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of March 26, 2008 No. 265

Some questions of provision of pensions of citizens

(as amended on 27-12-2017)

According to part three of article 46 of the Constitution of Ukraine, item 4 of the Section II "Final and transitional provisions" of the Law of Ukraine of October 3, 2017 "About modification of some legal acts of Ukraine concerning increase in pensions" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides No. 2148-VIII:

1. Determine that in case the monthly size of retirement benefits to persons with disability, the government public assistance to disabled people since the childhood and to children with disability, to persons who do not have pension entitlements and persons with disability (taking into account allowances, increases, additional pensions, the target monetary assistance, the amounts of indexation and other surcharges to the pensions established by the legislation except pensions for special merits in front of Ukraine and monthly pension supplement in connection with loss of the supporter to members of families of miners whose death was caused by labor accident or occupational disease) does not reach at person with disability (including children with disability) the subsistence minimum established by the law for persons which lost working capacity and at persons who are granted pension in connection with loss of the supporter on one disabled member of the family of 100 percent, on two - 120 percent, on three and more - 150 percent of the subsistence minimum established by the law for persons who lost working capacity to such persons the monthly government address assistance to pension and the government public assistance in the amount which is not enough to noted sizes is provided.

If person with disability since the childhood or the child with disability at the same time receives the government public assistance according to the Law of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to disabled people since the childhood and to handicapped children" and pension in connection with loss of the supporter, the monthly government address assistance to the government public assistance to persons with disability since the childhood and to children with disability and to pension in connection with loss of the supporter is provided.

2. Determine that if the monthly size of retirement benefits, the government public assistance to persons who do not have pension entitlements and persons with disability, except persons specified in Items 1 and 2-1 of this resolution (taking into account allowances, increases, additional pensions, the target monetary assistance, the amounts of indexation and other surcharges established by the legislation except pensions for special merits in front of Ukraine) does not reach the subsistence minimum established by the law for persons which lost working capacity, the monthly government address assistance in the amount lacking to the specified size is provided to such persons.

The paragraph two is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.12.2017 No. 1096.

2-1. To persons specified in Item 2 of this resolution which pension, the government public assistance to persons who have no pension entitlement is appointed after January 1, 2018 (except receivers of the pensions which reached age of 65 years) the government public assistance on conditions and according to the procedure, determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to needy families" is appointed.

The benefit is appointed by structural divisions concerning social protection of the population Kiev and Sevastopol of public administrations, district, district in, executive bodies city, district in the cities in case of their education (except of Kiev and Sevastopol) councils according to Procedure for appointment and payment of the government public assistance to the needy families approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 24, 2003 No. 250 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2003, No. 9, the Art. 394).

To the receivers of pensions who reached age of 65 years and which have insurance years of service of smaller duration, than it is provided by paragraph one of part one of article 28 of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance", the monthly government address assistance is paid without average monthly comprehensive income of family and its property status.

4. Payment of the monthly government address assistance provided by this resolution is performed at the expense of means of the government budget.

5. The monthly government address assistance is reviewed in connection with increase in the subsistence minimum established by the law for persons which lost working capacity.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

Yu. Tymoshenko


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