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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2014 No. 1042


of March 18, 2008 No. 182

About conditions and procedure for forming of the state task concerning the autonomous organization created based on the property which is in federal property, and procedure for financial provision of accomplishment of the state task

(as amended on 03-06-2013)

According to part 5 of article 4 of the Federal law "About Autonomous Organizations" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on forming of the state task of the founder concerning the autonomous organization created based on the property which is in federal property, and procedure for financial provision of accomplishment of the state task.

2. Ceased to be valid

3. Determine that the subsidy for the purpose of equalization of financial provision of accomplishment of the state task created by the founder concerning this federal autonomous institution is provided to the federal autonomous institution created by change like federal budgetary institution which financial provision of activities was performed based on the budget estimate within 3 years from the date of its creation from the federal budget.

The size of subsidy is determined as difference between amounts of financial provision of activities of federal budgetary institution based on the budget estimate and financial provision of accomplishment of the state task by federal autonomous institution.

4. Ceased to be valid

5. Ceased to be valid

6. To the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to approve standard form of the agreement between the founder and federal autonomous institution of procedure and conditions of provision of subsidies for compensation of the standard costs connected with rendering by them according to the state task of the state services (performance of works).


Russian Prime Minister

V. Zubkov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2008 No. 182

Regulations on forming of the state task of the founder concerning the autonomous organization created based on the property which is in federal property, and procedure for financial provision of accomplishment of the state task

1. This Provision determines conditions and procedure for forming of the state task the federal executive body performing functions and powers of the founder concerning the autonomous organization created based on the property which is in federal property (further respectively - the founder, federal autonomous institution, the state task), and procedure for financial provision of accomplishment of the state task.

The state task is obligatory for federal autonomous institution.

2. The founder establishes in the state task of the requirement to structure, quality and (or) amount (content), conditions, procedure and results of rendering by federal autonomous institution of services, accomplishment of works by it for ensuring implementation of stipulated by the legislation powers of the Russian Federation of federal executive bodies in the sphere of science, education, health care, culture, social protection, employment of the population, physical culture and sport and other spheres taking into account the needs for the state services, and also determines procedure for control of execution of the state task, including conditions and procedure for early termination of its accomplishment.

3. The state task contains:

the indicators characterizing quality and (or) I will eat around (content) of the rendered services (the performed works);

procedure for control of execution of the state task, including condition and procedure for its early termination;

requirements to the reporting on execution of the state task.

The state task for rendering services to physical persons and legal entities also contains:

determination of categories of the physical and (or) legal entities who are consumers of the corresponding services;

procedure for rendering the corresponding services;

marginal prices (rates) for payment of the corresponding services by physical persons or legal entities in cases if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides their rendering on paid basis, or procedure for establishment of the specified prices (rates).

4. The state task is established according to the main activities provided by the charter of federal autonomous institution. In case of need the state task includes several Sections (on types of service, works) which are drawn up according to Item 3 this provision.

5. The state task is established taking into account:

a) the offers of federal autonomous institution concerning the need for the corresponding services estimated based on the predicted dynamics of number of consumers of services, level of satisfaction with the existing amount and service quality and opportunities of federal autonomous institution for rendering services, or offers of federal autonomous institution concerning the need for the corresponding works and opportunities for their accomplishment;

b) the real estate leased with the consent of the founder or especially valuable personal estate assigned to federal autonomous institution the founder or acquired by this organization at the expense of the funds allocated to it by the founder for acquisition of such property which financial provision of content by the founder is not performed;

c) fill rates federal autonomous institution of the state task in reporting financial year;

d) amounts of budgetary appropriations and limits of the budget obligations brought in accordance with the established procedure to the founder of federal autonomous institution.

6. The founder has the right to change the state task in accordance with the established procedure if it does not lead to increase in amount of the budgetary appropriations provided to the founder in the federal budget for the corresponding financial year on rendering services (performance of works).

7. The founder approves the state task after adoption of the Federal Law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period and brings it to federal autonomous institution prior to the beginning of financial year.

8. Financial provision of accomplishment of the state task is performed within budgetary appropriations by provision to federal autonomous institution:

a) subsidies for compensation of standard costs for rendering services to them (performance of works);

b) subsidies for compensation of standard costs for content of the real estate and especially valuable personal estate assigned to federal autonomous institution the founder or acquired by federal autonomous institution at the expense of the funds allocated to it by the founder for acquisition of such property (except for the property leased with the consent of the founder), and also on tax payment on which as the taxation object the corresponding property, including the parcels of land is recognized.


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