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of March 17, 2008 No. 179

About approval of the Regulations on use of the websites in the Internet on which running public online auctions, and requirements to technological, program, linguistic, legal and organizational means of ensuring of use of the specified websites, and also to the systems providing running public online auctions is performed

According to part 4 of article 41 of the Federal law "About Placing Orders for the Supply of Goods, Works and Services for State and Municipal Needs" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Regulations on use of the websites in the Internet on which running public online auctions, and requirements to technological, program, linguistic, legal and organizational means of ensuring of use of the specified websites, and also to the systems providing running public online auctions is performed.


Prime Minister

Russian Federation V. Zubkov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2008 No. 179

Regulations on use of the websites in the Internet on which running public online auctions, and requirements to technological, program, linguistic, legal and organizational means of ensuring of use of the specified websites, and also to the systems providing running public online auctions is performed

I. General provisions

1. This Provision establishes procedure for use of the websites in the Internet on which running public online auctions on order placement on deliveries of goods (works, services) for the state or municipal needs (further respectively - the websites, open auctions, orders), and requirements to technological, program, linguistic, legal and organizational means of ensuring of use of the specified websites, and also to the systems providing holding open auctions is performed.

2. Open auctions are held electronically by use of the means of program and technological support meeting the requirements established by this Provision and the legislation of the Russian Federation on order placement (daleesredstvo of program and technological support).

3. Holding open auctions is performed by the customer or the executive body authorized on order placement (further - authorized body), each of which has the right to attract on the basis of the contract signed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about order placement to holding open auction of the operator owning means of program and technological support and the website (further - operators).

4. Are without fail posted on the websites:

a) information on holding open auction, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation about order placement;

b) information on the operator (official name, location address, contact telephone number, fax, e-mail address);

c) the regulations of holding open auction approved by the operator according to this Provision and the legislation of the Russian Federation on order placement including order of registration of bidders and procedural technological breaks;

d) the public auction notices and protocols of its carrying out identical to the notices and protocols posted by the customer or authorized body on the corresponding official site on the Internet for placement of information on order placement. The specified notices can be organized in the form of the reference to this official site on the Internet;

e) the working schedule of the website when holding open auction;

e) information on order placement.

5. Information on order placement shall be round the clock available to users of the websites to acquaintance without collection of payment and other restrictions.

6. In case of origin at the operator of the technical, program malfunctions or other problems attracting impossibility of access to the website, the operator in time who is not exceeding 2 hours from the moment of renewal of access to the website shall place on it advertisement which shall contain reason explanation, date and time of the termination of access to the website, date and time of renewal of access to the website, and also date and time of renewal of the interrupted biddings.

7. At the time of registration of the public auction bidder code number at which such participant submits contract bids when holding open auction is assigned to it.

II. Requirements to technological, program and linguistic means of ensuring of use of the websites

8. Technological and the software used for maintaining the website shall provide:

a) information security, received from customers, authorized bodies, bidders and public auction bidders;

b) information security, posted on the website;

c) access for users to acquaintance with information posted on the website on the basis of widespread web observers. At the same time installation on computers of users technological and the software which are specially created for viewing of the website shall not be provided.

9. The information security specified in subitems "an" and "b" of Item 8 of this provision (further - information), is understood as activities of the operator for ensuring safety of information, the prevention and suppression of attempts of its destruction, unauthorized change and copying, and also violation of the normal mode of information processing, including technological interaction with other information systems.

10. For the purpose of information security the operator shall provide:

a) application of means of the digital signature or other analogs of the sign manual;

b) maintaining online magazines of accounting of the transactions executed by means of technological and the software used for maintaining the website;

c) application of equipment rooms and software of anti-virus protection;

d) restriction of access to technical means on which means of program and technological support are located;

e) the daily copying of information on the reserve carrier providing possibility of its recovery;

e) storage of information within 10 years.

11. Placement on the website of information is performed in Russian, and also can be performed in addition in official languages of the republics of the Russian Federation. Names of foreign legal entities and physical persons can be specified with use of letters of the Latin alphabet.

III. Requirements to legal and organizational means of ensuring of use of the websites

12. The operator shall:

a) provide maintaining the website and holding open auction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about order placement and this Provision;

b) provide the organization of accounting of information arriving from customers, authorized bodies, participants of order placement and public auction bidders;


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