirements and used in cement production.

The sum of pledge of money is granted on the republican budget in Belarusian rubles proceeding from the size of the basic size established for date of submission of the documents by the interested person necessary for implementation of ministerial procedures concerning subjects of managing according to subitem 25.13.2 of Item 25.13 and subitem 25.15.1 of Item 25.15 of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of the managing approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 548.

3. It is excluded

4. In case of decision making about licensing (other allowing document, stipulated by the legislation about the address with waste, about foreign economic activity, about customs regulation, the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, international legal acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union) on import and (or) export of dangerous wastes (further – permission) the body authorized according to the legislation on the address with waste on their issue (further – authorized body), within two working days notifies the owner of dangerous wastes or the person authorized by it performing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movement by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the made decision and need of introduction of the amount of pledge of money with indication of the details of the payment document necessary for implementation of money transfer in the republican budget.

5. The sum of pledge of money is granted on the republican budget on the corresponding transit accounts of head department of the Ministry of Finance for Minsk and considered separately according to budget classification.

6. The bail of money posted in the republican budget is subject to return according to the written application with indication of the account of the owner of dangerous wastes or person authorized by it performing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movement by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus submitted to authorized body on condition of documentary confirmation of use of dangerous wastes, or the fact of export of dangerous wastes out of limits of the Republic of Belarus when moving dangerous wastes through the Republic of Belarus by en route, or in case of cancelled import of dangerous wastes or their movement by transit.

The document confirming use of dangerous wastes or their export from the Republic of Belarus is the document on transportation of waste containing information provided in appendix V B to the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their removal of March 22, 1989.

The decision on return of the amounts of pledge of money is made by authorized body no later than ten days from the date of presentation by the owner of dangerous wastes or the person authorized by it performing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movement by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the documents specified in parts one and the second this Item.

7. Return to the owner of waste or to the person authorized by it performing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movement by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the amounts of pledge of money can be made no later than six months from the date of expiration of permission without charge of percent to this amount.

8. Return to the owner of waste or to the person authorized by it performing import of dangerous wastes to the Republic of Belarus or their movement by transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the amounts of pledge of money from the republican budget is performed by the Ministry of Finance after submission by authorized body of the request for return to head department of the Ministry of Finance across Minsk.


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