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of October 1, 2007 No. 1075

About approval of the Regulations on consolidation of farmlands

(as amended on 06-12-2023)

For the purpose of accomplishment of the National strategy of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone for 2014-2020 approved by the Order of the Government No. 409/2014 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, No. 152, of the Art. 451), the Government DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on consolidation of farmlands it (is applied).

2. To the administrative authority responsible for implementation of policy in the field of land relations if necessary to develop samples of the required documents in the course of consolidation of farmlands.

3. Provide to the Ministry of Finance rhythmical financing of actions for development and deployment of projects of consolidation of farmlands within the financial resources provided in the government budget for these purposes.

4. To the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment together with the administrative authority responsible for implementation of policy in the field of land relations, within two months after approval of the law on the annual budget, for the account and within the assignments provided for this purpose to organize preparation rates for:

1) the staff of bodies of local public authority in the field of land relations and the inventory, consolidation of farmlands;

2) specialists of public and private subjects – concerning development and deployment of projects of consolidation of farmlands.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment.

Prime Minister

Vasile Tarlev


Minister of Agriculture and food industry


Anatoliye Gorodenko

Minister of Finance

Mihail Pop

minister of local public authority

Valentin Guznak

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 1075 of October 1, 2007

Regulations on consolidation of farmlands

I. General provisions

1. The purpose of the Regulations on consolidation of farmlands (further - provision) is the regulation within the current legislation of the measures taken by owners of farmlands, the central and local authorities of public management, competent divisions of GU "Inventory of Real Estate", legal entities and physical persons participating in process of consolidation of farmlands for the purpose of their rational and effective use.

2. For the purposes of this provision the following basic concepts mean:

a) breakdown of lands - division of shares of the equivalent earth into smaller sites;

b) redistribution of sites - complex of the organizational, technical, legal and economic measures directed to compact placement of the sites scattered on the territory with ultimate goal of their enlargement by accession, increase in the area and reduction of their quantity;

c) dispersion of sites - placement of sites in space widely spaced as a result of division of shares of the equivalent earth;

d) accession of sites - legal act as a result of which legally independent lands unite in single legal object; borders between the combined sites disappear.

3. The provision regulates actions of subjects of process of consolidation by means of development and deployment of projects of consolidation of farmlands.

5. Based on this provision all costs connected with consolidation of farmlands and performed with assistance of primeriya on research and assessment of lands, consolidation project development, assurance (repeated assurance) of land right caused by implementation of the project, registration in the register of real estate which is kept by competent divisions of GU "Inventory of Real Estate" will be made at the expense of the government budget, the budget of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit or from other financial sources.

6. The actions connected with purchase and sale and exchange of farmlands, other actions undertaken by legal entities and physical persons out of the Project of consolidation and without participation of primeriya cannot be considered as the actions connected with consolidation of farmlands, and they will not use the privileges provided by the state according to the current legislation and this Provision.


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