of March 20, 2008 No. 369
About measures for creation of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"
According to the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 N 317-F3 "About State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" I decide:
1. Abolish Federal agency on atomic energy.
2. Determine that the acts of the President of the Russian Federation determining powers of Federal agency by atomic energy in the established field of activity are applied to State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" in the part which is not contradicting the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. Approve:
a) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2011 No. 1534
b) the list of the federal state unitary enterprises concerning which the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" performs on behalf of the Russian Federation powers of the owner of property, according to the appendix N 2.
4. To the government of the Russian Federation:
a) provide in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation holding liquidating procedures in connection with abolition of Federal agency for atomic energy and provision to the released workers of privileges and compensations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
b) allocate in accordance with the established procedure State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" with powers on implementation on behalf of the Russian Federation of shareholder rights concerning the joint-stock companies of atomic power industrial complex created by transformation of the federal state unitary enterprises called in the appendix N 5 to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2007 N 556 "About restructuring of atomic power industrial complex of the Russian Federation", up to introduction which are in federal property of all shares of these joint-stock companies in the authorized capital of Atomic Power Industrial Complex open joint stock company according to the procedure of payment of the additional shares placed by this open joint stock company in connection with increase in its authorized capital;
c) provide transfer of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" as property fee of the Russian Federation of all shares of Inter RAO UES open joint stock company arriving in property of the Russian Federation as a result of reorganization of OAO RAO "UES of Russia";
d) provide transfer of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" as property fee of the Russian Federation for the subsequent introduction as contribution to the authorized capital of Inter RAO UES open joint stock company:
all shares of Sangtudinsky GES-1 open joint stock company which are in property and arriving in property of the Russian Federation according to the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on procedure and conditions of participation of the Russian Federation in construction of Sangtudinsky GES-1 of October 16, 2004;
all shares of Kaliningrad CHPP-2 open joint stock company which are in property of the Russian Federation.
5. Bring in the State program of privatization of the state and municipal companies in the Russian Federation approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1993 N 2284 "About the State program of privatization of the state and municipal companies in the Russian Federation" (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 1, Art. 2; Russian Federation Code, 1998, N 29, Art. 3538; 2003, N 13, Art. 1229; N 32, of Art. 3172; N 47, of Art. 4520; 2004, N 34, Art. 3540; 2007, N 18, the Art. 2185), change, having included in Item 2.1.37 after words "constructions of civil defense" of the word" (except the objects and the equipment belonging to the federal state unitary enterprises concerning which the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" performs powers of the owner on behalf of the Russian Federation)".
6. Bring in Item 8 of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2007 N 556 "About restructuring of atomic power industrial complex of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2007, N 18, Art. 2185; N 51, of the Art. 6347) following changes:
a) in the subitem "v" of the word "till December 1, 2007." shall be replaced with words "till December 1, 2008";
b) in the subitem "i" of the word "in the I quarter 2008." shall be replaced with words "in the I quarter 2009".
8. To the government of the Russian Federation:
a) till March 1, 2009 to bring the acts into accord with this Decree;
b) provide offers on reduction of acts of the President of the Russian Federation to compliance with this Decree.
9. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin
Appendix № 1
Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2011 No. 1534
Appendix № 2
Federal state unitary enterprises and their location
1. Angarsk electrolysis chemical plant, Angarsk of the Irkutsk region
2. Research, design and prospecting institute "Atomenergoproekt", Moscow
3. All-Russian Research Institute of chemical technology, Moscow
4. All-Russian design and survey and research institution of industrial technology, Moscow
5. Awards of the Labour Red Banner and award of work ChSSR GIDROPRESS experimental design bureau, Podolsk of the Moscow region
6. Baikal hotel, Moscow
7. State specialized design institute, Moscow
8. St. Petersburg federal state unitary enterprise "Izotop"
9. Specialized construction department Lenatomenergostroy, Sosnovy Bor of the Leningrad region
10. Production association "Machine-building plant "Molniya", Moscow
11. Research and production center of conversion, Moscow
12. Nuclear and Physical Researches scientific and technological center, St. Petersburg
13. Research center of applied nuclear physics, Dubna of the Moscow region
14. Investment and construction concern "Rosatomstroy", Moscow
15. The Russian state concern on production of electrical and heat energy on nuclear power plants (Rosenergoatom concern), Moscow
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