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The document ceased to be valid since  July 10, 2019 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  June 26, 2019 No. 552


of January 31, 2007 No. 81

About approval of the Procedure for appointment and payment of the government public assistance go to the orphan children and children deprived of parent care, cash cover to parents tutors and adoptive parents for provision of social services in orphanages of family type and foster homes by the principle "money for the child"

(as amended on 23-08-2016)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve the Procedure for appointment and payment of the government public assistance to the orphan children and children deprived of parent care, cash cover to parents tutors and adoptive parents for provision of social services in orphanages of family type and foster homes by the principle "money go for the child" which is applied.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Yanukovych

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 31, 2007, No. 81

Procedure for appointment and payment of the government public assistance to the orphan children and children deprived of parent care, cash cover to parents tutors and adoptive parents for provision of social services in orphanages of family type and foster homes by the principle "money go for the child"

General questions

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of appointment and payment at the expense of funds of the government budget of the government public assistance for the orphan children and children deprived of parent care (further - children), cash cover to parents tutors and adoptive parents for provision of social services in orphanages of family type and foster homes by the principle "money go for the child", and also the mechanism of implementation of expenses on payment of single fee to obligatory national social insurance for parents tutors and adoptive parents.

2. The government public assistance on children (further - the public assistance) is appointed in cash to parents tutors to each child pupil and to adoptive parents on each adopted child.

If in orphanage of family type more than 10 children are raised, the public assistance is appointed to each child pupil arranged till January 1, 2006.

3. Cash cover is appointed to any of parents tutors and one of adoptive parents.

4. Appointment and payment of the public assistance and cash cover are performed by management of work and social protection of the population of the district, district state administration in Kiev and Sevastopol, structural division concerning work and social protection of the population of executive body city, district in the council city (further - authorized body) orphanage of family type or foster home based on prepared by service for children of documents which are stored for five years after the termination of payment of the public assistance and cash cover.

Purpose of the public assistance and cash cover

5. The authorized body appoints the public assistance and cash cover according to the statement of parents tutors and one of adoptive parents to whom are applied:

the decision of the district, district state administration in Kiev and Sevastopol, executive body city, district in the council city about the child's device in orphanage of family type or foster home;

documents which confirm the status of the child;

certificate of body of the public executive service of the size of the alimony;

the reference from the place of training on the grant size.

the copy of the statement from the inspection report of medico-social commission of experts or the medical certificate of the medical and advisory commission of treatment-and-prophylactic institution about the handicapped child issued in the procedure established by the Ministry of Health.

the copy of the certificate confirming the status of person provided according to the Law of Ukraine "About the status of mountain settlements in Ukraine".

If parents whose place of stay is known do not pay the alimony, the authorized body appoints the public assistance and cash cover without their amount. At the same time for 10 days after representation by parents tutors or one of adoptive parents of the statement the authorized body notifies the relevant service for children on non receipt of the alimony.

If person from among the orphan children and children deprived of parent care aged from 18 up to 23 years or before the termination of the relevant educational institutions studies in day form in higher educational institutions I-IV of level of accreditation and professional educational institutions, certificates of the size of grant and that it is not on complete state content move.

6. Purpose of the public assistance and cash cover is performed from the moment of the child's device in orphanage of family type or foster home inclusive about day of achievement of 18-year age by the child, and in case of training in general education educational institutions, in day form in higher educational institutions I-IV of level of accreditation and professional educational institutions - up to 23 years or before the termination of the relevant educational institutions.

To person to whom 18 years were performed on condition of receipt of general secondary education and revenues to training in day form by it in higher educational institution I-IV of level of accreditation or professional educational institution the public assistance is appointed for introductory campaign based on the petition of service for children in the presence of the receipt on adoption of documents for receipt in the relevant educational institution.

In case of accommodation at the period of training of the child pupil or the adopted child separately from family in other area the public assistance is appointed in accordance with general practice on condition of provision of the reference from the place of training that the child is not on complete state content.

7. The authorized body submits monthly to Minsotspolitiki in the procedure established by it information on purpose of the public assistance and cash cover or the termination of their payment.

Extent of the public assistance and cash cover

8. The extent of the public assistance constitutes two subsistence minimums for children of the corresponding age. For persons from among the orphan children and children deprived of parent care who study in general education educational institutions on day form of education in higher educational institutions I-IV of level of accreditation and professional educational institutions, before the termination of the relevant educational institutions the extent of the public assistance constitutes two subsistence minimums for able-bodied person.


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